making a dedicated nintendo switch successor thread for rumours, leaks, discussions etc.
Word is 3rd parties wanted backwards compatibility out so they could get away with reselling the same games over again.god as much as i’d love native versions, i’ll feel like they’ll cop out because the cloud versions are already there
and if kh4 drops for it, it’ll most definitely be a cloud version of the game
yknow, unless the switch 3 is out by then huehuehue
that's very true. rumors state that SE have a LOT of titles ready/planned for the switch 2, as well as microsoft with halo and an abundance of ubisoft games.BC is in but It still stands to reason that S-E has more of a basis for reselling KH than most other games by making the new versions native.
a shadow drop of the reveal for their most anticipated console? would be a very bold move….
a lot of people’s reputations are in the toilet right now and it’s only a matter of time before nintendo flush em
honestly? yeah. it’s what i’d suggest if i was in charge of when and how something gets revealed anyway.Even if it was originally planned for tomorrow, I wouldn’t put it passed Nintendo to be petty and intentionally move the date to screw with these leakers. Lol.
oh wow, he looks just like his original design now