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Offical RHG thread

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New member
Aug 8, 2004
where my feet walk me to.
The Sorrow said:
No. This topic doesn't need to be closed. And what in the world are you talking about "for the sanity"? If you don't like this place you're free to leave you know.

im fully aware of the fact that i can leave. i just think that this topic is named improperly. ppl will come to this topic to discuss various theories on who the RHG is, and get flamed by ppl who simply say..
sora_dragoon said:
Rhg Is Kairi...no Discussion...

i mean, isnt that considered flaming? bashing someone else's idea just because it dosnt agree with yours, without any evidence to support your own idea?

I understand what your saying though. Perhaps i was too harsh with the whole closing thing. Renamed would be more accurate, so ppl not wearing blinders could discuss theories.


Must... have... Jump Festa... trailer!

But yea, it's mostly obvious that RHG is Kairi.


New member
Jul 8, 2004
there is a 75% percent chance that RHG is kairi but there is also a 25% chance that it's a new character.....

i remember hearing something a long tome ago about a new character with red hair and was kairi's sister or a new person to the island or something, i dont know. but there is a huge possibility that there will be new characters to KH. the reason why im kinda leaning towards the idea of RHG being kairi is because you see her kinda gazing pff towards destiny island like it is an old memory or something that she used to love going to. so i've said my piece and i do believe that those think headed scums out there who aren't willing to open their heads up to other ideas should open their heads up!


New member
Aug 8, 2004
where my feet walk me to.
brbrose said:
there is a 75% percent chance that RHG is kairi but there is also a 25% chance that it's a new character.....

i remember hearing something a long tome ago about a new character with red hair and was kairi's sister or a new person to the island or something, i dont know. but there is a huge possibility that there will be new characters to KH. the reason why im kinda leaning towards the idea of RHG being kairi is because you see her kinda gazing pff towards destiny island like it is an old memory or something that she used to love going to. so i've said my piece and i do believe that those think headed scums out there who aren't willing to open their heads up to other ideas should open their heads up!

but in all seriousness, I, with help from some other ppl on this site, have finaly found KH2 proof that RHG is NOT Kairi! This one pic explains it all.


this pic is proof that Kairi is indeed different. Notice how this Kairi is wearing the outfit much like, no, exactly like her KH outfit? her hair is shorter as well. Just thought i would show u all this very reliable info.


New member
Nov 16, 2004
Sorry, Nemesis, but that's a concept art.

Once again, a concept art is:

Art of the game drawn as concepts, but THEY CAN BE ALTERED.

Think about this, if this was the concept art of Kairi standing at this place and it was altered, then what would it be in the actual game?

That picture proves that RHG IS Kairi, not that she isn't. Theories can be made about RHG not being Kairi, I'm simply stating the facts about concept art.


New member
Jul 7, 2004
Canada eh?
Ok well I seem to be very divided when it comes to whos right or wrong, both sides bring up valid points and I have taken them in to consideration. So with out further ado, I give my thought for both sides:

Last time we ACTUALLY saw Kairi (face and everything), was when Sora dropped her off at destiny island, blah blah blah blah blah, ok so now in kh2 its been 1-2 years later, most likely children that live in that town/ play at destiny island go to school, that would explain the whole school uniform thing, say she's walking to school and sees destiny island and begins to think of Sora and if he'll ever return, makes sense to me. She has changed, her hair grew long and she might have gotten taller, she wonders if he's changed too (which yes he did), maybe they didn't show her face because, Sora's memories are just starting to come back, and maybe to him she is just another faceless person.

....oh but I'm not done yet (-_- will the insanity ever end)....

There is a whole different side to it aswell, and I have a few things to say about it too.

So going back to the end of kh, yeah Kairi was dropped off at destiny island, and yes theres a possibility that she's still there waiting, but there is also a possibility that she got fed up with waiting a left to find him, 2 years can be a long time when thinking about what has become of the one you love. So that could mean that while Kairi is off looking for Sora, some one else could possibly take her place. like Namine.

They said that it was confirmed that she was in kh2, who says that the organization is done with her?, maybe they are going to get Sora to come back to destiny island and then trick him in to believing namine is kairi, maybe to study his heart in a controled environment of something. It seems to me like Namine was never really there, but put herself in his memories because maybe she did know him and he never noticed her, and she liked him or something, and then the organization promised her that Sora would like her if she did what they said or something.

Also I dont know what this would fit under but remember that the BHK has the oathkeeper, a special gift from Kairi to Sora, how the hell did he get his hands on something so important. Did Sora loose it when he entered castle oblivion because he forgot about Kairi? and then the BHK picked it up. Or did the BHK meet Kairi and she gave it to him to give back to Sora as a sign that she still cares about him and is trying to find him or something?

I dunno, take what you like, I'm on nobodies side right now, so dont get mad at little ol'me, I;m just a girly trying to understand and possibly help. ^___^!


