So recently for school I been having to watch old films and then comment on them. I was just wanting to see if anyone on here seen any i had to watch or any I am going to need to watch. I mean some of these films are actually really good, but with today's special effects, and amount of action films, these may not be for most.
These are the movies I seen so far:
Casablanca - great movie in its own respect.
Godfather - of course everyone seen this.
Sunset Boulevard - great movie sparked the famous line of "I am ready for my close up"
Movies I still need to see for semester:
Some Like it Hot
High Noon
Singin In the Rain
The Graduate
All Quiet on the Western Front
Double Indemnity
Raging Bull - I believe i seen this and quite a good film. Looking forward to watching it again.
Pulp Fiction - seen this and amazing.
On The Waterfront
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
These are the movies I seen so far:
Casablanca - great movie in its own respect.
Godfather - of course everyone seen this.
Sunset Boulevard - great movie sparked the famous line of "I am ready for my close up"
Movies I still need to see for semester:
Some Like it Hot
High Noon
Singin In the Rain
The Graduate
All Quiet on the Western Front
Double Indemnity
Raging Bull - I believe i seen this and quite a good film. Looking forward to watching it again.
Pulp Fiction - seen this and amazing.
On The Waterfront
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest