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New better theory

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New member
May 5, 2007
On the edge of sanity and insanity
Ok, everyone freaked out on my last theory, and I have come up with something better that I have been thinking about.
If the new secret movie happens before KH1, then I have an idea. There was a caption that said "Keyblade wars." What if Ven, Aqua, and Terra, as well as the UEM and DS, are all remnants of that keyblade war. The old lady's story from KH1 said the people wanted the light for themselves, and that they destroyed the world, but that children were able to put it back together in parts. The Keyblade War could be what she's talking about, and if so, it could be what Triton was talking about when he said that the Keyblade bearer brought ruin. Ok, so maybe the battle we saw was somewhere after Mickey got training from Yensid. Maybe the three good guys went back to the Keyblade crossroads to gether their memories, or remember what happened to all of their friends during the battle. The UEM, who could have been waiting for them to come, comes out and starts fighting them.
They obviously loose, and now, with no opposition, the UEM opens Kingdom Hearts to use its power maybe to control the ultimate darkness or something. From here, I have two ideas:
1) Mickey fights the UEM and looses. The UEM eliminates the three good guys. The UEM starts taking in the power, but he is overwhelmed and destroyed in the process. It maybe altered his form and split him into a Nobody and Heartless (I realize that the common belief is that Xeanhort became a heartless after he researched the heartless, but keep reading.) So, Xeanhort now wakes up in Hollow Bastion (after Sora and Riku closed the final door, he somehow ended up in a grassy field that you can't physically access, so Kingdom Hearts maybe transports people or something.) Ansem the Wise helps him get back on his feet.
2) Mickey fights him and wins, but doesn't realize that he didn't defeat him all the way, and he starts to look for clues about what he saw, which will eventually lead him to Ansem. (And then the same from above starting with the UEM starting to control Kingdom Hearts)
Either way, Xeanhort doesn't remember what happened to him, or the fight, or whatever. So he starts as an apprentice. He then starts researching Heartless, and we know the rest. Lets say though, that if he is already a Heartless, he changed his form after entering the darkness, and didn't realize he was a Heartless all along. His friends die, and now he is power crazy.
Now, lets jump over to Xemnas, for a year lets say, he's been roaming around Twilight, not really sure who he is, maybe he shacked up with someone. All of the sudden these five guys pop out of nowhere (Lexaus, Saix, and the others who were experimenting with Xeanhort.) They start calling Xemnas Xeanhort, and he says "Who are you taling about." But he decides to play along by saying, "Sorry guys, I'm having trouble remembering. How about you refresh my memory.) So they take him back to Hollow Bastion, which is now destroyed by Heartless. So Xemnas starts learning about Xeanhort, and decides to pretend that he remembers everything after studying all the records and stuff.
He then drags the body of the three soldiers into the basement of the lab, and he hides them there so he can go back to them to remember exactly what happened that day at the fight, and the keyblade wars. He knows that if he's completed by finding his Heartless, he can remember exactly what happened to him. So the years pass, and KH1 and CoM pass, and the other Organization members fill in their spots. I'm thinking that Malificent and Xemnas had a conflict over who would control Hollow Bastion, and she ended up with it somehow. We know the rest of the story from here on.
Let me know what you think of THIS one.


Silver Member
Mar 17, 2007
hmm i agree with a lot of it but I agree the most with is that ven, aqua, terra, uem, and the ds are the last surrivers of the keyblade war!


New member
Aug 22, 2007
In the twilight
Makes sense till
(after Sora and Riku closed the final door, he somehow ended up in a grassy field that you can't physically access, so Kingdom Hearts maybe transports people or something.)


cameo lover
May 17, 2007
Ok, everyone freaked out on my last theory, and I have come up with something better that I have been thinking about.


If the new secret movie happens before KH1, then I have an idea.

It does.

There was a caption that said "Keyblade wars." What if Ven, Aqua, and Terra, as well as the UEM and DS, are all remnants of that keyblade war.

Survivors? Sure, that seems plausible.