New member
Feb 22, 2005
Okay. I know I'm new here, but after viewing the entire RHG sticky...I just had to share my opinion. Personally, I think that the RHG is Kairi and they're not showing her face to *MAKE* you think she's someone else because SquareEnix is just like that. I'm not saying she's *NOT* Kairi because I'm not Nomura. For all I know she can be anyone. I just happen to think she's Kairi.

All of you are seriously cracking me up. xD You're calling each other assholes, saying you wear blinders...it's a *video game* and while anyone is allowed to theorize *ANYTHING*, theories should have supporting evidence that actually helps your theories. For example, it's my personal opinion that the RHG is Kairi because she has the same hair color, the same posture, and she's on her home island (which is close to the island which the kids play on). In the Jump Festa trailer, while not released to the public, it's a fact that Kairi is talking to Selphie in it. Check out www.kh2.co.uk for that much. Further, the picture shown of Kairi in her KH1 outfit in the same position as the RHG can be a time lapse. As in, they show that scene, and then flash forward a year to Kairi, a year older, coming home from school and staring at that same island again. The sailor suit is merely a sailor suit because that's how the style for school uniforms is in Japan, and while the kids are on the Destiny Islands, the game is from Japan and thus has Japanese influences (such as Kairi's school uniform being in a sailor format). Anyway...

Lots of you are saying these far-out-there theories and nobody is giving any evidence to SUPPORT their theories. This is what differentiates a theory from a rumor. For instance, in this thread I've heard that the RHG might be Naminé (why does no one spell her name correctly?) since she IS a witch and can OBVIOUSLY change her hair color. Perhaps Naminé is only a witch in the sense that she can use her powers to fiddle with the chains of one's memory? This is, after all, the only thing we've seen her do. (I, in fact, am a practicing Wiccan so to see that Naminé was a witch in Jiminy's journal made me all giddy. ^^; ) I've also heard that the RHG is a new character. Well, that's totally possible considering we haven't seen her face yet; however, we haven't *TRULY* seen the Blindfolded Unknown's face yet either (I mean, he's wearing a blindfold xD) yet everyone assumes he is Riku, because of almost identical looks. Even though we've seen Riku join The Organization in CoM, everyone thought he was Riku before then and even before Nomura confirmed that someone in Deep Dive was someone from the original game. So why think that the RHG is any different?

Food for thought.
(P.S., please don't use ASAS or even DD as canon information, they were more like teasers than trailers that used conceptual graphics which is why we haven't seen anyone in the KH2 trailers who looks like the girl on the beach in ASAS...simply because ASAS and DD were concepts.)


New member
Aug 8, 2004
where my feet walk me to.
Ansem22 said:
Sorry, Nemesis, but that's a concept art.

Once again, a concept art is:

Art of the game drawn as concepts, but THEY CAN BE ALTERED.

Think about this, if this was the concept art of Kairi standing at this place and it was altered, then what would it be in the actual game?

That picture proves that RHG IS Kairi, not that she isn't. Theories can be made about RHG not being Kairi, I'm simply stating the facts about concept art.

Ok fine. it may be concept art. but let me ask u this... how in the royal hell does it prove that RHG is Kairi? i want to hear this part before i say anything more. cause who knows? perhaps u will make me a beliver.

And Waterkeeper, i would quote u, but its too damn long. I just wanted to say, that yes, what u say does make sense. in fact, its probably the smartest thing that i have heard on this site. I really do mean that, despite im one of the ppl that your pointing out. Im aware of that. Just i need to say my piece.

I have been at this site for longer than alot of the other ppl in this topic, since the begining. I just got sick and tired of ppl simply saying somthing cause they belive it, and not allowing anyone else to think what they want. I think its hypocritical, cause if the shoe was on the other foot, they would be doing exactly this, fighting it with everything they have.

Now, im not gonna diss you in any way, cause your a noob first off, and second off, what u're doing is trying to regain some order in this whole arguement. I just dont agree with u on the whole RHG thing, but thats cause i still dont think that they would change someones looks that much. After all, Sora looks alot like he used to, except for a different costume. Riku is still generally the same, with a different costume. Why would Kairi be so completly different? plus, why the huge effort to hide the face? ok u did elaborate on that one, and it does make sense. While normally i would be all in your face because u think that RHG is Kairi, i congratuate you. U acctually went on to diss us all, which takes guts. And u threw in your own reason, not some BS along the lines of common sense. I like that. It takes guts to say somthing, it takes more guts to back it up.

And for all you other ppl that are gonna flame me about double standards and whatnot... u never gave a really good reason. HE did


New member
Jul 7, 2004
Canada eh?
It seems like this subject is very divied and all i have to say is, until it is confirmed whether or not the RHG IS infact Kairi or not, everybody is entitled to their own oppinion. Hey I'm still debating on whats true or not, but theres not need to flame people because of what they think, we're all trying to do what we can to better understand this game, so accept one another -_-... geez... I would have to laugh if it ended up being someone like Axel, who just went all psyko cause he's the only one that knows whats going on and is surrounded by idiots, escapes and tries to find a new life being a school girl...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....come on...its funny......-_- i'm trying to ease the tension here with my own stupidity.

dark bunny

I do not think RHG is Kairie because
1) Kairie always has her hands behind her back.
2) RHG has broader shoulders.
3) kairie would never go to school shes a lazy unintelligent bum!!!


dick to a lot of people
Dec 15, 2004
Oh wow very smart.

