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Master Eraqus, Master Xehanort, and Vanitas

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Dawn Rebirth

New member
Sep 4, 2009
Can you say vacay on Radiant Isle, and I'm growing
Note: this is my theory, demean me, argue with it if you want,ect it's your choice.

Okay, what we know so far (or at least I know so far) is this.

Master Eraqus: sensei/master of Aqua, Terra, and Ven/Ventus, friends/acquaintances with Master Xehanort, able to use, and summon a Keyblade,(maybe, even a master of it) and has a scar of his left cheek/jaw.

Master Xehanort: sensei/master of Vanitas, friends/acquaintances with Master Eraqus, is turning Terra into wanting to control his darkness, obsessing over Kingdom Hearts, able to use a Keyblade, and wears similar clothing to AtW.

Vanitas: apprentice of Master Xehanort, able to use a Keyblade, and wears a mask.

Now out of that there have been a few theories about them well, here is mine.

Master Xehanort: I think is really AtW the reason? In the BBS trailer Eleaus, and Dilan are guarding AtW's lab/castle/mansion which is where Master Xehanort conveniently comes out of a few time in the trailer Secondly same clothing (that's what I think other people would say similar) it's not like He'd borrow the clothing if so, when? Thirdly AtW has not been shown in BBS yet, maybe this is why. Now your probably thinking, This isn't true or how did you even think this? Well, I think alter ego remember AtW is a heart scientist, in otherwords memory. Say an experiment went wrong, and this awoken the darkness/alter ego within him like Dr. Jekyell, and Mr. Hyde but instead, Master Xehanort, and Ansem The Wise. Another thing I point out is Master Xehanort wanted Terra then say, Terra became Xehanort AtW's apprentice meaning it was exactly as Xemnas said, Ansem The Wise is the source of all heartless. (Because he knew from his memories) Finally, before anyone says why can't he use the Keyblade if you want this to be true? (or anything among the lines) Like I said, alter ego Xion couldn't summon the keyblade when she forgot, so when he changed into AtW he didn't know quite simple.

Vanitas: I think Vanitas is really Ienzo, Why? Well, for one thing Ienzo hasn't been revealed yet, or has he? If Vanitas is Ienzo then, why? Ienzo, and Vanitas have one thing in common they are the apprentices of AtW/Master Xehanort, and say Ienzo's heart was tampered with first let us not forget, Ienzo was the one who convinced AtW into going on with the experiments, so he could easily have convinced Master Xehanort into letting him go through the same process but, as Ienzo no memory on how to use the Keyblade. And this last one is my own thought put I could easily picture Iezno looking like Zexion, taking off the helmet that Vanitas wears.

And Finally, Master Eraqus: Braig, now why him? Braig, and Eraquis have a lot in common, for instance knowing Ven. picture this Terra is turning to the Dark Ven want to help Eraqus says that Terra has lost his heart thus, he has lost his home, (or something along the lines) Ven glares at him, Ven is told to do many things by his master that he does not want to do, see where I'm going with this Someone with a heart, or someone who likes to be shown respect does not like to be glared at. And in KH2, and KH 358/2 days Xigbar comments these things about someone always glaring at him."Yeah he used to give me that look to" "Why when I look into her eyes I have to see your's?" also he pictures Ven over her. There's a scar over Xigbar's, and Master Eraqus's left cheek/jaw coincidence? Maybe, of course maybe not. And Finally, Master Eraqus, and Master Xehanort are friends/acqaintences if proof be needed, then why was he there at Aqua/Terra/Ventus's graduation? Well, obviously they've met if he speaks of him so highly. So as I said, before alter ego last person to get one, (besides maybe, Terra) and forgot that or Arturey is his nature. (seems like it me, and I know it's a typo)
You may do whatever you wish with this theory, I will respond but even still.
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Sep 23, 2009
New England
Master Xehanort: and wears similar clothing to AtW.

Master Xehanort wears the same clothing as XH...(Ansem SoD), not AtW.

