I like how it says guy's only..
I think girls could be a lot more help if you trying to get a g/f or need help with a girl.
I think girls could be a lot more help if you trying to get a g/f or need help with a girl.
lolz thanks we did need it from a womans perspective:toungesmile:You know how they say girls like the bad boy? Well that's kinda true, why dont yall dudes try saying something that she wasnt expecting and maybe play around with her a little. And when we say stop we usually mean ' keep going '. I can go for a little rough housing but not too much though then it starts to get on my nerves. : )
I'm not optimistic about my chances of having a girlfriend. I can't even get myself to talk to a girl, and if they talk to me, I can barely respond. I look like hell, have a boring personality, and no confidence at all.
It seems hopeless right now.
Why did you have to state this?ok so me and ShadowNight where helping one of the mods out with a Gf problem so we thought that hey if we can help him he can help other people too so come here to ask for GF help like how to get a girl and stuff like that.
Aw man come on dont say sh!t like that it breaks my heart. some advice if youre feeling REALLY desperate and you really want a girl, go get someone else who looks like hell ( you said it I didn't ). Just hug her and be nice to her we can look past looks because we're self centered being who love attention. Especially ugly girls.
Riku Replica said:I'm not optimistic about my chances of having a girlfriend. I can't even get myself to talk to a girl, and if they talk to me, I can barely respond. I look like hell, have a boring personality, and no confidence at all.
It seems hopeless right now.
Oh, and on the looks? Don't worry about that at all. If a girl refuses to go out with you because of looks, then they're very shallow, and not the type of girl you want to be with.
You know how they say girls like the bad boy? Well that's kinda true, why dont yall dudes try saying something that she wasnt expecting and maybe play around with her a little. And when we say stop we usually mean ' keep going '. I can go for a little rough housing but not too much though then it starts to get on my nerves. : )
... No. Just no.
How would that poor girl feel knowing that he was just being nice to her to make himself feel good? If a guy did that, and the girl found out, then no self-respecting girl would want to be around him.
Sorry, but it has to be said, don't follow that advice. It'll end up leaving some poor girl feeling terrible about herself, and that's something that no-one deserves. Ever.
Aw, sorry to hear you're not feeling so good. It sounds like you need to build up your confidence a little more. How about trying to speak to girls while in a group? Like, while your friends are around, too? You'll feel more relaxed, and therefore, speaking to girls will come easier.
Oh, and on the looks? Don't worry about that at all. If a girl refuses to go out with you because of looks, then they're very shallow, and not the type of girl you want to be with.
For Stavros: In my post about bad boys I will admit that A bit of my own personal preference came through and I apologize ( twice in the same message, dang ) if I made it sound like all girls were like that. And also I dont like a dude to treat me like badly, i just think a man should always have a little firmness in his voice. There sorry Im not as selfless as the rest of yall but you dont have to flame me for it.