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~Naruto: Iridescent Beginnings~

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Hazen Gregory

doWnloAd ProgoNOSKES 99% cOMplETeD
May 10, 2006

The normal weather was now gone, more than three months had passed since all of the random rain had come across this part of the lands, but yet still every day it had rained on a constant. Even now it was raining. Each drop of water pounded down in a symphony of splashes that saturated the earth and dripped off the rocks that were in the village.

The time for the chuunin exams was a lot closer than most in the village had expected and the genin there were worried about how much time they really needed to train. Would it all be enough to face off against those from the other villages...mainly Konoha. The ninja from the Land of Fire were legendary but so were the ones from Iwa. Since the war had ended twelve years ago, things had been different and were before Iwa had little favor, now their village had expanded and even after Daaku Raito had stepped down from being the Tsuchikage; Iwagakure had continued to grow and flourish, training their ninja to be better than other villages.

Such a rock hard attitude for what needed to be done, this had stuck with a certain girl her entire life and rain or shine, she was willing to do whatever it took to be the best Kunoichi Iwa had ever produced. If she were to become Tsuchikage someday there was nothing else to be done other than that.

This purple haired girl sat cross legged on a bench inside the training room 5 of the Tsuchikage Palace, which a spot that had always been her favorite, even after intense training sessions with her father Daaku.

"Ayumi?? Are you listening to me?? I said we are leaving for Konoha soon, if we use the techniques that i've been helping you work on, there should be no problem at all getting there quickly, understand??"

She looked up and sighed, "Yes daddy, I get it. I was just thinking about Naruto and Arashi. I bet they have been training rally hard for the exams, I don't want to end up having to face them in the exams, things could get really bad and then....", Ayumi trailed off, finishing the rest of what needed to be said in her own thoughts before standing up. "To be honest, if I do face them I guess we wont hold back. I bet a mash up of our styles would be really cool to watch in a fight."

Daaku rubbed his temples and snickered, waving his pinky in the air. His day had been nothing more than training the genin and making such their jutsu were on par with the goals they had all been practicing to achieve. The faith he had in his own daughter and son was immense, for they held within them his blood and the will to do anything they wanted. "Hmm well I suppose Arashi might have a disadvantage with his Burakkuai compared to you but I can't be sure." His son was very talented but he specialized in Ayumi's kekkei genaki training.

"I'm only worried about the damage you kids can all do to each other. Sometimes restraint is a good thing." Daaku pondered how an epic battle would play out between his kids.

Ayumi yawned, "Whatever daddy, lets go get something to eat and then get this over with. I want to see Naruto and Arashi as soon as possible."



With the exams this close to them, the genin of Konoha and their jounin had been working missions and specialized training around the clock to accomplish victory over the other nations. The will of fire was strong and with their Hokage Minato Namikaze as leaader, nothing they did had failed since the war ended. Leading life in a way that avoided unneeded conflict and working with the other nations had been a great move for Konoha and along with Iwagakure they advanced rapidly after the war finished.

Jounin that had come from Konoha such as Sanosuke Uchiha were legendary and this had also impacted the nations to do better for themselves. After many years Iwagakure was to host the chuunin exams and Daaku was even going to make a speech. He'd be an inspiration to the genin and even some of the fresh jounin. The tales of Daaku Raito, Sanosuke Uchiha and Minato Namikaze had continued to spread over the years. Even ninja like Normatsu Izukaishi and Date Onoko had made great names for themselves.

Meanwhile in the Hokage mansion a more personal chat about the exams was going on from father to sons...

"But daaaaaad come on it not fair Arashi got to do it the last time I wanna do it this time!!!" Naruto tried as hard as he could to make his best angry face but instead the Hokage just burst out laughing, holding his sides. "Heyy!!! Its not funny..."

Minato laughed some more, "Honestly its up to your brother, you decided not to do it the last time I have nothing to say about it....well Arashi, what do you think??"


Fear the Mist
May 25, 2006
Shifting through the spaces like only Mist can.
Subaru leans against one of the many wooden fences of the market district for his village and sighs. His mind replays the lecture that he got from his father about how it is crucial that he becomes a Chuunin at the next exam. In all honesty that didn't matter much to the young teenager. He just wanted to get things over with as quickly as possible. With that in mind he pushes himself off the wooden wall and starts to walk towards the nearest training ground. He can't remember if he was supposed to meet up with the rest of his team, but it couldn't hurt to get in a little extra training anyways. With that he jumps from his spot and begins to walk along the edge of the fence with what appears to be perfect balance. But he quickly changes locations by jumping onto the roof of a nearby building with relative ease. Normally he wouldn't be willing to do something like this, but he's noticed that several of the other ninja tend to use this method of travel when they want to cut back on time. That simply means that there's no rules against doing it.

