pimp slap them why do you ask XP
RIKUSFACE said:OK two choices
First get a chainsaw and rip his guts out
Tell him that if he doesnt say KH2 is cool a ghost will rape his dog tonight
~Hey Macerana who has tons of cash and is rich~ said:What I normally did when I used to get picked on by kids at school (though not for kh).
"Oh really? It's interesting that you think that. It's another thing that makes me different from you. I'm so glad!!" *Squees and runs off*
A good lot of my friends are into KH, and we're in upper sixth! XD Lesse... Three of us in our group are the type to get excited over the release, another is into Videogames in general but thinks KH has merits, and another is a graphics know-all who likes the animation. Most everyone's dorky here. XD
But yeah, if someone makes fun of your for liking a videogame, then they obviously haven't looked at themselves lately. I mean, playing a cute videogame is harmless and fun. But taunting hurts people. So like, why are they teasing again when they're the losers with nothing better to do than try to upset other people? I ask you!