Re: New Scan: Olympus Coliseum + FF Character in BBS
What can Kairi do
It will better if Riku and Sora just leave her stranded somewhere
She's the thing that's holding them back
"She's the thing that's holding them back" *snickers at fanfic plot* XD
Anywho, I am pretty stoked that Zack is in the game I think that's a really good addition considering how up beat and positive he is, it will be interesting to see his role on Olympus Coliseum. The FF characters from Olympus coliseum so far have been quiet stoic badasses (<3 Auron and Cloud) who made a deal with Hades, but since Zacks disposition is so different than that it will be interesting to see his involvement. Isn't this also the first final fantasy summon besides Cloud in COM? That's pretty cool!
As for the issue with the over abundance of FF7 characters, it is pretty ridiculous (not that I PERSONALLY mind I love FF7) but I believe in KH2 Nomura really tried to draw from his other works with people like Auron and Seifer, and even some that weren't made by him like Setzer and Vivi! (Vivi seems like he was too young to appear in Bith By Sleep unfortunatley T.T!) so don't worry people I'm sure he'll draw from plenty of final fantasies to satisfy you, it's just probably hard for him to not use some of his favorite characters (as I'm assuming they are XD).
Also, I find it funny how when Terra's appearance was revealed people were like "Looks like Zack" and then at the beginning of this page people are commenting on the scan saying "Looks a lot like Zack!" XD I know Nomura's style doesn't show a lot of facial variation and stuff but pretty funny that people can't identify who's who XP.
How can you summon Terra? Not that that isn't cool and it's an interesting way to always have the other main characters in your team but isn't Terra off doing his own stuff? What if he was like just about to stumble onto the origin of the Keyblade or something and then POOF Ven summons him XD.
Oh and the Kairi thing? ... I like Kairi, yeah she is one heck of a Mary-Sue but I still like her for some unexplained reason... I hope Nomura takes a page out of Monty Oum's book and in KH3 makes her a playable character with fighting ability =P.