It is on his travel towards the training ground that he notices some kids playing in an alley. He just smiles as he thinks about how he wishes that he could have joined the kids when he was younger more often, but that's a price to paid to be the next heir to a clan. But instead of moping over the past he simply sits on the edge of the building and watches as the kids continue to play their game of ninja using wooden weapons that can be bought at nearly any toy store. It's while he thinks about this that one of the kids see him and asks if he wants to play with them. Subaru smiles before he drops down to the ground and kneels to get at eye level with the child. It's only then that child sees the headband wrapped tightly around Subaru's forehead. The child just smiles and calls out to his friends saying that they are going to get to play with one of the ninja in the village. "What did I get myself into?"

"Alright, I can play for a little while. But I'll need to leave soon and meet up with some others."

The children pay this no mind and instead ask him if he can do a jutsu for them. Subaru thinks about this for a few seconds and looks around for any water that he could use. He notices a well with a pump and nods once before he says that he'll do one jutsu and then head off. Through the cheers of the children he puts his hands together in order to concentrate a little to get what he believes to be the perfect balance of chakra for the small technique that he's about to do. Once he feels that he has enough energy in his body he slowly expells it and shapes it to his will to take water from the well to form a copy of himself. The clone takes a solid shape almost instantly before becoming a perfect replica of the original. The clone just smiles to the kids and ruffles the hair of the nearest one before dispersing into a puddle of water and splashing the kids.

"Again! Again!"

Subaru just smiles at the child and says that he needs to get going now. The group show their saddness in perfect harmony complete with sad faces so Subaru instantly gives in. He just smiles as he rises to his feet and says that he'll play with them some more at a later time. This seems to cheer the kids up almost instantly so Subaru jumps back to the top of the building and starts to run with a wave to the kids. It's once they are out of sight that Subaru looks forward and thinks about how he secretly wishes that he could have stayed longer, but he needs to find out if he's meeting with the rest of his group. And what better place to check than a training field? If none of his team was there, there is always the chance that he would run into someone who would know where to find Kamachi-sensei.


~ ♥~ Grand Summoner~ ♥~
Jan 3, 2006
Racing chocobos ~
"Wakey, wakey, time for shinobi duties~"

The voice rang loud and clear, though the brown haired jonin ignored it, rolling onto her side and waving absentmindedly into the air. "Five more minutes..." She wrapped herself around her blanket a few times, creating a sort of cocoon for herself.

"She isn't waking up." The orange haired girl replied, scratching her head.

The blonde girl sighed. "Sayuri, you know a simple chant isn't going to wake Shion."

"So, what then, Sumire-nee-chan?"

Whipping out a rather large paper fan, Sumire positioned herself next to the sleeping girl, then began a tirade of yells, screams, whines, and many smacks to the head. Shion scrambled and toppled out of her head, colliding with the ground as she sleepily looked up. "Oh for goodness' sake! Will you get your act together, Shion?!" Sumire yelled as Shion climbed back onto her bed, fixing her brown ponytail a bit.

"No need to be so serious, Su, you're rubbing off on lil' Yuri." Shion flashed a brilliant smile at both her sisters, grabbing Sayuri by the waist and pulling her onto the bed with her. "Oh, my baby sister going out to meet her team! This is just so heartbreaking, why are you growing up so fast?!" Shion asked her, tears forming at the corners of her eyes as she gazed lovingly at Sayuri.

She wasn't too pleased about her sister's behavior, but Sayuri let out an understanding sigh nonetheless. "Shion, we all have to grow up sometime." She stated as-a-matter-of-factly, lightly pulling herself away. "Besides, it's time I got out there and proved myself to the village."

"I know that! I just meant why it has to happen so soon!" Shion whined, grappling Sayuri again.

"Was she like this with you, too?" Sayuri asked Sumire as Shion bawled and hugged her tighter.

"I somewhat now understand it, though." Sumire smiled as well, lightly ruffling Sayuri's hair. "Just remember to always keep calm, think before you act, and above all else work with your teammates."

"Nooo! Don't grow up! Stay my baby sister forever!" Shion wailed loudly, holding Sayuri close. "The world is too scary! They can't protect you! I'll be by your side forever!"

"Speaking of which, isn't it time to meet your own genin, Shion?"

"Oh! I forgot about my little munchkins!"

"You aren't THAT much older than they are..." Sumire sighed as Shion shoved Sayuri off her, much to her dismay, and Shion leapt off the bed and climbed onto the windowsill. "For the sake of all that is sacred, PLEASE don't suffocate your students."

"They're gonna be SO happy when they see their sensei's sexy new outfit. Gonna be all 'My sensei is such a hottie, thank goodness I don't have any old farts!'" Shion snickered, lamely imitating a young boy's voice as she spoke. "Ah, yes, and of course my future husband will find me, fall in love at first sight, and then after a battle with my other suitors we will get married and--"

Sumire whacked Shion with her paper fan. "You're ridiculous."

"You're jealous!" Shion whined, rubbing her head. "Don't rain on my parade! Just 'cause I'm sexier than you~"

"You're insane. No one is gonna think you're sexy in that old blanket."

"You're such a damn snob, Su!"

"At LEAST I take my responsibilities seriously! You are a JONIN, you are RESPONSIBLE for those genin now!"