The old lady's story from KH1 said the people wanted the light for themselves, and that they destroyed the world, but that children were able to put it back together in parts. The Keyblade War could be what she's talking about, and if so, it could be what Triton was talking about when he said that the Keyblade bearer brought ruin.

No. Nomura's confirmed that the story Kairi's grandmother told her was just a fairytale, and doesn't represent actual history. They're definitely not the same.

Ok, so maybe the battle we saw was somewhere after Mickey got training from Yensid.

It was.

Maybe the three good guys went back to the Keyblade crossroads to gether their memories, or remember what happened to all of their friends during the battle.

Possibly, I suppose.

The UEM, who could have been waiting for them to come, comes out and starts fighting them.

Or they might have come there waiting for the UEM to show up. But it's possible.

They obviously loose, and now, with no opposition, the UEM opens Kingdom Hearts to use its power maybe to control the ultimate darkness or something.

Could be.

From here, I have two ideas:
1) Mickey fights the UEM and looses. The UEM eliminates the three good guys. The UEM starts taking in the power, but he is overwhelmed and destroyed in the process.

I definitely think that's possible.

It maybe altered his form and split him into a Nobody and Heartless (I realize that the common belief is that Xeanhort became a heartless after he researched the heartless, but keep reading.)

No. Xehanort could not have created a Heartless if he wasn't whole.

So, Xeanhort now wakes up in Hollow Bastion (after Sora and Riku closed the final door, he somehow ended up in a grassy field that you can't physically access, so Kingdom Hearts maybe transports people or something.) Ansem the Wise helps him get back on his feet.


2) Mickey fights him and wins, but doesn't realize that he didn't defeat him all the way, and he starts to look for clues about what he saw, which will eventually lead him to Ansem. (And then the same from above starting with the UEM starting to control Kingdom Hearts)

Meh, I dunno.

Either way, Xeanhort doesn't remember what happened to him, or the fight, or whatever. So he starts as an apprentice. He then starts researching Heartless, and we know the rest. Lets say though, that if he is already a Heartless, he changed his form after entering the darkness, and didn't realize he was a Heartless all along.

I'm sorry, but I find that to be pretty implausible. I think it's pretty obvious that he wasn't a Heartless before that. So far, the two people who have kept their sense of selves as Heartless got rid of their hearts willingly, knowing fully well what would have happened.

If your theory was true, the UEM would not have created such a heartless.

Now, lets jump over to Xemnas, for a year lets say, he's been roaming around Twilight, not really sure who he is, maybe he shacked up with someone. All of the sudden these five guys pop out of nowhere (Lexaus, Saix, and the others who were experimenting with Xeanhort.) They start calling Xemnas Xeanhort, and he says "Who are you taling about." But he decides to play along by saying, "Sorry guys, I'm having trouble remembering. How about you refresh my memory.) So they take him back to Hollow Bastion, which is now destroyed by Heartless. So Xemnas starts learning about Xeanhort, and decides to pretend that he remembers everything after studying all the records and stuff.

*headdesk* No. Xemnas FOUNDED Organization XIII with the rest of the apprentices. He is Xehanort's nobody, he remembered who he was, he didn't need anyone to tell him that. The Organization didn't just pick some random nobody they found to be their leader.

Saix wasn't an apprentice either.

He then drags the body of the three soldiers into the basement of the lab, and he hides them there so he can go back to them to remember exactly what happened that day at the fight, and the keyblade wars.

(snorts) Then explain why Terra is in the Gathering Place, and how Xigbar hints that Ven is connected to a room in Castle Oblivion.

He knows that if he's completed by finding his Heartless, he can remember exactly what happened to him. So the years pass, and KH1 and CoM pass, and the other Organization members fill in their spots. I'm thinking that Malificent and Xemnas had a conflict over who would control Hollow Bastion, and she ended up with it somehow.

The Organization was acting behind the scenes until KH2. Their goal was to gain their hearts back by strengthening their artificial KH of men's hearts, not to gain the KH of all worlds, which is what Maleficent had.

I really don't think Maleficent even knew about nobodies or the Organization before KH2, so...

We know the rest of the story from here on.
Let me know what you think of THIS one.

