Hello all.
I'm brand new here, but I've been following the tremendous amount of posts over the last few days regarding the videos from the NA version which have been going up on YouTube. Thanks a lot, Maverick22, for showing us what we have to look forward to in the American version of KHII. Now please, please forgive me if this has already been answered, but I recall there being a post describing some concern about the legal ramifications of posting the intro or ending movies of the game...
Now, I'm no lawyer (though I do currently work for a large software corporation, and wrote game reviews in the past for a website), and I could be completely mistaken, but wouldn't posting spoilers from late in the game, and obviously the end of the game, cause Square more angst than the intro? Now I'm not one of these OMGPOSTTHEINTRO!!!11!!! guys, but I would like to know the reasoning why it's not being loaded (again, forgive me if this has already been answered). I'm fairly sure if there is concern about a video of the opening causing problems, a blank screen with the song playing in the background would probably satisfy all the fans just as much. I wouldn't be surprised if Square's legal department is dense enough to truly believe that most people who have wanted to see the intro haven't already seen it (from the Japanese version) and heard several different versions of Passion, as well.
Is Square worried about losing sales from people hearing Sanctuary? I'd find that thought unusual to say the least.
Mav, I know you're probably a busy guy and you've got a lot more to do than just post videos. Thanks a bunch for revealing lots about the game, and if you can't post the intro for whatever reason, that's your call. Just know that there are a lot of us out there who can't wait to hear what it sounds like in English, and that an official post on the reasoning for why it will/won't be posted would cause a lot of the discussion to stop... so anyways, thanks again Mav. 12 MORE DAYS!
Please tell me they didn't give Cid a southern accent....