"You think I don't know that?"

The room got quiet.

"Of course now that I have my own squad, things are only going to get harder. But doesn't that mean that the reward is all the much greater?" Shion smiled again, this time beckoning Sayuri. "Come on, Yuri, I wanna talk to you for a bit before you head out."

"Eh? Um, okay Onee-sama." As soon as Sayuri positioned herself next to Shion, the two were off, climbing to the top of their home as they began roof-hopping. Letting out a sigh, Sumire watched as she folded her arms. Despite being an idiot, Shion was now a jonin. Sayuri now following in her footsteps. Things were changing, for better of for worse. Then, Sumire noticed something; Shion stopped on top of a tall pole, and threw off the blanket, showing that underneath she had changed her previous garb into a new pink and white combo which was, to say the least, quite sexy. To say that Sumire was irked was an understatement; she could hear Shion's mocking laugh as if she was right next to her. She grabbed the windowsill and stuck her head out, fuming.



The two eventually settled on one of Konoha's tallest buildings, both sitting on the edge and letting their legs hang over. The wind rustled between them as they sat in silence for a moment. Sayuri stared out at the village, though her gaze went to Shion. Her new outfit was absolutely bold, to say the least; but seeing her sitting there calm and serene meant that she had something important to say.

After a few seconds, Shion let out a slight chuckle, lightly punching Sayuri's shoulder. "We should have had this talk back when your first became a genin, but I guess it's better late than never, huh?" After Sayuri nodded, she continued, "You were always real smart, just like Sumire. The two of you wanted to go and be medic-nin. I mean, it kind of runs in the blood. Still, you have to remember that in the real world, things are different.

"In the Academy it's all studying books and taking your time with memorizing jutsu, but in the heat of battle you're always fighting for your life. That's why I'm so scared for you to go out there. Hell, I was terrified. I hoped you would've followed Sumire and stayed at the hospital, but you decided to follow me, huh?" Shion let out a weak laugh, but she wasn't fooling anyone. "I was so afraid the first time I went on a real mission. There were so many times I could've died--and times where I was very close to losing my teammates' lives. Again, this is a little late, but I just want to let you know that even though it's scary, I think you'll do okay."

Sayuri blinked a few times. Was this the real Shion actually consoling her? Not that she was afraid--on the contrary, Sayuri felt ready. Still, the talk was surprising, to say the least. "Just 'okay'? Shion, I'm going to surpass everyone, you'll see." Sayuri grinned. "Someday, I'll be better than you."

"Never." Shion winked. "Can't let either one of my baby sisters pass me, means I'm not doing my job!" She stood up as a rather strong gust of wind lifted her scarf and hair off her back, blowing them into the air. As Sayuri could only stare, the image burned into her mind. Shion had this look of determination unlike any other she had ever seen. "Don't you worry, I'll stay strong, too." Shion said, her eyes on the horizon.

She wanted to be like her older sister so badly.

And that's why I have to catch up. The little shinobi thought to herself, bringing her knees up to her chest. I have to. I will. I'll show Sumire, Mom, Dad...and you, Onee-sama. Sayuri then stood up, brushing her own ponytail off her shoulders.

"Sounds good." Sayuri smiled to herself.

King Sora X

Legendary Member
Mar 31, 2008
Nowhere in particular.
Even with only two weeks till the Chunin Exams start, Kohona still had a vibrant essence to it. Everywhere there was celebrations or preperations. At this time of the day, the sun was shining so brightly that every shadow of every individual person in the village was at perfect alignment with the hostess of said shadow. Furthermore, with clouds up in the sky giving a wonderful breeze to the village, Jaakuna can't help but have a warm, tingly feeling inside him.

Around the Village, Jaakuna had a reputation for causing unneeded drama that involved him pulling prank after prank. Some would say he is just as annoying as Naruto is. Though, some will disagree on that point. Whether it's true or not, Jaakuna makes the most of it. He actually took his nickname The Village Prankster as a compliment. If anything, it gives him more of an incentive to cause more havoc.

Jaakuna walked casually around the village, not wanting to rush anything. He wanted to enjoy the sunshine, the breeze, and the overall good feeling he has going inside of him for as long as he could. He knew that once he would go meet his team, responsibilities would be a certainty. He couldn't help but remember what his dad told him before he left his house.

Remember that the Hinoko Name is riding on your victory, but don't forget to have fun with it son.

Yeah, Jaakuna didn't understand how responsibilities and fun could go in the same sentence. Then again, it's not like times like these were for fun. Chunin exams are coming up soon, and who knew what would happen.

"Guess I should get going." Jaakuna muttered as he looked to the sky.

Jaakuna's mind again wandered to places unknown. He was walking, and not looking in front of him because he was looking to the sky. "Oh look, a few birds--" Jaakuna then bumped into someone who he his glad he bumped into.

"Oh, Lazy-sensei, it's you." Jaakuna brooded.

