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Kingdom Hearts: Putting Together the Pieces of the Puzzle
Note: This does kinda branch off into other things, so be aware of that.
So far, there has been an Awakening in each game of the canon, save COM. This leads me to believe, that the Awakenings are for Keyblade masters to help them "wake up" to their true power before getting the Keyblad. That is why there is not one in COM. Sora already had his. Now, here's a question you probably have now, "Why then, does Roxas have an Awakening in KH2, when your theory states that Keyblade Masters get one BEFORE they are chosen?" Well, he had forgotten, and thus, the Keyblade thought he needed a new Awakening. With that in mind, Terra, Aqua, and Ven will probably have their own Awakenings.
This next part has no base, so skip over it if you want to.
Here's how I think their Awakening will go. They wake up on a dark floor, completely without color. They each step forward, and doves fly up revealing a stained glass floor, probably depicting a Keyblade. Okay, time for a mini based theory.
In each Awakening, it's difficult not to notice the doves taking flight. They probably symbolize peace, or maybe the Keyblade's want for a master. Okay, back to unbased theorizing! Wheeee!
Anyway, the doves take flight, and a voice speaks, "Chosen, blah blah blah, heroes, yada yada yada." Then three pedestals appear like they do in the other games, but this time instead of a sword, a shield, and a staff, Terra, Aqua, and Ven get to choose armor, and Terra chooses Earth, for attack, Aqua chooses Water, for magic, and Ven chooses Wind, for defense. They each go through a door, pick up their Keyblades, fight a big monster, and wake up in their own beds.
Kay, back to the main theory.
The Tutorial Thingy
Now that we have covered the Awakening, we will go to the part of the game that would serve as the tutorial. Terra, Aqua, and Ven are living on Destiny Islands, and enjoy playing on the islands that Sora, Riku, and Kairi will eventually find. That, or Terra, Aqua, and Ven are normal children, playing together, being happy, blah blah blah.
Then they get curious about what's beyond the endless sea that surrounds their home. So, just like Sora, Riku, and Kairi will one day do, they build a raft. Meanwhile, a four year old Sora and a five year old Riku meet for the first time, and decide to start a conversation with Terra, Aqua, and Ven about what they are doing. They reply to the young children, "We are going to go away for awhile, to find out what's beyond the sea." Sora replies, "Wow! You mean past the islands way out there? Can I come?" But before Terra can answer, Riku says, "Actually, Sora, we need to stay with our parents. They'll be really worried if they find out that we left the mainland." The conversation may be a little different, but it'll be something of that nature. I think. Why do I think this? Here's why:
Riku is interested in other worlds in KH1, right? The supposed reason for this interest is that Kairi showed up on the islands one day. Well, for all Riku knew, she could have just washed up on the beach from another island, or another part of the mainland. Also, from some close observation using ARMAX codes, I have found that Destiny Islands looks very similar to Hawaii, due to the volcano. Riku could have thought that Kairi came from another state and fell off of a cruise ship or something. But because Terra mentioned, "beyond the sea" so long ago, Riku thought about other worlds.
Other worlds
According to Kairi's grandmother, the worlds were once one. Meaning, they were all connected as a single world. I know that the story may be irrelevant, but I'm assuming that it is. Yes, I know what happens when people ass-u-me. Anyway, here is my theory. Terra's probable mention of "beyond the sea" might mean simply finding the other parts of that single world. The reason the worlds split apart was because, as the grandmother said, people began to fight over the light, and darkness was born. Darkness came from the light. So, I can conclude from this, that Master Xehanort took that last step and decided to use the light for evil, causing the darkness to be created out of the light. This caused the worlds to separate. So, here is my main theory. Terra, Aqua, and Ven fight MX for control of the true light. Then they either turn on each other, or walk away happy. If something doesn't go horribly horribly wrong. But what're the odds of that [cough]verylikely[/cough]? Of course, there is little base for the conversation, so you can ignore that, as it is not a definite part of the plot. But knowing Nomura, Sora and Riku will probably have some kind of cameo. "But what about Kairi?" She'll probably make a cameo when you go to Hollow Bastion. Yes, HB has been a confirmed world.
Anyway, back to the plot.
