Sinker you can just post it in here when you're done.
As soon as I can upload the pics of characters Ill post them on here
This is Darkfyre Kage temp he made.
Name: Omoi Chikyu
Age: 43
Sex: Male
Appearance: Under the robes of this man, one would think that he is morbidly obese. This is an illusion due to the fact that he slouches and appears to be the simple height of five feet and eleven inches. On the occasion that this man stands straight, his build forms into a mountain of mucles with a height of six feet and eleven inches. Under the robe of the Kages, this man wears only a pair of torn pants that were once white as freshly fallen snow but are now covered in dirt and blood from his past. For reasons unknown, this man never wears any form of footwear and thus his feet have hardened over the years to become what is much like rock. On his bulging chest is a single scar that runs from his right shoulder down to his left hip and is the only indication of pale skin on his otherwise bronze body. His eyes represent the earth itself and shine with a muddy brown color, but are almost always hidden by the large amount of shaggy hair upon his head. The only place where his hair seems to obey the command of its master is in the back where it falls to the center of his shoulder blades while still sticking out in all directions. If one was the see this man in his entirety, they would not think the man smart, but rather pure power in the form of a human.
Personality: A quiet man that only speaks when he feels the need to or when addressing those that he looks over. He was never really one for "formalities" when it comes to being a Kage and constantly tells others to call him by his name while saying that he is "...just another ninja. Just a more powerful one." Because of this, many would see him as being weak and un-wanting to asserty his authority over his people, but he sees it more as putting himself on equal terms when it comes to others. He does have one weakness though. That weakness is children and the fact that he would gladly put his life on the line for them. It is his belief that all children should grow up in a world where there is no violence and thus he strives to forge an alliance with the other Great Ninja Countries. He is often putting off his duties to play with the local children.
Village: Iwagakure
Title: None
Kage Rank: 4th
Chakra Affinity: Douton
Specialty: Ninjutsu, Taijutsu
Signature Justu:
Juryoku Saji(Gravity Surge): To be put into simple terms, this jutsu deals with the control and manipulation of gravity. By using his chakra, Omoi controls the particles known simply as Gravitons within a localized area for devastating affects. This jutsu comes in many forms and can be switched up at will.
The first and most basic form of this jutsu deals with the compacting of Gravitons within a large area around his body. By doing so, he renders all major movement useless, and all Jutsu by default. Should one find the power to form the appropriate hand seals, all Ninjutsu would fall short of the target with a simple flux of gravity while all Genjutsu would fail after only a max of three seconds. This form is typically used to immobilize targets within the circle.
The second part of this jutsu deals with removing all Gravitons within a localized area. By doing this for a charging or attacking enemy, the target is thrown off balance and sent flying into the air. This is often used to prepare for a large scale assault by the Kage using either his ninjutsu or taijutsu.
The third and final part of this jutsu involves direct control of the gravity within a wider range. This form specifies a specific point that allows the Kage to manipulate the gravity in any combination that he chooses. His most common method is to increase gravity around the target to reduce stamina quickly and to render ranged weapons useless. When gravity is pushed to the maximum levels, bones always snap or shatter from the weight of the owner.
Other: Kage is immune to all gravity manipulation due to massive amounts of training.
Uses the Taijutsu form of Jujitsu, a martial art that uses throws and strikes to deal maximum damage should he allow the target to get close enough.