Kairo wasn't all excited to see Jaakuna either. He was enjoying a walk in the village, not having to give a care in the world. He knew he should be caring about the Chunin exams, but he couldn't be arsed to give two shits. Though, if the Hokage caught him in his current predicament, he'd probably rip him a new one. It would be so worth it for Kairo to just enjoy the day.

Kairo had zoned out. He completely forgot the presence of Jaakuna, who probably was doing the same as he was. Kairo could see that Jaakuna had no idea that he had bumped into Kairo, but the remark of Lazy-sensei proved that he wasn't completely clueless on the matter.

Kairo rubbed Jaakuna's hair, messing its straightness.
"Shouldn't you be meeting with your team?" Kairo said.

Jaakuna swatted Kairo's hand off of his head, and just gave him the stink-eye.
"Shouldn't you be getting drunk?" Jaakuna said back.

"Touche" Kairo chuckled.

They both had a little staredown before they both busted out in laughter. Obviously they knew each other so well, they could be mistaken for son and dad. Then again, son and father don't make cracks at each other like they do.

"So, i should get going." Jaakuna said as he started to walk away.

As he saw Jaakuna walk away, Kairo knew he had to go to a meeting he did NOT want to go to. why me..



Seeker of Darkness
May 7, 2006
Sanosuke stood on top of the Ichiraku Ramen building, taking in the fresh air that the village offered. Looking about he noticed the denizens and their everyday life. The culture was amazing and only fueled his longing to explore and get his feet dirty. It would be this location today he had tasked his genin with meeting him at.

"Let's hope for a good turn out today, Hokage sure gave me a bunch of knuckle heads." The Jonin spoke happily.

He ran over the side of the building and swan dived off the relatively small building and swam through the grounding using Earth Release: Subterranean Voyage. At that same moment, another Sanosuke was standing on one of the seats at Ichiraku. He was lazily laying back against the table, with his arms stretched across sitting backwards in a stool. He pivoted his head back a little and watched as Teuchi and Ayame were humbly cleaning behind the counter.

"You know Teuchi-sama, if you don't keep an eye on Ayame-kun she might just end up with the guy with red eyes." He remarked slyly.

Ayame blushed and covered her mouth with her left hand acting all shy-like. Teuchi always good for his jovial expression scratched his head at the notion.

"You sure have a way with words there, Sanosuke. If you weren't such a good customer, this broom would of been in your face." The old man said with all seriousness while still maintaining his happy smile and demeanor.

"I'll keep that noted, old man." Sano remarked keeping his composure to the rather awkwardness of the shop owners continued smile.

Turning back staring at the light filtering through the shades from the entrance, he pondered on what adventures lied ahead. There was only so much time left to teach them to not only have confidence in yourself, but also your comrades. He felt as though certain individuals were nearing an age where they felt as though they could do it all on their own. Arrogance is the last weapon you want in a heated conflict.

"Cook up 6 bowls of ramen, Ayumi. My kiddo's are going to have a long day of intense training ahead of them."

The young woman nodded and before leaving to cook wafted her hands through his exposed pony-tail. An angry vibe was pronounced so heavily by the shop owner, even his never ending smile couldn't hide it.

"And that was no genjutsu, boss man. Let's hope these kids show up soon!"

King Naruto

Retired (for now)
Oct 19, 2005
Creating bonds to save our world and bring peace
Arashi stared out the window as Naruto yelled at their father. His mind wasn't on the matter at hand, instead he worried about what was to come. No worry was the not the right word. He was anxious and excited to finally to the chance to become a Chunin again. One born with talents thats growth was accomplished with hard work and dedication sometimes turned out the best ninja. That's why he beat Neji, that's why he would beat any opposition, and that's why he would fulfill his goal this year. His father's words brought him back to reality as he questioned his son. Minato probably knew what his son would say as most always did by now.

"I'm in. It's my second attempt to showcase why i'm ready to go higher. Both my dads are gonna be there so, you guys to see why I'll be the best one day." Arashi gleefully exclaimed before punching Naruto in the back of the head, "Besides I get to beat Naruto down in the process."

Naruto jumped up from his spot, attempting to attack his brother back. One hand placed on Naruto's head held him back as Arashi smiled. "Hey I gotta roll. Sano wants to meet at the Ramen shop. Gotta get him out of some money for lots of Ramen before training." Arashi's words trailed behind as he wa quick to leave, not letting Naruto nor Minato get words in afterwards. Arashi always knew the fastest way around Konoha so, getting to the Ramen Shop in only a few minutes was plausible. The smell of ramen was beautiful as the boy entered. There was Sano already and awaiting for his genin which would be weird for him since Daaku's child was always the last one to make it.

"Hey Pervert-sensei. Ramen time right. YEAH!" Arashi exclaimed as he sat down, throwing his hands over his head with his sleeves hanging over them.

