Yeah, it's to fix the bugs found. It's also patching that LovePlus game.
Also you get folders for you OCD nuts~
Also you get folders for you OCD nuts~
Probably a super dumb question but.....folders for what? ;;;;
Probably a super dumb question but.....folders for what? ;;;;
So, it begins .They showed an English trailer in the European Nintendo Direct.
It's still the first thing of english we have gotten.And, it's a gameplay trailer sort of, so yeah... trailer.Don't get your hopes up, i saw it.
It was just english gameplay, not a full trailer. I would say around 30s. It was of Sora using his D-Link stuff and Riku doing the same.
You could hear english voices and text though :3
They showed an English trailer in the European Nintendo Direct.
Oh yeah, and the release date is July 20th in Europe.
Nintendo Direct, Nintendo UK Direct NintendoEurope on USTREAM. Gaming Entertainment It starts around 22:20, it's just gameplay but at least we got something.
Also, I love how Riku says 'Sorry' as he's beating up the Nightmares in The Grid. :3