Terra, Aqua, and Ven finish their raft, and, unlike Sora, Riku, and Kairi, they are smart enough to set sail as soon as the raft is done. Soon after, the islands are attacked by Master Xehanort, who sensed the presence of potential Keyblade Masters. There he finds Sora and Riku, who will also become KMs. But because they are so young, he just ignores them, knowing that they won't be able to hurt him by the time they are chosen.
The Attack
Okay, here's why I think MX is going to attack Destiny Islands. It happened in KH1. Kinda. Xehanort Ansem's apprentice has to be MX. It is the only logical possbility. That, or because nothing in KH is allowed to be logical, this could happen.
WARNING: If you do not like the Terra+MX=Apprentice Xehanort, do NOT read this next part. It is a more probable version of that theory in that, instead of Terra+MX, it is, MX=Terra in a different form.
Anyway, it is also possible that MX is Terra. Here's why. MX has gray hair, where he has hair. Terra's hair is very similar to Xemnas', but it's brown, not gray. Maybe, MX is one of Terra's "drive" forms(If they exist in BBS). There is a time limit because eventually the "driver" would become overwhelmed by his form, and the form would take over. At some point, Terra figures out how to overide this failsafe, drives into MX, and is overwhelmed by him. But Aqua and Ven almost get to him before he can do something horrible. Just before Terra regains control, MX goes back in time to find Terra, to ensure that this doesn't happen. Along the way, he continues to get older and weaker. At some point before he gets back to the begginning of Terra's adventure, MX finds an apprentice. Finally, just after Terra and his friends leave, MX gets to Terra's time, and attacks Destiny Islands. Eventually, MX calls on Kingdom Hearts to make Terra go into his final drive. But this time, makes sure that Terra thinks Aqua and Ven are gone, so that there will be nothing to guide Terra back to the light. It works, but MX is unaware that the good part of Terra was separated from him, and that part became the Kingdom Key. He proceeds to feign weakness, so that Terra will defeat him, and eventually become overwhelmed by his form. When Aqua and Ven try to snap him out of it, he calls them imposters and kills them. He then transports himself to Radiant Garden, and Aqua's heart is able to somehow extend Terra's dark portal to her armor, before her heart fades away to darkness. Because the dark portals were a new way of transportation, he loses his memory. Ansem finds him with Aqua's armor, has his apprentices help carry him back to the lab, and seals away Aqua's armor. Terra wakes up, and remembers only the name Xehanort, and so that is what he calls himself. At some point while doing an errand, he comes accross a set of armor, and suddenly he recognizes it, as if it were from a dream that he had. He eventually becomes drawn to that room, wondering why he felt the way he did around that armor. One day, he decides to obey the room's name, and sleep there. When he wakes up, he remembers. But he pretends not to. And that is where BBS will probably end. Now we will explore the Keyblade Graveyard.
Disclaimer: When I wrote this, I had to run to my locker, which is in A Wing, from D Wing(which is 2 wings away from A wing, 3 if you count Art Wing) and then back to D Wing. I was VERY tired when I wrote this.
The Graveyard
Okay, here is what I think is the reason for all those Keyblades in that Graveyard. They never found Masters. That is why they look so old and rusted. They are either sitting there waiting for a worthy master to come into being, or, their power had dried up after being unable to find a master for too long, and the keychain fell off, so that it could one day be of use to another Keyblade that had found a master. The keychains are then scattered across the universe to be found. Now, you may be wondering why they couldn't find masters. There could be two reasons. One, they could have been too picky. To quote the Bible(sorry for bringing religion into this), "And God said to Samuel, 'Overlook the older sons whos' appearances make them look as kings. For I do not see with the eyes of men, judging on appearance. I see into the heart." So, I think that is how so few Keyblades got masters. The ones with masters saw into the heart, and recognized the flaws as a neccesary part of a human. So, we can call them "Gods". The rest wanted their masters to be perfect, caring nothing for the strength of heart. We can call them "Men". The second possibility is that it's not a graveyard, it's an archive. They are all just the different forms of the keyblades. That explains the lack of Keychains. And I think we should stop calling them Keyblade Masters. Instead, for the rest of the theory, I will call them Keyblade Partners, because the Keyblades think, just like humans. They can reason, and unlike most other weapons, they can choose. Anyway, on to the Kingdom Key.