King Sora X

Legendary Member
Mar 31, 2008
Nowhere in particular.
As he broke away in some series of actions, which included hopping some roofs, and looking around the village whilist roof-hopping, Jaakuna found himself think about what kinds of training Sanosuke-sensei would have in store for him and his fellow teammates. It's true that he wasn't expecting much, but it was one thing that he was thinking about constantly. It was the first meeting, and since this would be the one and only chance to make a good first-impression, Jaakuna had to make it a good one.

Making his way further into village, Jaakuna found himself a building across from Ichraku Raman. He took a deep breath in, closed his eyes for a brief moment, and released that breath slowly. As he opened his eyes, he heard that obnoxious Arashi Uzumaki yell out idiotically. Jaakuna doesn't hate Arashi nor dislike him, but he can get somewhat annoyed by his idiocy sometimes. This time, however, Jaakuna's feelings were overwhelmed by his loud stomach growling.

"Raman sure does sound good." Jaakuna held his stomach.

If there was any time better than any, now would be the perfect time to get this meeting done and over with. Jumping down in an elegant corkscrew, Jaakuna landed right in front of Ichiraku, and there he arrived at the perfect time where the raman was just ready to be served.

"Yeah, this is the shit I'm talking about." Jaakuna shouted surely surprising Arashi and Sanosuke-sensei. "I'm starving."


~ ♥~ Grand Summoner~ ♥~
Jan 3, 2006
Racing chocobos ~
"And thus we do part, but never fear, the old man won't do you much harm." Shion patted Sayuri's head as they approached Ichiraku, Sayuri clearly irritated.

"Why do you do this every time?" She swatted Shion's searching hands as she placed her own on her hips. "I am not a child."

"Until you surpass me in one of two categories, yes, you are."

"And what would that be?"

Shion ruffled Sayuri's hair again, and when she when to retaliate Shion planted her palm on top of Sayuri's head, spinning her around. "Height--" Shion pushed her chest forward in all its glory. "Or bust. Your choice~" She cackled as her little sister picked herself up off the ground.

"Not much of a bust to go on, so I'll be catching up soon enough." Sayuri commented, causing a metaphorical weight to crash onto Shion's head.

"Don't hate. Run along, child, you're last to arrive." Shion motioned towards the restaurant at her team.

She was last? That was a first--usually she was the first to arrive. After making sure Shion didn't mess up her hair too much, Sayuri drew in a breath and left Shion. `"The gang's all here, how quaint." Sayuri commented as she entered, scratching your cheek. "And of course, I could hear the two of you from a mile away."

After taking a seat, Sayuri flipped her hair behind her head, placing her cheek against her palm as she looked at Sanosuke. "Sensei, what will we be learning today?" She asked without hesitation, wanting to get to the point.

Hazen Gregory

doWnloAd ProgoNOSKES 99% cOMplETeD
May 10, 2006
The sands were being blow in every direction as Ayumi and Daaku continued to run through the desert on their way to Konoha, they had made great time by actively using their special techniques of transport. This had taken miles off their journey and even though Ayumi was starting to get tired she was more than willing to push herself further for the sake of impressing her father. Over the years Daaku had done everything for her and as she aged to her present state everything she had accomplished was through her talent and the support of her father, the greatest ninja Iwagakure had ever seen.

"This is crazy daddy, I feel like my chakra is nearly gone but since we've already skipped a lot of the trip I can keep going." She then turned to look at Daaku and saw that there was a smile on his face even though he said nothing to her at the time. Ayumi was amused at the situation she knew very well that Daaku was matching her speed rather than moving his fastest but she was okay with that. "When we reach Konoha, I can finally rest and then continue training for the exams."

With the simplest of movements, Daaku jumped over Ayumi and started to run in front of her...moving backwards and with another turn of his arm, had snatched her up, carrying his daughter on his shoulder. "Don't be foolish, I've trained long and hard with you my daughter, of course I know your limits. You need not try and impress me. Obviously you have been doing that all along." He continued to run with her on his shoulder and just patted her head.

"I love you daddy."

"And I you Ayumi," with that he alllowed her to fall asleep and then continued on the path to Konoha.

King Sora X

Legendary Member
Mar 31, 2008
Nowhere in particular.

Yup, the entire team was here. Sanosuke-sensei being the first, followed by Arashi, then Jaakuna himself, and finally was Sayuri. It was surprising that she actually showed up late. Given her track record, Sayuri has the habit of arriving on time, or in the very least, being the first to arrive to these meetings or anything she does, to be honest.

Jaakuna wanted to keep on staring at Sayuri, but then his stomach took his full attention. He looked over at the cook and Ayame-kun, and they were still in the process of making the Raman. Jaakuna could just hear Arashi complaining. Just the thought of Raman not being there when he arrived made him hungry, which made him angry. He was definitely Naruto's brother, that's for sure.

Just as Jaakuna was about to comment on how lovely Sayuri looked, she jumped to the gun, and asked Sanosuke-sensei what was the plans and what kind of training they were gonna do. As she said that, two things were going on with Jaakuna. The first being that he was also thinking about that. Secondly, he was freaking hungry.

"As much as I want to know what type of training we're going to do, we must eat first." Jaakuna started to complain.


