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my unbirth idea.

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livin' in the past
Jul 18, 2008
I have a question. Towards the end of your theory, you mentioned something along the lines of the apprentices having to work their way up to getting keychains to attach to their own respective keyblades. If that's the case, Why did Sora start off with one? (This goes for Riku too, since he would've had the KK under different circumstances)

Sir Willis

Apr 28, 2007
At my computer. How would I be on this forum if I
Now i bealeve that a keyblade is created when someone takes some light or darkness from their heart and form it into a keyblade, therefore a keyblade is basically part of it's weilder's heart and is connected to it's weilder's heart.

Keyblades aren't affect by light or dark...
And Riku's Keyblade is actually a Keyblade from the Light Realm.

Yeah, Riku-KeyBlade dis-proved that part of your theory.

Keyblades aren't made from people's hearts, with the exception of the PoH's Heart Unlocker.

1-up salesman

New member
Jul 7, 2008
Okay, first, that's not Riku's Keyblade. That's his sword until he gets SoulEater, and then Way to the Dawn in KH II. And then it has a Keychain But interesting theory

Master Riku 789

New member
Jun 29, 2008
I have a question. Towards the end of your theory, you mentioned something along the lines of the apprentices having to work their way up to getting keychains to attach to their own respective keyblades. If that's the case, Why did Sora start off with one? (This goes for Riku too, since he would've had the KK under different circumstances)

the apprentince getting a keychain thing would'nt apply to sora or riku as they had no master

Yeah, Riku-KeyBlade dis-proved that part of your theory.

Keyblades aren't made from people's hearts, with the exception of the PoH's Heart Unlocker.

i never said that a keyblade was made from a whole heart but part of it's weilder's heart and soul eater was made from the darkness in riku's heart and that darkness was part of riku's heart.

Okay, first, that's not Riku's Keyblade. That's his sword until he gets SoulEater, and then Way to the Dawn in KH II. And then it has a Keychain But interesting theory

terra's keyblade has no keychain but it has a hole where a keychain can be attached and so does soul eater. bassically i think since soul eater had a keychain attached to it later and then it became way to dawn.


Apr 8, 2008
a mesh chair
Soul Eater was given to Riku by Malificent. And Souleater has that hole in it becuase i beileve that is very early concept art and they mightve been thinking of giving it a chain. Terra's keyblade seems to be a training keyblade until he gets the chain for it, which turns it into a real one. thats probably why it has the hole. And, i think MX's ball thing that made KIngdom Hearts apppear was just magic, but i never saw his keyblade turn into it, so, its still a very good possibility.Good for pointing those things out <3

Master Riku 789

New member
Jun 29, 2008
Soul Eater was given to Riku by Malificent. And Souleater has that hole in it becuase i beileve that is very early concept art and they mightve been thinking of giving it a chain. Terra's keyblade seems to be a training keyblade until he gets the chain for it, which turns it into a real one. thats probably why it has the hole. Good for pointing those things out <3

it goes along with what i was saying except it was confirmed that soul eater was created from the darkness in riku's heart.

EDIT: trust me master xehanort did turn his keyblade into the orb in which he shot up to kingom hearts.
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livin' in the past
Jul 18, 2008
the apprentince getting a keychain thing would'nt apply to sora or riku as they had no master

I don't know. I guess it's possible, but it does sound fishy. And yeah, you're right that I don't have any evidence that says otherwise, but there's also no proof that supports it, so it's very neutral right now.

I just happen to think that keychains are created by the manifestations of memories, since that would explain how Sora gets a new keychain for the worlds he visits. That would also explain Roxas' Oblivion and Oathkeepter combo, as it represents memories of Kairi and Riku. Obviously, that's not my theory since it's been thought of by plenty of people before. I do agree with it though.

Master Riku 789

New member
Jun 29, 2008
I don't know. I guess it's possible, but it does sound fishy. And yeah, you're right that I don't have any evidence that says otherwise, but there's also no proof that supports it, so it's very neutral right now.

I just happen to think that keychains are created by the manifestations of memories, since that would explain how Sora gets a new keychain for the worlds he visits. That would also explain Roxas' Oblivion and Oathkeepter combo, as it represents memories of Kairi and Riku. Obviously, that's not my theory since it's been thought of by plenty of people before. I do agree with it though.

'm not saying anything about how keychains are made, all i stated in my theory is what their used for.

