Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Um...yeah. I'm trying to make the Ultima Weapon, which requires 13 Orichalcum+'s. Does anyone know where I can find that many, if there are ANY monsters that drop them, or any other means of making the job easier?
Wow. I saw this in my time with KHU. For a while it went like, 'QUESTION STICKY!!!' then we got a synthisis list. Yet people still posted these topics.
Now I'm looking at a certain sticky.... called the 'Creating The Ultima Weapon' sticky.
7 orichalcums+ and an ENERGY Crystal, which you can find on Shaman and Bookmaster. and bout the drop rate? I guess you should stick with your Lucky Lucky ability cause it is only 4% chance to get one. Energy crystals are needed to cut half the amount of ingredients by half.