Alright I have a theory about the new boss. So when eraques was betrayed by xehanort and 'killed' doesn't that mean he also got a heartless and a nobody. If this is true then it is a possibility that the new boss is eraques's nobody =D. So what I'm thinking is, that since nobody's can't use keyblades because they don't have hearts (with the exception of Roxas since he had Vens hearts still in him) it explains why xemnas can't use his keyblade. This would also mean eraques would lose his keyblade as well. So without a keyblade he gets those blue lightsabor things (opposite of red ones xemnas god ie. difference between eraques pure heart=blue, xemnes corrupt mind/heart=red) so with this said this also explains his black jacket. So maybe he was trying to talk to or test aqua. Anyways thats what I think but so far it looks like this new boss is a complete opposite of xemnas which would be eraquas nobody so please give your thoughts =D