Yeah right when Sora yelled "this is Sparta!!!... yeah i know im gonna get sued...(in HB)
ViVi94;3893348 Now I'm going to be original and say the most epic scene was in Halloween town and evryone was talking about "Sandy Claws" and Sora had this dreamy look on his face and he was all spacing out. haha. (I'm weird said:Haha! i loved how he was fifteen and he was just so excited to meet Santa.
Any scene with Demyx.
I would be to say that the most epic part in the whole kingdom hearts series is when sora has to fight riku for kairis heart in kh one...that scene was just amazing and then sora gave up his definently did not stop the supense!! LOL
I'm a sucker for the last scene with Riku and Sora. I loved it when Riku said this....
Riku: There is one advantage to being me something you could never imitate.
Sora: Yeah, like what?
Riku: Having you as a friend.
*sniffs* That's true friendship right there ya'll.