I havent heard a theory like this be talked bout before, that someone has an alter ego...but i dont think its plausible...and plus, Ienzo is already an apprentice of AtW not MX apprentice. If Eraqus is Braig...then he would use a keyblade...but if u say that his memories are lost...or the fact that Braig is an alter ego of Eraqus (the same goes for your theory that Ienzo is Vanitas)...then why would he know of Ven and the glare that he always use to give him...for it wouldnt make any sense if a powerful Keyblade Master couldnt use the Keyblade if he had an alter ego...and for MX being AtW, AtW hadnt learned of the Keyblade untill Mickey came along to Radiant Garden and spoke with him on the subject of the heart of all worlds.


Oct 23, 2007
The realm of Sleep
OMG! Bro wat da heck did u just post as a theory! THERE IS NO WAY ME IS BRAIG, MX IS ATW, AND HOW DID U COME UP WITH VANITAS BEING IENZO! I'm sorry 4 yelling, but I'm just tellin ya tha truth. Also how could Ienzo be DS if he was ATW's assistant. Dude u might as well close this thread cuz it just makes no sense to me. Nothing personal, I'm just bein real with ya.

Dawn Rebirth

New member
Sep 4, 2009
Can you say vacay on Radiant Isle, and I'm growing
well, Marx nobodies have a recollection of their pastselves even an alter ego, also this was the order of things Ienzo is Vanitas's alter ego Master Xehanort created the Alter ego AtW to forward his plans with Terra, and If i were to assume, M.E. couldn't live down the loss of Terrra, Aqua, or Ventus so he asked M.X. to help him go through the same process instead it would be irriversible. also, now that I think of it your right but, say this suit was either given to Xehanort, or he stole it.

Simple: their theories to where they are in the trailer, and finally Ienzo, and Braig became nobodies, and (this supporting Graced Assassin's theory) AtW made an unversed.

3rd: Gotta try to think outside the box.

Also, their key roles match
Master Xehanort can use a Keyblade which takes a strong heart, and AtW studies them
Vanitas was Master Xehanort's appretice, so he sorta was a double agent on the whole thing seeing as how he told AtW to continue on Master Xehanort's orders.
Master Eraqus most likely wanted an easy life or just wanted to forget the whole thing in general.
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Oct 23, 2007
The realm of Sleep
well, Marx nobodies have a recollection of their pastselves even an alter ego, also this was the order of things Ienzo is Vanitas's alter ego Master Xehanort created the Alter ego AtW to forward his plans with Terra, and If i were to assume, M.E. couldn't live down the loss of Terrra, Aqua, or Ventus so he asked M.X. to help him go through the same process instead it would be irriversible. also, now that I think of it your right but, say this suit was either given to Xehanort, or he stole it.

Simple: their theories to where they are in the trailer, and finally Ienzo, and Braig became nobodies, and (this supporting Graced Assassin's theory) AtW made an unversed.

3rd: Gotta try to think outside the box.

Where are u getting these alter ego theories from? Why would Nomura decide 2 put in alter ego's this late in the game. Sure nobodies are like alter ego's but they didn't come in until the heartless came in after bbs. Plus remember that Mickey talks to ATW so that crosses out MX being atw. Braig already was working 4 atw at the time and was probably in the security department since somehow he and Ven could have fought since in the trailer Ven tried to get in, but the guards wouldn't let him so ATW could have asked Braig to stop him and thats how he got the scar, remember Ven always glared at him. And the Ienzo theory is crazy because technically until we see DS's face or somethin, u have no proof he is Ienzo and note how Zexion was clueless about wat Xemnas was doing in his spare time until Xigibar told him about him talking to someone in the chamber, but he could have met TAV in BBS.


Put on your courage and fly
Sep 1, 2007
In a cereal box
Although they haven't shown up in the trailers yet, I wouldn't count them out into being alter egos or the such.
AtW may not have begun experimenting on hearts until after the events of BBS and finding Xehanort. Xemnas' line about AtW being the source of all Heartless sort of trails back to their experiments on the heart (if AtW had never begun his research, Xehanort wouldn't have gone so far on Heartless and darkness of the heart). And Zexion being Vanitas...not likely. He just hasn't been seen yet.
And Xigbar...thought it was said that he was a witness to the Keybladers (shed some light if things have changed). Doesn't exclude him from meeting them but it doesn't look like he'd be Eraqus since Xigbar's an apprentice at the time as well. The line about Sora giving Xigbar the same look sounds more like it ties back to Roxas than Ven.


