Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
I have been getting into Nightwish lately. great stuff. Favorite songs so far have been The Escapist, End of All Hope, and Wishmaster. Everything so far has been great, though.
The whole Tarja vs Annette battle is really annoying. They both have their virtues and their vices. I understand that Annette can't do Tarja's operatics worth a damn, but she's got a nicer non-operatic voice, and it's quite good once you get past the mental block "omg shes not tarja annette teh sux0rz."
Tarja does definately have the better and more unique voice. Anette sounds too much like everyone else... She can't really sing the older songs which was perfect for Tarjas voice, but then again, some of the newer songs would have been wrong for Tarjas voice.
I do understand why Tarja got fired though. She turned out to be such a diva in the end. Anette seems more down to earth, but I do still prefer Tarjas vocals.
I love Nightwish! I agree with Eikre, they both have their pro's and con's and are each better in their own ways; I have to say that I do prefer Annette because I can better understand what she is saying XD
My fave songs would have to be Bye Bye Beautiful, Amaranth, and Nemo; My fave Cd would be Dark Passion Play.
Dark Chest of Wonders is cool...that's about all I really like by them though. All their songs sound like they're about Zelda or Lord of the Rings or at least sound like they could be used those games/movies.