Omnipresent Power
Oct 30, 2006
Punching your salad!
The wind was strong , gust of wind blew Kaito's cloak in the wind. he couldn't help but think about his mother. he knew why he left though with the lingering feelings between nation he still didn't feel at ease traveling alone. he had a small smile on his face an looked towards the horizon it wasnt to much further so he stepped down from the hill he stood upon and continued his journey.

" Honestly this walking is just a waste of time and the wind is strong today..." He started to wave his hands and wind around him picked him up and he began to glide across the wind. " The only way to truly travel i say. The desert seemed almost endless but he saw 2 people a bit further down. adding air pressure to the gust behind him he quickly caught up to a man and a girl with purple hair. He was almost floored by how incredibly cute she was.

His feet landed softly on the sand and his face was kind of red from just the sight of her. " Excuse me, this may in fact be a random question are you going to Konohagakure.
Last edited:

King Sora X

Legendary Member
Mar 31, 2008
Nowhere in particular.
After Kairo departed from his encounter with Jaakuna, he made his way deeper into the village to the point where he walked by shinobi, citizens, some kids, some more shinobi, and whaddya know, more citizens and kids. It surely was a glorious day. The sun surely was shining so high that the clouds overcasted its shadow to a point where there was a nice breeze. Aside from having to go see the Hokage to get his mission, Kairo was rather enjoying this day.

"Guess I better go see the Hokage." Kairo dreading this moment. He didn't like doing stuff, especially if it involved moving.

Within minutes, Kairo made his way to the Hokage Mansion. It was big in its overall size of height. It was quite long in length, as well as having a striking appearance color-wise. Even though Kairo wants to admire the mansion more, he had to head on in. So, he walked in, and as soon as he did that, he was greeted by the very uptight, and rather annoying Ebisu.

"Well, well, look at what the cat dragged in." Ebisu said pushing up his glasses, giving Kairo a rather nasty look.

Kairo didn't want to deal with his shit, least of all his idiotic remarks. If it was up to him, Kairo would deal with this annoying pest right now, but he has more than enough on his plate to even get give two damns about him.

"Just go away, you perverted annoyance."
Kairo snapped at Ebisu.

"How dare you!? I am royal---" Before Ebisu could finish, Kairo started to walk away.

"DON'T YOU WALK AWAY FROM ME!!!" Ebisu started PMSing off the yin-yang.

Kairo just waved at him as he yawned slightly. It wasn't really anything serious. Ebisu bitched constantly, so Kairo was used to his constant bitching. He wasn't even Kairo's biggest concern. It was going to the Hokage, and getting his mission, or whatever the Hokage asked him for.

*Knock knock*

Kairo knocked on the Hokage's door. I'll try again.

*knock knock*

Kairo knocked again only to get a reply from the other end.

"The door's unlocked, Kairo." The Hokage said.

Kairo felt stupid. He opened the door only to find the Hokage, Minato Kamikaze, laying down on the floor. "Um, Lord Hokage.." Kairo hesitated, "What exactly are you doing?"

Minato, surprised that Kairo didn't join him, stood up, and presented himself like a Hokage should. "Oh nothing. So, what can I do for you?"

Kairo shook his head, and presented himself the best he could. "I am here for my mission."


Hazen Gregory

doWnloAd ProgoNOSKES 99% cOMplETeD
May 10, 2006
After Arashi had left Naruto and the Hokage alone, Minato had started to talk about the things that were to happen in the near future for the village and the conduct that would be needed if all was to go well for what had been planned many months in advance. He knew that Naruto wasn't really paying that much attention to what he was saying, so he allowed him to go off with Kakashi for the day. He'd much rather have have his son in the safe grasp of one of his most trusted and respected Jounin than wandering around Konoh by himself causing mayhem. "Hmm, I already finished my paperwork for today, so I think I'll just relax, there's really not much else to be done." Minato then laid on the floor and closed his eyes, drifting off into a light sleep...

There was a rap on the door, but in his dream it was just Arashi knocking on the window to get his attention. "Uuwaaanau." He mumbled incoherently as the knock sounded again. The knock was much too familiar and this jostled the Hokage out of his nap and made him recognize the knock to be coming from Kairo whom he needed to talk with about his mission.

"The door's unlocked, Kairo." He still laid on the floor as Kairo entered, and was questioned on what he was doing. He was amused that Kairo hadn't chosen to lay down as well, he normally was quite the lazy man. He stood up and smiled, making sure that he was poised as the Fire Shadow should be when speaking to those who had faith in him. "Oh, your mission, ha I had nearly forgotten all about that, its going to be a bit different than usual but you are to gather with Kakashi, Sanosuke and Shion and the genin to meet a special guest in the forest...." The thought of this guest made Minato think about the past, it had been nearly a year since he last saw Daaku Raito even though they still communicated regularly.

Minato grinned, "Daaku Raito and his daughter Ayumi are coming to town but further details of the mission are to be given by the former Tsuchikage himself. That will be all. I don't mind a chat though, just what have you been up to??"