Oct 23, 2007
The realm of Sleep
Intesting, one of the more, unique theories.

I will admit it's interesting 2 talk about, but I'm going with thumbs down on this theory. Also Dawn, y do u keep using the term "alter ego's", not 2 make fun of it, but just tell me where have u heard of this before and y do u think they had alter egos back then but not now?

Dawn Rebirth

New member
Sep 4, 2009
Can you say vacay on Radiant Isle, and I'm growing
one, that was when AtW found out not M.X.
2. Vanitas/Iezno knew everthing, but because of this Zexion knew nothing Xigbar was jogging his memory.
3. Dude, Braig a security guard V.S. Ventus (who may be in his armor at the time) no way no how no evidence also if that was a test to prove me wrong then we will have to see who's right.
4. Braig, and Ienzo (or people who looked like them were in the trailer but, Even, Eleaus, and Dilan were no way.
5. I did not point out this because I fogot but, AtW's apprentices shown in the trailer Even, Dilan, and Eleaus
People who had relations to Master Xehanort (in being connectted in action wise, not blood line) Terra, Vanitas, and Master Eraqus.

Who says they didn't Ansem Seeker of Darkness/Riku, nobodies, unversed weather the know it or.
Many places.
witnesses can also be those involved.
Like I said before, (if not now) this is my theory from the trailer, as well, did I say I would comment on this.
Not to say it isn't him.
Once again, MX, and Vanitas may still had a control on their bodies if so.
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New member
Oct 13, 2009
Okay whats with people thinking that if you can use a keyblade than your nobody can. Keyblades go to people with strong hearts. nobodies have no heart exept Roxas he and sora were existing at the same time so they shared a heart (same with kiari). Argo Roxas had a heart and could use a keyblade

Dawn Rebirth

New member
Sep 4, 2009
Can you say vacay on Radiant Isle, and I'm growing
Okay whats with people thinking that if you can use a keyblade than your nobody can. Keyblades go to people with strong hearts. nobodies have no heart exept Roxas he and sora were existing at the same time so they shared a heart (same with kiari). Argo Roxas had a heart and could use a keyblade
Weather it was your intent or not, thank you.


Oct 23, 2007
The realm of Sleep
one, that was when AtW found out not M.X.
2. Vanitas/Iezno knew everthing, but because of this Zexion knew nothing Xigbar was jogging his memory.
3. Dude, Braig a security guard V.S. Ventus (who may be in his armor at the time) no way no how no evidence also if that was a test to prove me wrong then we will have to see who's right.
4. Braig, and Ienzo (or people who looked like them were in the trailer but, Even, Eleaus, and Dilan were no way.
5. I did not point out this because I fogot but, AtW's apprentices shown in the trailer Even, Dilan, and Eleaus
People who had relations to Master Xehanort (in being connectted in action wise, not blood line) Terra, Vanitas, and Master Eraqus.

I will admit I have no proof of this, but if u played the games the evidence lead back to this. Dude even u have no proof of the Ienzo/Braig theory. Just because they haven't appeared in the trailer yet doesn't mean anything. Remember that they were still apprentices of ATW that doesn't chagne no matter wat u say. Plus in KH2 Xigibar told Sora "you guys aren't half the heroes they were" THEREFORE he met vat back then. I know this is facts, and notice how Xigibar had an arrowgun and Zexion could use illusions not freakin keyblades man! Dude face facts that since Terra and Ven(we don't know if Aqua went there yet) went to Radiant Garden they met the 5 apprentices since Ven tried to see atw(once again knocking the MX being him theory out[don't u dare use the alter egos thing again]) and proves that this theory is bogus. How the heck could a Keyblade Master(ME) become Braig? Wat the heck is that.


Oct 23, 2007
The realm of Sleep
look above, Max look above. Finally it is never too late to add something, and what's with the threat? (don't respond if your angry, cause I am)

Sorry 2 make u angry, but just where do u get facts/support 4 ur theory? Ill admit we haven't seen Ienzo/Braig/ATW, but that doesn't mean that they could be the alter ego's of all these people u listed. Just tell me again on y u think this(cuz ur makin me crazy right now) so I'll see how ur getting this theory. Right now 2 me ur making no sense in how they could be alter egos. I mean y ru saying alter ego's PLZ answer that first cuz I don't understand y ur saying that. Then answer the rest.