Once again, not really a very good theory, I'm sorry to say. I'm sure other people will poke other holes, provide better arguments than me, so...


New member
May 5, 2007
On the edge of sanity and insanity
"I'm sorry, but I find that to be pretty implausible. I think it's pretty obvious that he wasn't a Heartless before that. So far, the two people who have kept their sense of selves as Heartless got rid of their hearts willingly, knowing fully well what would have happened.

If your theory was true, the UEM would not have created such a heartless."

It is possible that Kingdom Hearts altered his form, or becoming split, he looked different. Namine look almost nothing like Kari except for her body shape. If UEM created a Heartless, which turned to Xeanhort, it would explain why his name is and anagram of Noheart. It is possible that he retained his human form after becoming a Heartless, and he is trying to get back on his feet and remember.

"*headdesk* No. Xemnas FOUNDED Organization XIII with the rest of the apprentices. He is Xehanort's nobody, he remembered who he was, he didn't need anyone to tell him that. The Organization didn't just pick some random nobody they found to be their leader."

I'm not saying he didn't. What I'm saying is: The other apprentices showed up in Twilight, see their leader and start taliking to him as if he's Xeanhort. Xemnas, knowing he isn't, plays along because he thinks that they can help him figure out what happened. When they brought him to Hollow Bastion, he learned all that he could, and founded the Organization so that he could piece his memories back by getting his Heartless, and he said the Organization was designed to help them become whole and complete again.

"The Organization was acting behind the scenes until KH2. Their goal was to gain their hearts back by strengthening their artificial KH of men's hearts, not to gain the KH of all worlds, which is what Maleficent had."

That doesn't mean that the UEM didn't want it.

Oblivion Weilder

New member
Aug 17, 2007
Here, there, and everywhere
Umm, Carsonj, Xemnas was created when Xehanort was filled with the power of darkness and overwhelmed by it. Unless Xehanort's heartless had a different "vessel" to travel upon, then that part is not plausible.


New member
May 5, 2007
On the edge of sanity and insanity
"Umm, Carsonj, Xemnas was created when Xehanort was filled with the power of darkness and overwhelmed by it. Unless Xehanort's heartless had a different "vessel" to travel upon, then that part is not plausible."

It is plausible, because Xeanhort could have already been a Heartless, who like Sora was able to get back to his original form. It can't be entirely ruled out that he wasn't a Heartless before hand. If he was consumed in darkness, and the rest of his men turned into Heartless and Nobodies, how come they didn't go looking for him? It could have been possible.

Ven of the sky

New member
Jul 12, 2007

It does.

Survivors? Sure, that seems plausible.

No. Nomura's confirmed that the story Kairi's grandmother told her was just a fairytale, and doesn't represent actual history. They're definitely not the same.

It was.

Possibly, I suppose.

Or they might have come there waiting for the UEM to show up. But it's possible.

Could be.

I definitely think that's possible.

No. Xehanort could not have created a Heartless if he wasn't whole.


Meh, I dunno.

I'm sorry, but I find that to be pretty implausible. I think it's pretty obvious that he wasn't a Heartless before that. So far, the two people who have kept their sense of selves as Heartless got rid of their hearts willingly, knowing fully well what would have happened.

If your theory was true, the UEM would not have created such a heartless.

*headdesk* No. Xemnas FOUNDED Organization XIII with the rest of the apprentices. He is Xehanort's nobody, he remembered who he was, he didn't need anyone to tell him that. The Organization didn't just pick some random nobody they found to be their leader.

Saix wasn't an apprentice either.

(snorts) Then explain why Terra is in the Gathering Place, and how Xigbar hints that Ven is connected to a room in Castle Oblivion.

The Organization was acting behind the scenes until KH2. Their goal was to gain their hearts back by strengthening their artificial KH of men's hearts, not to gain the KH of all worlds, which is what Maleficent had.

I really don't think Maleficent even knew about nobodies or the Organization before KH2, so...

Once again, not really a very good theory, I'm sorry to say. I'm sure other people will poke other holes, provide better arguments than me, so...