1. They show RHG in like on clip! And kairi doesnt always have her hands behind her back.
2. It has been a yr. One of the things that happens when you grow is your shoulders get broader.
3. Kairi is a very intelligent girl, I can say that because of some of the flashbacks sora has. This third reason you have added states your just randomly adding things.

dark bunny

1) its not my fault im random
2) if Kairie has to go to school why doesnt Sora or Riku
3) you people think its Kairie just because they have same color hair?
thats like saying all members of the organization are the same because they have the same hood.


☆ birth by sleep;
Jan 2, 2005
Destiny Islands
this is probably the best backed up theory that i have ever read. really enjoyed all the visuals that helped you prove your point. well done!


New member
Feb 22, 2005
Heavens Blade said:
Kiri was in ASAS

First off, ASAS and Deep Dive are CONCEPTUAL, not canonical. Kairi's face was on the TV screen in ASAS, and the girl on the beach was presumed to be Kairi. Consider ASAS and Deep Dive "beta" trailers for KH2 (and CoM, DD had Sora with the crossroads).

Here's a question: if you don't think that the RHG is Kairi, then who else can it be??? How does this new girl know Selphie? (Since the RHG and Selphie speak together in the Jump Festa! trailer) Further, Kairi HAS to go to school because she has to get an education. Sora and Riku aren't in school because they're kind of MISSING (as in, traveling other worlds). I recommend the fanfic "Wilted Rose" from Fanfiction.net as a good way of imagining the gap betwixt KH and KH2 for Kairi. Moving on, it's just a video game and whoever the RHG is, we'll find out soon. It's really no big deal...
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Eternal Wanderer

Firstly, all the people that are convinced it is Kairi, take the blinders off you idiots!

Secondly, i'm by no stretch of the imagination eliminating the possibility that the RHG could be Kairi, it very well could be, i'm just keeping an open mind and considering all options.

Thirdly, Waterkeeper, do you not think that it is possible a new character will be introduced????? Who knows how long the RHG has been on the island, she could have met Selphie sometime along the way or they coulda been old friends or something. Apart from that, the Jump Festa! trailer has not yet been seen or even confirmed that it is the trailer info on the KH2.net site.

Finally, the dd and asas trailers may not be anything to do with the actual game story and just "teasers", but it is possible that the girl seen on the beach at the end of asas is Kairi and they could use that character design.

As i said earlier, i'm not eliminating the RHG as Kairi, i'm just keeping my mind open for various different ideas.


New member
Mar 15, 2005
umm... what? oh yah. america
My theory is that it could either be Kairi's sister, or Kairi's mom. U decide.

Mayby im wrong. If i am, is it possible for kairi's hair to grow that long in one year? Kingdom Hearts 2 is said to take place a year after KH1.

Hey, Eternal Wanderer, r u sure its kairi? i know I may be wrong but still. Like chaoschao said, it may not be the truth. If i'm not wrong, does it not show in the high-quality tgs trailer a picture of a girl with short red hair.
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Silver Member
Oct 13, 2004
Kairi's Mom? HER MOM?!?! Did you lose your common sense will your mom dropped you? It's been a year. Plus she isn't real. So real world doesn't count. So yes her hair can grow that much in a year. Plus she wasn't bald. So it could grow that long.

First off, ASAS and Deep Dive are CONCEPTUAL, not canonical. Kairi's face was on the TV screen in ASAS, and the girl on the beach was presumed to be Kairi. Consider ASAS and Deep Dive "beta" trailers for KH2 (and CoM, DD had Sora with the crossroads).

That was an early version of Kairi. But she got a make-over. And if the RHG is Kairi then you can see her new appearance now. Yes DD and ASAS were Conceptual/Teasers but they were early ideas of what Nomura would have liked to have been Kingdom Hearts 2. But as you see some of those ideas were dropped and changed. The concept of DD/ASAS were dropped. Mickey's appearance was obviously kept. Riku is unknown. THe GEU is most likely dropped. The SU might be the EM but if he isn't then he was most likely dropped. THe DWU has been changed to the BHK meaning the DWU was an early version. That town is safe to say that its an early version of Twilight Town.

Plus in the beginning, Kingdom Hearts 2 (the thought of it/idea of it) was to be 2 years into the future. But as CoM came into the picture it was changed to 1 year. So that may be a reason why Kairi matured since she would have/must be 16 in ASAS and Riku looks 18 (to me).

Kairi could be the RHG. Its highly possible. But I won't truly believe it until I hear it from Nomura's mouth or a magazine scan confirms it.


dick to a lot of people
Dec 15, 2004
"or Kairi's mom. U decide." I'm sure Kairi's mom has a skimpy dress and goes to school. -.-
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