how can ya tell if it wasn't eating away at their hearts. they could have had strong hearts. even though you have convinced me that his heart wasn't being eaten away. he still had darkness.
has nomura ever confirmed that he is a being of pure light or whatever you said, also where are all the others because malifacent could have just as easily used the others. ven's body is probably in the one of the rooms xigbar was talking about, just awaiting for his memories to come back when sora was in co
also the clenching the fist thing is what the polygraph guys watch for when you're taking it. then lets go with the being of pure light thing, a heart that strong would overheat that computer into blowing up
I still don't understand what you're saying. =/ It's all very confusing whenever I read one of your posts. Oh well.
If the darkness was eating away at their hearts, we would have a sign, no? Some sign of them turning into a Heartless or something along those lines. That never happened, so that's how I can say they didn't have darkness eating away at their hearts.
No, Nomura hasn't confirmed it because it's a
theory. If it was true and Nomura confirmed it today, it would ruin some of the game. Which would really suck considering it'll be a while before we get BBS.
Where are all the others? You mean the other BWHoPL? =/ Well, something surely happens to the male half and it leaves only the seven Princesses of Heart. Which is why Maleficent had to use those seven specifically for her plan in KH1.
Polygraph guys... what?
A heart as strong as what? Ven's heart? =/ As far as I know, Ven's heart was never in the digital Twilight Town.
Even if he was a BWHoPL, that doesn't exactly mean he had a strong heart. Look at the PoHs. They all have hearts with pure light, but does that determine that their hearts are stronger than say, Sora? No. It's hard to determine how strong a heart is when compared to Sora's or even Riku's.