Oct 23, 2007
The realm of Sleep
the word alter ego means: counterpart a different you example: nobodies, unversed, ect. (I think I'll check up on this tomarrow) quick note: based on what I know is how I made this thread.

I know wat alter ego's means, I just want 2 know y ru using it so much in this theory and how u came up with it.


The Smiling Man
Staff member
Feb 14, 2006
Master Xehanort: I think is really AtW the reason? In the BBS trailer Eleaus, and Dilan are guarding AtW's lab/castle/mansion which is where Master Xehanort conveniently comes out of a few time in the trailer

We've never seen MX come out of AtW's castle, let alone in RG at all.

Secondly same clothing (that's what I think other people would say similar) it's not like He'd borrow the clothing if so, when?

MX's clothes are similar to Xehanort's Heartless' clothes, not AtW's.

Thirdly AtW has not been shown in BBS yet, maybe this is why.

MX and Ansem don't even look like each other...

Another thing I point out is Master Xehanort wanted Terra then say, Terra became Xehanort AtW's apprentice meaning it was exactly as Xemnas said, Ansem The Wise is the source of all heartless.

Xemnas told Ansem that he was the source of all Heartless because Xehanort used Ansem's research to further experiment, which eventually lead to the Heartless' creation.

And Finally, Master Eraqus: Braig, now why him?

No, Nomura already confirmed that Braig met VAT while he was an apprentice to Ansem.

Braig, and Eraquis have a lot in common, for instance knowing Ven.

Aqua also knew Ven...

There's a scar over Xigbar's, and Master Eraqus's left cheek/jaw coincidence?

The two scars are vastly different.

And Finally, Master Eraqus, and Master Xehanort are friends/acqaintences if proof be needed, then why was he there at Aqua/Terra/Ventus's graduation?

MX was there because he had gone to see Eraqus concerning something.

Master Xehanort created the Alter ego AtW to forward his plans with Terra

It goes without saying that Ansem would have been the ruler of RG before BBS.

and If i were to assume, M.E. couldn't live down the loss of Terrra, Aqua, or Ventus so he asked M.X. to help him go through the same process instead it would be irriversible.


also, now that I think of it your right but, say this suit was either given to Xehanort, or he stole it.

...Are you serious?

3rd: Gotta try to think outside the box.

Thinking outside the box is okay, but don't think so far outside that you can no longer see the box.

Master Xehanort can use a Keyblade which takes a strong heart, and AtW studies them

Aqua could use a keyblade too.

Vanitas was Master Xehanort's appretice, so he sorta was a double agent on the whole thing seeing as how he told AtW to continue on Master Xehanort's orders.


2. Vanitas/Iezno knew everthing, but because of this Zexion knew nothing Xigbar was jogging his memory.

Why would Zexion remember nothing? He is Ienzo's nobody and has memories of his time as Ienzo.

3. Dude, Braig a security guard V.S. Ventus (who may be in his armor at the time) no way no how no evidence also if that was a test to prove me wrong then we will have to see who's right.

You're one to talk about no evidence...

Who says they didn't Ansem Seeker of Darkness/Riku, nobodies, unversed weather the know it or.
Many places.
witnesses can also be those involved.
Like I said before, (if not now) this is my theory from the trailer, as well, did I say I would comment on this.
Not to say it isn't him.
Once again, MX, and Vanitas may still had a control on their bodies if so.


Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
If I remember correctly, AtW had nothing to do with the experiments and creation of the Heartless. Xehanort and the others had a mini-coupe and did the experiments in secret. Xehanort was the eager one. Ienzo was just the smart kid of the group.

We just haven't seen Ienzo yet. Hell, we could say Axel is Vanitas just because we haven't seen him yet.

MX and Vanitas are their own person so yes...they do have control of their body. Riku was taken over by Xehanort's Heartless which is why he had no control.

Eraqus isn't an idiot. He looks nothing like Braig btw.
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