Why not check out, "This is my opinion" on the KHINSIDER, front page it had no loopholes and even if it did, it would be hard to find out what they are, your topic gets an F if I were your teacher I wouldn't fail you, I would kill you.


The Smiling Man
Staff member
Feb 14, 2006
If the new secret movie happens before KH1, then I have an idea. There was a caption that said "Keyblade wars." What if Ven, Aqua, and Terra, as well as the UEM and DS, are all remnants of that keyblade war.


The old lady's story from KH1 said the people wanted the light for themselves, and that they destroyed the world, but that children were able to put it back together in parts. The Keyblade War could be what she's talking about, and if so, it could be what Triton was talking about when he said that the Keyblade bearer brought ruin.

Hades already touched what I thought on this subject...

Ok, so maybe the battle we saw was somewhere after Mickey got training from Yensid.

More than likely...

Maybe the three good guys went back to the Keyblade crossroads to gether their memories, or remember what happened to all of their friends during the battle.

It's possible, but I personally do not like it...

The UEM, who could have been waiting for them to come, comes out and starts fighting them.


They obviously loose, and now, with no opposition, the UEM opens Kingdom Hearts to use its power maybe to control the ultimate darkness or something.

Again, possible... He could have also attempted to asorb it's power... We really don't know...

From here, I have two ideas:
1) Mickey fights the UEM and looses. The UEM eliminates the three good guys. The UEM starts taking in the power, but he is overwhelmed and destroyed in the process.

Sounds good...

It maybe altered his form and split him into a Nobody and Heartless (I realize that the common belief is that Xeanhort became a heartless after he researched the heartless, but keep reading.)

...Someone can only split into a heartless and nobody if a heartless takes that person's heart or if that person excepts that darkness into their heart... Anyways, the game proves this otherwise...

So, Xeanhort now wakes up in Hollow Bastion (after Sora and Riku closed the final door, he somehow ended up in a grassy field that you can't physically access, so Kingdom Hearts maybe transports people or something.) Ansem the Wise helps him get back on his feet.


2) Mickey fights him and wins, but doesn't realize that he didn't defeat him all the way, and he starts to look for clues about what he saw, which will eventually lead him to Ansem. (And then the same from above starting with the UEM starting to control Kingdom Hearts)

I somewhat doubt that Mickey, just coming out of training, could defeat the UEM...

Either way, Xeanhort doesn't remember what happened to him, or the fight, or whatever. So he starts as an apprentice. He then starts researching Heartless, and we know the rest. Lets say though, that if he is already a Heartless, he changed his form after entering the darkness, and didn't realize he was a Heartless all along. His friends die, and now he is power crazy.

Except Xemnas remembers his life as Xehanort and he remembers his time with Ansem... Xemnas alone is enough to go against this...

Now, lets jump over to Xemnas, for a year lets say, he's been roaming around Twilight, not really sure who he is, maybe he shacked up with someone. All of the sudden these five guys pop out of nowhere (Lexaus, Saix, and the others who were experimenting with Xeanhort.) They start calling Xemnas Xeanhort, and he says "Who are you taling about." But he decides to play along by saying, "Sorry guys, I'm having trouble remembering. How about you refresh my memory.) So they take him back to Hollow Bastion, which is now destroyed by Heartless. So Xemnas starts learning about Xeanhort, and decides to pretend that he remembers everything after studying all the records and stuff.

*facepalm* Xemnas founded Organization XIII with the rest of the apprentices... They did not just appear out of nowhere and say "Hey, let's make this guy our boss!"... Saix was number 7... Meaning he was not an apprentice...

He then drags the body of the three soldiers into the basement of the lab, and he hides them there so he can go back to them to remember exactly what happened that day at the fight, and the keyblade wars.

Then explain Terra... Explain why Xemnas still searches for the Room of Awakening... Explain why Xigbar states that the Room of Awakening might be where the other "friend" is... Explain why we only see Aqua's armor in the Room of Sleep...

He knows that if he's completed by finding his Heartless, he can remember exactly what happened to him.

How...? Xehanort had no memories of his past, so becoming Xehanort again would not make him remember things he did not remember when he was whole...

