yea that's why i asked where was he from
kthundercat said:Why won't it come out in stores until the 30?
Cmon they arent THAT least where *I* live they arent. But if they are seriously like that,then thats just sad....TwilightSoulKey said:eh, stores don't know when they are getting them totally. especially minimum wage employees who chew gum all day and answer the phone
it's usually a we don't know, but at least we're getting it---kinda thing
most of the time this is the conversation i have with them...
lets say....28th of march
me: hi, would you happen to have kh2 in yet?
clerk: duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude, we like.............................................................................................................................................................................don't have it in yet.....
me: ok i will come back tomorrow
clerk: we won't get it in dude.......................till like...............................thursday..................................
me: okkk whatever just call me when you get it.....
clerk: don't expect till like...........................................thuuuuuursday....
me: whatever *walks out of store*
*3 hours later*
clerk: duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude.......your game.....uhhhhhhhh...........................................................
me: what is it?
clerk: your game came in........................
me: that's what i thought.....i'll be there to pick it up.......*hangs up*
me: retards
got_kh2? said:actually it's 24 days left (today's the 4th)