The desert had gotten much hotter as the sun bore down upon it and as Daaku ran with his sleeping daughter on his shoulder, he slowed down considerably as the lands licked at the soles of his feet and the robe like attachment to his garments also blew about in the wind. Konoha had getting much closer and in the distance the forest would soon be visible.

"Wow, you don't see that everyday..." There was what looked to be a child flying toward Daaku and Ayumi at high speeds, even from where Daaku was you could tell that he was using some form of fuuton manipulation to accomplish this feat, so Daaku stopped completely and allowed the boy to catch up. Immediately Daaku started laughing at the boy as he asked if they were headed to Konoha. He had to do so because a twisted joke had come across his mind...

Ayumi then woke up, and yawned loudly. "Dad?? Who's this boy??" Her face flushed even more than the boy's had as he stared at her. He was incredibly cute and Ayumi even at her age already found herself wanting to touch him and see how soft his skin was. Daaku spoke into her ear however and her expression changed. "I see, this boy is one of the Yoshido Clan from Kumohagakure. I can see just by his eyes, I remember you telling me about what they did to Aunt Tomie during the war."

Daaku nodded his head, "Yes Ayumi, that's right, and this child will die by our hands." He let Ayumi drop to the ground and glared at the boy, "To answer your question we are on our way to Konoha but you're not because we shall bury you among the grains of sand. This is obviously the spot you have chosen for your final resting place."


Omnipresent Power
Oct 30, 2006
Punching your salad!
Upon closer investigation Kaito's eyes grew wide when he realized who it was he was in front of. " Former Tsuchikage Ratio....as much as i respect you i wont be buried here. That i can assure you!" I know i can't beat you but i can try..." He was flustered and could barely get his words out. yet he still could not stop from looking back at the young girl. he knew he had to focus on the Daaku but he couldn't help his glare.

"Why would you do this....your a former Tsuchikage!" Kaito reached for his sword slowly not knowing what moments would come next.

Hazen Gregory

doWnloAd ProgoNOSKES 99% cOMplETeD
May 10, 2006
Daaku stood facing the child with his arms folded and chakra began to seep out from around him, causing some of the sand to actually turn to glass, the extreme flush of Daaku's chakra had ended up heating the sand around him so much that it had changed states. He was immediately caught by the boy's will to survive and his valor to face even the man he knew to be the former Tsuchikage. "But you still want to fight, even knowing that you could be destroyed??" As the boy reached for his blade Daaku saw that he kept looking back at Ayumi, maybe out of his will to understand or because he was enthralled by the way she looked.

"You shall die..." Ayumi burst out laughing and pounced on the young Yoshido, she would have let it go further but he was too cute for the joke, she hugged him and ruffled his hair..."Oh my God!!! You're soooo adorable!!!" Her blush continued to span across her smiling face as Daaku looked on in amusement at the two. "I'm sorry, it was just so odd that you were traveling alone through the desert, its not safe out here you know, there could be bandits and all other types of scary things waiting for you." She let him go and pointed to her dad, "As you already know that is Daaku Raito, my father." Ayumi curtsied and blew Kaito a kiss, "My name is Ayumi Hikari Raito....pleased to meet you." She giggled and walked back over to her father.

The sun had gotten higher in the sky and Daaku saw no need to waste more time on games. "Hahahaha Ayumi you ruined it. In any case, I see you're a Yoshido, would you do us the favor of introducing yourself to us?? Sorry for the prank by the way."


Omnipresent Power
Oct 30, 2006
Punching your salad!
Before he could answer he was tackled by the young girl. his face immediatly turned blooshot red and his eyes grew extremly wide" HEY!!!" he said struggling but the blush on his face was far to obvious. As she let him go he jumped back a few feet and pointed" Hey you shouldn't go around tackling people you dont know! and and im not cute...im um im...well i dont exactly have a word for it but i'll think of one!"

"Hahahaha Ayumi you ruined it. In any case, I see you're a Yoshido, would you do us the favor of introducing yourself to us?? Sorry for the prank by the way."

Kaito was dusting himself and fixing his hair briefly while Daaku was talking. Once he felt presentable he stood forward. " My name is Kaito Yoshido member of the yoshido bloodline. Son of the passed Ishiro Yoshido." rustling his clothes he placed his sword back to his waist" Yea i'm aware its pretty dangerous out alone but i have no one to travel with. i left my home to become a better ninja for my family. Besides i can take care of myself out here i've dealt with worst....though i can say i didnt expect to run into the former Tsuchikage. It is a pleasure to meet you both. " Even then he felt it hard for him to keep his eyes off of Ayumi but in front of her father he had no other alternative.

" May i ask a question? What are you doing out here anyway?"