The Kingdom Key's Story
Okay, on to what happened to Terra's good side. When Terra was overwhelmed by his MX form, his light was pushed out of his heart. That light became the KK. It chose Riku because of his strong heart. We know that. But because it made a mistake, Sora gets it. We know that too. Near the end of KH1, it goes to Riku. Both are worthy. We know that. We know all of this. So why did I say this? Because, since the KK made a mistake and chose Sora, then it chose Riku, and later went back to Sora because it realized that both were worthy, and then Riku got his own Keyblade, it would want to make sure that Sora was worthy, right? So, it decides to challenge Sora. "Gubah?" you may be thinking. Read on.
So, the Kingdom Key inserts the idea to go to Disney Castle. Why Disney Castle? The Cornerstone of Light. It looks like a heart. Thus, to a Keyblade, it would look like it has two hearts, and two hearts makes it stronger, and so the KK chose Disney Castle for the site of the challenge. It creates a portal there to the gathering place there. That portal is the challenge. Naturally, Sora, Donald, and Goofy go through to meet the Kingdom Key in person. "You are not the one I have chosen," explained. They fight, Sora wins, but he goes back at some point to fight it again. The Kingdom Key says that all it has left to give Sora is its hatred for Xehanort. This is because it met Xemnas. It saw what its other became, and hated it. It wants to engrave that on Sora's heart so that he can sympathize. At the end of that final battle, Sora realizes that he had just fought his own Keyblade, and walks away with a better understanding of the connection between Master and Blade, now calling himself a Keyblade Partner. Then the credits roll. Dododododoooooooooododododododidledo... (The Gummi Ship Theme)
During the credits, it shows Sora's adventures with the Kingdom Key, and eventually how all the Keyblades, having served their purpose, return to Kingdom Hearts and are destroyed. Sora and Kairi's children have their own, and Sora tells them about all his adventures, without calling them his of course.
Then, comes the cutscene that you get from completing the game 100%. A cloaked man walks into a fiery room and looks around. He looks around, and finds a set of tools that look as if they have not been used in many years. He picks them up, goes to the anvil in the middle of the room, and begins to finish forging the mysterious object on it. He lets out an evil laugh, and the screen fades to black.
And THAT is my theory. Feel free to comment on it.
PS: I posted it here to see how the theory killers react. Go ahead, crush all my hopes and dreams.
Wayofftopic: My mom is afraid of walnuts.
Note: This does kinda branch off into other things, so be aware of that.
So far, there has been an Awakening in each game of the canon, save COM. This leads me to believe, that the Awakenings are for Keyblade masters to help them "wake up" to their true power before getting the Keyblad. That is why there is not one in COM. Sora already had his. Now, here's a question you probably have now, "Why then, does Roxas have an Awakening in KH2, when your theory states that Keyblade Masters get one BEFORE they are chosen?" Well, he had forgotten, and thus, the Keyblade thought he needed a new Awakening. With that in mind, Terra, Aqua, and Ven will probably have their own Awakenings.
This next part has no base, so skip over it if you want to.
Here's how I think their Awakening will go. They wake up on a dark floor, completely without color. They each step forward, and doves fly up revealing a stained glass floor, probably depicting a Keyblade. Okay, time for a mini based theory.
In each Awakening, it's difficult not to notice the doves taking flight. They probably symbolize peace, or maybe the Keyblade's want for a master. Okay, back to unbased theorizing! Wheeee!
Anyway, the doves take flight, and a voice speaks, "Chosen, blah blah blah, heroes, yada yada yada." Then three pedestals appear like they do in the other games, but this time instead of a sword, a shield, and a staff, Terra, Aqua, and Ven get to choose armor, and Terra chooses Earth, for attack, Aqua chooses Water, for magic, and Ven chooses Wind, for defense. They each go through a door, pick up their Keyblades, fight a big monster, and wake up in their own beds.
Kay, back to the main theory.
The Tutorial Thingy
Now that we have covered the Awakening, we will go to the part of the game that would serve as the tutorial. Terra, Aqua, and Ven are living on Destiny Islands, and enjoy playing on the islands that Sora, Riku, and Kairi will eventually find. That, or Terra, Aqua, and Ven are normal children, playing together, being happy, blah blah blah.