So the years pass, and KH1 and CoM pass, and the other Organization members fill in their spots. I'm thinking that Malificent and Xemnas had a conflict over who would control Hollow Bastion, and she ended up with it somehow.

I'm sure Xemnas and the others left Hollow Bastion and Maleficent took it over after they left...
Xemnas didn't care about castles like Maleficent does...

Let me know what you think of THIS one.


If he was consumed in darkness, and the rest of his men turned into Heartless and Nobodies, how come they didn't go looking for him?

...If you are talking about the apprentinces, then they founded the Org with him... And heartless act on instinct...

One more thing my theory could prove is the "Birth by Sleep" statement. It could mean when Xeanhort woke up in Hollow Bastion. He was sleeping, and Xemnas was born. "Birth by Sleep."

Yeah, and it could also mean that when Xehanort lost his memories, they went to sleep... He then awoke in Radient Garden, without any memories, giving birth to a new Xehanort...

Very small holes. This theory is very possible.

Not really...Maybe 20% of your stuff can actually be backed up... The rest are guesses that are built on wet sand, rather than stone... The game itself disproves several of your thoughts... I would say there could be a chance it was possible, but it would be a small chance...
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cameo lover
May 17, 2007
Why not check out, "This is my opinion" on the KHINSIDER, front page it had no loopholes and even if it did, it would be hard to find out what they are, your topic gets an F if I were your teacher I wouldn't fail you, I would kill you.

No holes? Spare me. Did you look at Omni's post?

It is possible that Kingdom Hearts altered his form, or becoming split, he looked different. Namine look almost nothing like Kari except for her body shape. If UEM created a Heartless, which turned to Xeanhort, it would explain why his name is and anagram of Noheart. It is possible that he retained his human form after becoming a Heartless, and he is trying to get back on his feet and remember.

Meh, you're joking right? Either that, or you need glasses, because Naminé and Kairi DO look alike. Quite a bit.

His name is also an anagram of "Another", which Xemnas uses as a login to get into the Room of Sleep...
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The Show Must Go On
May 31, 2006
Yeah, I'm reading this theory, and the only thing I can know for certain from it is that this carsonj is very defensive of his/her theory and refuses to see any of the obvious faults in it, nor is able to grasp the concept of 'DO NOT DOUBLE POST'.


New member
May 5, 2007
On the edge of sanity and insanity
What do you mean by double post? This is very different from my last one. And how come the most rediculous theries like "Keyblades were made to defeat Heartless" are priased, and well thought out ones are shot down without even considering that it could be real. Over a year ago, people thought Twilight Town was a way to get to the other worlds, and that Organization XIII were just some group who researched Heartless.


The Smiling Man
Staff member
Feb 14, 2006
What do you mean by double post? This is very different from my last one.

She means posting twice... If you want to say something else or put in something you forgot, use the edit button under the post you made...

And how come the most rediculous theries like "Keyblades were made to defeat Heartless" are priased, and well thought out ones are shot down without even considering that it could be real. Over a year ago, people thought Twilight Town was a way to get to the other worlds, and that Organization XIII were just some group who researched Heartless.

I treat all theroies the same... I don't care if they are well thought out theories or ones that someone pulled out of their butt... Also, we are not shooting it down... We are correcting your mistakes to help make things better and sound more plausable...
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The Show Must Go On
May 31, 2006
^Yeah, I'm female, get it strait.

What do you mean by double post? This is very different from my last one. And how come the most rediculous theries like "Keyblades were made to defeat Heartless" are priased, and well thought out ones are shot down without even considering that it could be real. Over a year ago, people thought Twilight Town was a way to get to the other worlds, and that Organization XIII were just some group who researched Heartless.

Double posting is posting twice in a row, regardless of how different the posts are. It pisses most people like myself off, so don't do it.

Let's see... Keyblades were made to defeat Heartless, if you haven't realised; the majority of those so called 'thought out' theories are so full of BS and over thinking that there's no way they could be real. You want someone to take your theory seriously? Stick with already known facts, stop trying to change what's canon, and learn to take criticism. Also, please use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation so one can actually read your theory next time. Thank you.
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