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Fanfiction ► Methods Of Relaxation [Larxene/Axel]

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Banshee Queen
Jun 10, 2008
A very random thing I came up with another day. Axel is quite OOC, I apologize for that (almost everyone is OOC, lol >w>;;). I'm not responsible for any traumas the fic might cause.

Axel, Larxene (Demyx and Xigbar at the very end)
Axel is drunk. Figure out the rest.


We're no strangers to love...”

The dark-cloaked figure staggered while walking along the empty, bland grey corridor, arms swinging to and fro in a reckless manner.

You know the rules and so do I~”

A hiccup escaped from his lips, soon followed by another. He continued singing slightly out of tune, ignoring the occasional ”hic” in between the words. Once he made it to the chorus his voice became one level higher – and louder.

Never gonna give you up, never -hic – gonna let you down, never gonna--”

A door was slammed open right in front of him, causing his steps and the singing to cease. A menacing aura flowed out of the room, filling the corridor. The first thing he saw was a pair of furious, teal eyes glaring towards him. It wiped the grin away from his face for a moment; regaining the smirk seconds later, he chuckled at the blonde.

”Hullooo, Larxeeene”, the red-head said, voice slurred. The other didn't reply, just kept on staring at the drunken fellow member in anger. A sudden burst of laughter escaped the male's lips, echoing around the corridor.

”Not answering me, are youu?” he leaned closer, causing Larxene to take a step back, a disgusted expression on her round features. ”That's... - hic - ...that's rude, you know?”

”Go clear your head, moron!” the female Nobody hissed. ”And stop screaming around, I'm trying to relax here!”

Something flashed in his emerald-green eyes, misty due to the alcohol. ”I could help you... relax. I'm a pro at relaxing, got it memoriiiiiiiiizzed?” He swung his hand up, attempting to tap the side of his head with his finger – as he usually did when using his catchphrase – yet was only able to lose balance. Larxene grabbed the front of his black cloak before he hit the ground, pulling him back up. The red-head stared at her, mouth slightly open, still wobbling as he stood.

”Th- - hic – thank you. The floor's a bit... lopsided todaaaay.”

Larxene rolled her eyes and sighed loudly. She couldn't let Axel wander around the castle in that condition; who knew what he would destroy? It was always her who had to deal with the idiots... Well, she had no choice now. Silently promising to kill the one who had got him drunk, the Savage Nymph grabbed the red-head's arm and dragged her into the room, closing the door behind her with a bang. She shoved the confused male Nobody onto the bed, folding her arms.

"Sleep the booze out of your head and bug off once you wake up."

Axel sat up, giving her a sly smirk. "What if I don't want to sleep?" Hiccup.

The blonde clutched her hands into fists. "You either close those eyes or I'll close them for you. And believe me, the latter option is much more painful", she said through gritted teeth. The red-head chuckled, grin widening.

"Make me."

Larxene growled, grabbing his shoulders and forcing him to lie down. What she didn't expect was Axel wrapping his hands around her waist and pulling her tightly against him.

"I told you I could help you relaaaaax, Larxie", he said quietly into her ear, snickering. She could smell the alcohol from this distance. She tried to move his hands aside and jump off him, yet his grip was too firm.

Oh great, now I'm stuck here with a horny, red-headed dunce...
the blonde aimed a punch at Axel's face, her fist getting blocked by his other hand, the other still around her. Despite being drunk his reflexes were as good as always, apparently.

"Get your hands off me. NOW."

Axel chuckled, tightening his clumsy embrace. Larxene flailed her legs, trying to kick the male Nobody anywhere she could. She squirmed and squeezed his arms, trying to get him to release her. The red-head laughed, refusing to let go. When the blonde turned her head towards him, the pyro used it as an advantage and placed a sloppy kiss on her lips. He tasted like rum.

Larxene had had enough; a strike of lightning ran through her fingers and hit Axel with full force. His arms dropped to his sides as he lost conciousness, hazy emerald-green eyes closing. Huffing, Larxene rolled off him and stood up straight, glaring at the sleeping red-head before storming out of the room.


Demyx yawned as he entered the kitchen, heading towards the cupboard to find some cereal. He was reaching for the box when he saw number II, slumped on a chair, staring blankly at a glass of orange juice. His visible eye had a dark ring under it.

"Morning, sunshine", the musician chirped, grinning. "Had a rough night? I heard you were at Port Royal."

Xigbar grunted, not bothering to raise his gaze towards the Melodious Nocturne. It was silent for a moment before Demyx spoke again.

"So uhh... You were there with Axel, right?"

The other nodded, still not saying a word. He slowly moved his hand and took hold of the glass, bringing it closer. Demyx could see the Freeshooter's face getting a slightly green tone as he looked at the fruity liquid.

"Where is he?" the younger Nobody kept on asking questions. Xigbar shrugged, placing the glass back to where it had been.

"Probably recovering from our drinking contest", he said with a hoarse, quiet voice. Demyx opened his mouth, most likely going to ask something again, yet was interrupted as Larxene walked in, looking almost as tired as Xigbar. She sat down opposite the eye patch-wearing senior, demanding Demyx to give him a cup of coffee (who obeyed right away, a frightened expression on his face). Once she had sipped the hot drink she turned towards the hungover Xigbar.

"Who won?"

He looked up, confused. Larxene sighed.

"The drinking contest", she said impatiently.

"Oh. Axel did... kind of weird. He is known to have low tolerance when it comes to drinking."

The Savage Nymph gritted her teeth. "I can only imagine." She didn't feel like battering Xigbar, though; why, she didn't even know. Larxene took another sip of the coffee, still tasting a hint of rum in her mouth.


Yes, you all got rickrolled. >:D
And I repeat; this was something completely bizarre that I started writing when I was extremely tired. Grammar mistakes, OOCness... there's everything in this one.
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Proud Demyx/Kairi Shipper
Oct 12, 2007
At the ball
Well, TECHNICALLY, there's nothing OOC about that story because we don't know what Axel would be like in that condition! :D Though I can't help but think that Larxene would welcome the change in Axel's personality since she was the one making the moves on HIM in CoM!

That was very funny Crimson, I laughed the whole way through!


Banshee Queen
Jun 10, 2008
Well, yes, that might be true... x3
I know, I know, but I wanted her to be grumpy in this fic. She was woken up in the middle of the night, after all. (though it might be hard to tell) :D

Thank you! :3


Sextet Gentleman
Oct 27, 2008
Center of the Universe

I laughed so much in this fanfic!! lol Axel drunk would definitely be hilarious. It wasn't as OOC as you made it out to be, like Org said. Never know how Axel would act drunk.

Very good, I liked it ^^;;


Banshee Queen
Jun 10, 2008

I laughed so much in this fanfic!! lol Axel drunk would definitely be hilarious. It wasn't as OOC as you made it out to be, like Org said. Never know how Axel would act drunk.

Very good, I liked it ^^;;


Thanks Quacky. <3

Ha ha, that was very funny. I could so totally see Axel acting like that when he is drunk. Anyway, great job.

:3 Thank you oh so much. <333 So nice that I'm getting at least a few comments. :D


Silver Member
Feb 4, 2009
That was über cute. I love how inquisitive Demyx was and how the reason Axel was drunk was because of a drinking contest. Plus, the rickroll was nice. A better review coming later.
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