Okay I posted this and nobody came. I spent 10 minutes or more typign this up. I'm not lettign this go to waste. So don't complain I've already posted this. If you've come to flame, please egt out. You're just showing immaturity.
****I aplogize for wrong terimlogy. Such as names for the characters and such.
Okay let's break up the video into parts.
"Birth by sleep"- Like the other KH openings and trailers, there's symbolism. In this quote I believe it can be nterpreted as, when you close your eyes you're in a different world, the subconcious, your dreams change you and can shape you. Such s if you have a horrible nightmare, you will be paranoid about that event you dreamt of or if you dreamt of falling in love with someone, you may ask that person out and that could change your life forever, rebirth to a new step in life. Another point is, in the beginning of KH2 Sora is asleep in his pod sleeping. When he awake, he's a completly different person, he was reborn with his memories back in place. Back to the darkness speculation, Riku and Xehanort were both consumed by darkness, their sleep and thus they were reborn into something evil.
Xemnas' other half walking[ forgot his name sorries ^^;; please don't flame me] and a reflection appears walking next to him.- This is prolly a give away, I unno. But, I believe it's showing that Xehanort's[ Xemnas' "orginal" body] two sides, although both are evil. But the the solider we see, I believe represents the half that manipulated Riku to turn on Sora and his friends.
The knight we see run at the soldier and the bald man, I believe is the BHK that we all speculate is Roxas, I don't think so. But, I do see a connection, maybe since this trailer is speculated to be set in the past, it's a relative of Sora. It may sound odd, but Nobodies are supposed to look like their other selves. Example Kairi and Namine` and Sora and Roxas look like each other. So, could the BHK be A relative os Sora?
The ground rising up and pushing the soldier and the bald man up is symbolic. I believ it's saying that the bald man has greater power and strength and he reigns over them with his power. Just liek you see in the scene, a tall pillar of earth standing over the knights below.
Fight is pretty straightfoward...light vs Darkness ^^;;
But the blizzard attack freezing the BHK is symbolic as well. I believe he's the "Sora" of the group, he has most power, "the key". So by freezing him, the bald man ended the only hope.
I guess it could also be interpreted as, stopping time itself....The man throwign the frozen body over just shows what kind of characetr he is. Sadistic and rash.
The helment breaking, that is also very symbolic.
Opening the door to light, the bald man freezes him shortly after to he closes the door, bringing the darkness back.
The blue haired girl going to the BHK, shows that she is a representation of Kairi, well at least I think so^^
The brown haired male, ES, I don't really know. He coudl be sora's father, but at the same time, not.
Hopefully, this all makes sense ^^;;
****I aplogize for wrong terimlogy. Such as names for the characters and such.
Okay let's break up the video into parts.
"Birth by sleep"- Like the other KH openings and trailers, there's symbolism. In this quote I believe it can be nterpreted as, when you close your eyes you're in a different world, the subconcious, your dreams change you and can shape you. Such s if you have a horrible nightmare, you will be paranoid about that event you dreamt of or if you dreamt of falling in love with someone, you may ask that person out and that could change your life forever, rebirth to a new step in life. Another point is, in the beginning of KH2 Sora is asleep in his pod sleeping. When he awake, he's a completly different person, he was reborn with his memories back in place. Back to the darkness speculation, Riku and Xehanort were both consumed by darkness, their sleep and thus they were reborn into something evil.
Xemnas' other half walking[ forgot his name sorries ^^;; please don't flame me] and a reflection appears walking next to him.- This is prolly a give away, I unno. But, I believe it's showing that Xehanort's[ Xemnas' "orginal" body] two sides, although both are evil. But the the solider we see, I believe represents the half that manipulated Riku to turn on Sora and his friends.
The knight we see run at the soldier and the bald man, I believe is the BHK that we all speculate is Roxas, I don't think so. But, I do see a connection, maybe since this trailer is speculated to be set in the past, it's a relative of Sora. It may sound odd, but Nobodies are supposed to look like their other selves. Example Kairi and Namine` and Sora and Roxas look like each other. So, could the BHK be A relative os Sora?
The ground rising up and pushing the soldier and the bald man up is symbolic. I believ it's saying that the bald man has greater power and strength and he reigns over them with his power. Just liek you see in the scene, a tall pillar of earth standing over the knights below.
Fight is pretty straightfoward...light vs Darkness ^^;;
But the blizzard attack freezing the BHK is symbolic as well. I believe he's the "Sora" of the group, he has most power, "the key". So by freezing him, the bald man ended the only hope.
I guess it could also be interpreted as, stopping time itself....The man throwign the frozen body over just shows what kind of characetr he is. Sadistic and rash.
The helment breaking, that is also very symbolic.
Opening the door to light, the bald man freezes him shortly after to he closes the door, bringing the darkness back.
The blue haired girl going to the BHK, shows that she is a representation of Kairi, well at least I think so^^
The brown haired male, ES, I don't really know. He coudl be sora's father, but at the same time, not.
Hopefully, this all makes sense ^^;;