Then they get curious about what's beyond the endless sea that surrounds their home. So, just like Sora, Riku, and Kairi will one day do, they build a raft. Meanwhile, a four year old Sora and a five year old Riku meet for the first time, and decide to start a conversation with Terra, Aqua, and Ven about what they are doing. They reply to the young children, "We are going to go away for awhile, to find out what's beyond the sea." Sora replies, "Wow! You mean past the islands way out there? Can I come?" But before Terra can answer, Riku says, "Actually, Sora, we need to stay with our parents. They'll be really worried if they find out that we left the mainland." The conversation may be a little different, but it'll be something of that nature. I think. Why do I think this? Here's why:
Riku is interested in other worlds in KH1, right? The supposed reason for this interest is that Kairi showed up on the islands one day. Well, for all Riku knew, she could have just washed up on the beach from another island, or another part of the mainland. Also, from some close observation using ARMAX codes, I have found that Destiny Islands looks very similar to Hawaii, due to the volcano. Riku could have thought that Kairi came from another state and fell off of a cruise ship or something. But because Terra mentioned, "beyond the sea" so long ago, Riku thought about other worlds.
Other worlds
According to Kairi's grandmother, the worlds were once one. Meaning, they were all connected as a single world. I know that the story may be irrelevant, but I'm assuming that it is. Yes, I know what happens when people ass-u-me. Anyway, here is my theory. Terra's probable mention of "beyond the sea" might mean simply finding the other parts of that single world. The reason the worlds split apart was because, as the grandmother said, people began to fight over the light, and darkness was born. Darkness came from the light. So, I can conclude from this, that Master Xehanort took that last step and decided to use the light for evil, causing the darkness to be created out of the light. This caused the worlds to separate. So, here is my main theory. Terra, Aqua, and Ven fight MX for control of the true light. Then they either turn on each other, or walk away happy. If something doesn't go horribly horribly wrong. But what're the odds of that [cough]verylikely[/cough]? Of course, there is little base for the conversation, so you can ignore that, as it is not a definite part of the plot. But knowing Nomura, Sora and Riku will probably have some kind of cameo. "But what about Kairi?" She'll probably make a cameo when you go to Hollow Bastion. Yes, HB has been a confirmed world.
Anyway, back to the plot.
Terra, Aqua, and Ven finish their raft, and, unlike Sora, Riku, and Kairi, they are smart enough to set sail as soon as the raft is done. Soon after, the islands are attacked by Master Xehanort, who sensed the presence of potential Keyblade Masters. There he finds Sora and Riku, who will also become KMs. But because they are so young, he just ignores them, knowing that they won't be able to hurt him by the time they are chosen.
The Attack
Okay, here's why I think MX is going to attack Destiny Islands. It happened in KH1. Kinda. Xehanort Ansem's apprentice has to be MX. It is the only logical possbility. That, or because nothing in KH is allowed to be logical, this could happen.
WARNING: If you do not like the Terra+MX=Apprentice Xehanort, do NOT read this next part. It is a more probable version of that theory in that, instead of Terra+MX, it is, MX=Terra in a different form.
Anyway, it is also possible that MX is Terra. Here's why. MX has gray hair, where he has hair. Terra's hair is very similar to Xemnas', but it's brown, not gray. Maybe, MX is one of Terra's "drive" forms(If they exist in BBS). There is a time limit because eventually the "driver" would become overwhelmed by his form, and the form would take over. At some point, Terra figures out how to overide this failsafe, drives into MX, and is overwhelmed by him. But Aqua and Ven almost get to him before he can do something horrible. Just before Terra regains control, MX goes back in time to find Terra, to ensure that this doesn't happen. Along the way, he continues to get older and weaker. At some point before he gets back to the begginning of Terra's adventure, MX finds an apprentice. Finally, just after Terra and his friends leave, MX gets to Terra's time, and attacks Destiny Islands. Eventually, MX calls on Kingdom Hearts to make Terra go into his final drive. But this time, makes sure that Terra thinks Aqua and Ven are gone, so that there will be nothing to guide Terra back to the light. It works, but MX is unaware that the good part of Terra was separated from him, and that part became the Kingdom Key. He proceeds to feign weakness, so that Terra will defeat him, and eventually become overwhelmed by his form. When Aqua and Ven try to snap him out of it, he calls them imposters and kills them. He then transports himself to Radiant Garden, and Aqua's heart is able to somehow extend Terra's dark portal to her armor, before her heart fades away to darkness. Because the dark portals were a new way of transportation, he loses his memory. Ansem finds him with Aqua's armor, has his apprentices help carry him back to the lab, and seals away Aqua's armor. Terra wakes up, and remembers only the name Xehanort, and so that is what he calls himself. At some point while doing an errand, he comes accross a set of armor, and suddenly he recognizes it, as if it were from a dream that he had. He eventually becomes drawn to that room, wondering why he felt the way he did around that armor. One day, he decides to obey the room's name, and sleep there. When he wakes up, he remembers. But he pretends not to. And that is where BBS will probably end. Now we will explore the Keyblade Graveyard.
