Nothing new, really.. Just Higher Quality =X
I Don't know if this has been posted already (Just delete the thread)
Couldnt find a link on where the Pics come from, just saw it sum1 posted in on another site..
Hey, does anyone know what the whole board game thing is 4. (please dont hert me ^^)
It isis just me or the keyblade that aqua is wielding looks different from what i remember??
Looks like it, in several different pics we've seen in the past few months, different keyblades and TAV having Keychains.would they recieve different keychains during the game??
Hey, does anyone know what the whole board game thing is 4. (please dont hert me ^^)
I think it's more like you move to get points actually, like you seem to take tuns and everything and when you land on spaces you lose or gain points or a character helps you with some ability or osmehting like that and you compete against like the main charcters of that world it looks like. Except in multi-player it looks like you can play it together and compete too. It really reminds me of Mario Party >>; Like seriously.....Its kind of like FF 12's board thing. I assume you get points to move and you move through it getting more abilities and other things.