Chocobo Dyl

New member
Apr 18, 2008
the idea works right?
The parts that have been or are been proved wrong do not prove the theory in general wrong.

However,Riku had the soul eater and then took Sora's keyblade in KH1 am I correct?
So,Riku took the whole blade,but if the theory that the soul eater is a keyblade he need only take the keychain proving that the soul eater cannot be a keyblade.

Also Keychains don't go through holes they latch on to hooks


Gee Tee Ecks
Apr 21, 2005
W/ Headphones On.
We know that riku's soul eater was created from the darkness in riku's heart
We don't know where the soul eater came from. So that makes this...

Now let's say someone uses the light in their heart and forms it into a weapon, would it not create a similar weapon as soul eater?
completely irrelevant. Also, makes nearly the whole theory irrelevant. That is until you can show proof.

The only difference would be one is made with light while the other is made with darkness. Now i bealeve that a keyblade is created when someone takes some light or darkness from their heart and form it into a keyblade, therefore a keyblade is basically part of it's weilder's heart and is connected to it's weilder's heart.
Same as above.

Soul eater and tav's keyblades are basically keyblades without keychains and these keyblades are what all apprentinces use until they are worthy of a keychain.
I don't get it. Riku was already worthy of the keyblade *keychain included*, well before Sora. And apparantly still was until Sora took it at Hollow Bastion. The only reason Sora had it because he was just a "delivery boy".

Now once an aprenttince has proven themselves worthy and they have mastered their keyblade they will receive a keychain, the keychain will draw out the true form of the keyblade and thus the keyblade becomes a representation of it's weilder's heart. A keyblade with a keychain is proof that someone is a master of the keyblade,
All this is a pure speculation because you have posted absolutely nothing to back it up.

however i wont apply this apprentince to master via keychain to sora and riku as there was no master to give them a keychain.
You can't apply it because it disproves what you just said.

If part of the weilder's heart gives birth to a keyblade, then what happens when the keyblade loses the peice of it's weilder's heart that gave it birth.
Can someone even lose a piece of a heart in this game? Isn't it all or nothing?

If the peice of the weilder's heart that created the keyblade is stolen from the keyblade then that part of the weilder's heart will create an unbirth.
I don't even understand how that would happen.

Why are they called unbirths?
Because they have not passed through the bojingo. *Scrubs reference ftw*

Also edit button is your friend.
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Don't you step out of line
Jun 13, 2008
I dont really care how the unbirths are made as long as theyr there...

Captain Garlock

Did I ever tell you I love red?
Aug 4, 2008
Your theory has alot of plotholes.

Soul eater isnt a keyblade >__>
Light and dark dont really affect the weilder
Thats saying mickey is evil because his keyblade is from the dark realm >__>

Key chain have yet to be explored.
The only confirmed keyblades to have keychains in BBS are those of the KK WtD and DKK(First trailer)
And then MX keyblades.

in this video:YouTube - Kingdom hearts Birth by sleep *HQ* we see master xehanort turning his keyblade into a dark orb. i bealeve that orb is basically the darkness in master xehanort's heart that was used to create his keyblade.
That seems about right.
then what happens when the keyblade loses the peice of it's weilder's heart that gave it birth. If the peice of the weilder's heart that created the keyblade is stolen from the keyblade then that part of the weilder's heart will create an unbirth.
You dont make the keyblade your chosen to weild it D:


New member
May 28, 2007
Soooooooooooo many spelling errors.
Are you telling me there is no spell chek on this thing.

Captain Garlock

Did I ever tell you I love red?
Aug 4, 2008
I dont look at the lkeyboard when i type lawlz
Plus im usually drawing or playing socom.
STill dude just because of the guys at your site liked it doesnt mean we have to =D

Sexy Angel
Apr 17, 2007
Thats saying mickey is evil because his keyblade is from the dark realm >__>

His keyblade is from the Dark Realm... but he isnt evil... durr.

Captain Garlock

Did I ever tell you I love red?
Aug 4, 2008
No in his theory if you read it he said your keyblade is affect by light and darkness.
If that were the case mickey would be evil.
You sir cant read

Sexy Angel
Apr 17, 2007
No in his theory if you read it he said your keyblade is affect by light and darkness.
If that were the case mickey would be evil.
You sir cant read


No, i didnt read the first post.

In this case, nothing make's Mickey evil cuz he has a darkness keyblade.


How about it?
Jul 4, 2008
I don't mind what the unbirths look like, as long as some of them are original and fight well
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