Hazen Gregory

doWnloAd ProgoNOSKES 99% cOMplETeD
May 10, 2006
The boy answered Daaku promptly, revealing himself to be Kaito Yoshido. He went on to explain a few things about himself and also mentioned why he had been traveling alone. These things shocked Daaku a little because he didn't think that Kumo had allowed their genin to be so unaccompanied if that was the case they had fallen a lot in the past few years where Daaku and the other villages had thought their were continuing to better themselves. Apparently this wasn't the case and that wasn't a good thing. Hearing these words caused daaku to frown as he pondered on what to do about the situation.

He was about to say something to Kaito but Ayumi's eyes had once again drifted to the boy and his eyes were locked on her...

"Ayumi, get the stars out of your eyes will you?? You two can drool over each other once we arrive in the deeper area of the forest, there is a special mission we need to attend to and now it seems that Kaito here will be joining us as well. I doubt he has anything better to do anyway."
He pointed to Kaito with his eyes angled in annoyance. "I feel as if I'm now responsible for you and I must now take you under my wing, do you accept??"

Ayumi laughed to herself and pranced over to Kaito again. "Daddy what do you mean does he accept, OF COURSE he does. Nobody wouldn't want to be trained and guided by the great Daaku Raito. But screw it let's move, we can talk on the way there." With that she took off running and without further warning Daaku did the same, running right next to her."

King Sora X

Legendary Member
Mar 31, 2008
Nowhere in particular.
First thing was first. Kairo came in, and saw the Hokage laying down. His first impulse was to join him, but Kairo felt it would be kind of awkward for a Jounin and a Hokage laying down, even if the offer was perfect since all Kairo wanted to do was to nap.

When the Hokage stood up, he brushed off some dirt that got on his cloak. When he had told Kairo that he had almost forgotten about his mission, Kairo laughed slightly. He knew the Hokage was very calm, and presented himself with a very cheerful glee that always seemed to make other laugh. Kairo would sound like he has a mancrush on the hokage. Then again, his wife, Kushina, would have a cow, literally.

"Oh, your mission, ha I had nearly forgotten all about that,

Kairo shook his head, and laughed a bit more. "That's just like you, so light-hearted about these things." Kairo smiled.

its going to be a bit different than usual but you are to gather with Kakashi, Sanosuke and Shion and the genin to meet a special guest in the forest...."

Finding out what exactly his mission was, Kairo smiled. This wasn't like how he smiled at how light-hearted the Hokage was, but the fact that Sanosuke, Kakashi, and the other genin would be joining made him smile. "This must be some mission to send all of us. Who is this special guest?" Kairo curiously asked.

"Daaku Raito and his daughter Ayumi are coming to town but further details of the mission are to be given by the former Tsuchikage himself.

Even though this news about the former Tsuchikage surprised Kairo, he was more intrigued by what the Hokage was saying. What possible reason could the former Tsuchikage have planned.

I don't mind a chat though, just what have you been up to??"

Kairo came out of his own thoughts only to hear the Hokage switch the serious conversation into, not surprisingly, a casual chit-chat.

Kairo shrugged. He didn't mind a little chat with the Hokage. "I ran into Jaakuna earlier." Kairo pulled a nearby chair to sit down, "underneath all of that pranking, I see a fine shinobi in that boy." Kairo smiled. He had all the faith in Jaakuna. It actually reminded of the tales that the Hokage has told him about his younger years. "Ran into that perverted shinobi, Ebisu. Seriously, why do you keep him around?"


Omnipresent Power
Oct 30, 2006
Punching your salad!
Kaito paused for a second and looked at the sky. the desert sun beat down on him so it was obvious he had nothing to do as Daaku aforementioned. With confidence kaito looked back at him. but before he could even mutter a word Ayumi accepted for him. with that they were off. Kaito ran along side Ayumi and moved closer to Daaku.

" True sir my plans are to go to konoha and it would be in my better judgement to follow you. You don't have to be responsible for me though. i'd hate for something to happen to me and it was on your hands. just think of me as a temporary tag a long for now. But i do have a question. exactly what is your mission and how can i help? i might as well make my self useful.

Hazen Gregory

doWnloAd ProgoNOSKES 99% cOMplETeD
May 10, 2006
Minato had a casual expression on his face, "Ebisu?? Oh that's an easy one, that man knows things about me that even Kushina doesn't know about me. As much as an openly perverted man he is, his exploits are a lot more amazing than people give him credit for." The Hokage smiled and flipped back onto a chair in a sitting position, then folded his arms. "You know, Daaku created the Rasenkoa and I the Rasengan, but the idea of the techniques came from him." This thought caused a sour expression to come across the normally chipper Minato's face, he had been doing many things for years but the idea of those techniques had never really crossed his mind until Ebizu mentioned it.

"Offhand I still need to manipulate the technique more, I feel as if Daaku has surpassed me in nature transformations but I suppose its because his kekkei genkai allows him a level of control that would take many years of select training for me to get to." He sighed, "I feel that Jaakuna could end up going places if he is pushed in the right directions but...." His thoughts shifted to those of Naruto, whom he adored greatly, "Naruto needs to pick up the pace. His fuinjutsu should be more advanced than they are at this point yet he always has time to pull pranks, even on me and Kushie."
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