Disclaimer: When I wrote this, I had to run to my locker, which is in A Wing, from D Wing(which is 2 wings away from A wing, 3 if you count Art Wing) and then back to D Wing. I was VERY tired when I wrote this.
The Graveyard
Okay, here is what I think is the reason for all those Keyblades in that Graveyard. They never found Masters. That is why they look so old and rusted. They are either sitting there waiting for a worthy master to come into being, or, their power had dried up after being unable to find a master for too long, and the keychain fell off, so that it could one day be of use to another Keyblade that had found a master. The keychains are then scattered across the universe to be found. Now, you may be wondering why they couldn't find masters. There could be two reasons. One, they could have been too picky. To quote the Bible(sorry for bringing religion into this), "And God said to Samuel, 'Overlook the older sons whos' appearances make them look as kings. For I do not see with the eyes of men, judging on appearance. I see into the heart." So, I think that is how so few Keyblades got masters. The ones with masters saw into the heart, and recognized the flaws as a neccesary part of a human. So, we can call them "Gods". The rest wanted their masters to be perfect, caring nothing for the strength of heart. We can call them "Men". The second possibility is that it's not a graveyard, it's an archive. They are all just the different forms of the keyblades. That explains the lack of Keychains. And I think we should stop calling them Keyblade Masters. Instead, for the rest of the theory, I will call them Keyblade Partners, because the Keyblades think, just like humans. They can reason, and unlike most other weapons, they can choose. Anyway, on to the Kingdom Key.
The Kingdom Key's Story
Okay, on to what happened to Terra's good side. When Terra was overwhelmed by his MX form, his light was pushed out of his heart. That light became the KK. It chose Riku because of his strong heart. We know that. But because it made a mistake, Sora gets it. We know that too. Near the end of KH1, it goes to Riku. Both are worthy. We know that. We know all of this. So why did I say this? Because, since the KK made a mistake and chose Sora, then it chose Riku, and later went back to Sora because it realized that both were worthy, and then Riku got his own Keyblade, it would want to make sure that Sora was worthy, right? So, it decides to challenge Sora. "Gubah?" you may be thinking. Read on.
So, the Kingdom Key inserts the idea to go to Disney Castle. Why Disney Castle? The Cornerstone of Light. It looks like a heart. Thus, to a Keyblade, it would look like it has two hearts, and two hearts makes it stronger, and so the KK chose Disney Castle for the site of the challenge. It creates a portal there to the gathering place there. That portal is the challenge. Naturally, Sora, Donald, and Goofy go through to meet the Kingdom Key in person. "You are not the one I have chosen," explained. They fight, Sora wins, but he goes back at some point to fight it again. The Kingdom Key says that all it has left to give Sora is its hatred for Xehanort. This is because it met Xemnas. It saw what its other became, and hated it. It wants to engrave that on Sora's heart so that he can sympathize. At the end of that final battle, Sora realizes that he had just fought his own Keyblade, and walks away with a better understanding of the connection between Master and Blade, now calling himself a Keyblade Partner. Then the credits roll. Dododododoooooooooododododododidledo... (The Gummi Ship Theme)
During the credits, it shows Sora's adventures with the Kingdom Key, and eventually how all the Keyblades, having served their purpose, return to Kingdom Hearts and are destroyed. Sora and Kairi's children have their own, and Sora tells them about all his adventures, without calling them his of course.
Then, comes the cutscene that you get from completing the game 100%. A cloaked man walks into a fiery room and looks around. He looks around, and finds a set of tools that look as if they have not been used in many years. He picks them up, goes to the anvil in the middle of the room, and begins to finish forging the mysterious object on it. He lets out an evil laugh, and the screen fades to black.
And THAT is my theory. Feel free to comment on it.
PS: I posted it here to see how the theory killers react. Go ahead, crush all my hopes and dreams.
Wayofftopic: My mom is afraid of walnuts.
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