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Oct 12, 2007
Let me start off with a story. A while ago, maybe a year this month, a boy met a girl in school, her name was 'X'. They became good friends, talking, IMing and texting almost every hour of every day. Unknown to the boy, X had a crush on him. Day by day, the crush continued. X was always into writing, and she wrote and published a book, at the young age of (...). Now, classmates who had read the book noticed similarities between the boy and the love-interest of the novel. They pondered the matter, one classmate approached the boy and asked, "Do you think X likes you?". And the boy was oblivious. He had been with another girl, 'H', until now, their relationship had been only a week long to the Friday in which the following events would occur. H's friends told the boy in the hallway that said, 'it was over'. The boy could care less, it had been a week. But he did care soon, as when he found out that H used him to make another boy jealous, he was furious. He turned to X for support, and she had helped him, and been there as she always had been.

The Boy Scouts of America have a special sister-organization called, 'Order of the Arrow'. Admittance is extremely grueling, as the young man must go a day without his voice, and a day done in solemn work. The boy just so happened to go to this, 'Ordeal', the day after H had broken his soul. And since the boy did not have his voice, he turned to his mind. Thought had lingered within, about X and how she had touched his life. The more he thought, the more he knew, that X liked him. And so, at the end of this Ordeal, the boy returned home, to find his cell phone as he left it. Excitedly, he sent a text to X. Explaining how he felt, and that he would like to be with her. Hours passed, and no response. Then, when the phone lit up with one new text from her, he was ecstatic to know that her answer, was yes.

The boy and X lived on with their lives as normally, but now they had each other. They told each other stories, and shared hopes and dreams. Then, when the time came, they said the words that shouldn't be said at this young an age: 'I Love You'. He talked of how she radiated like the Autumn leaves, brightest in their change, and how she looked of a beach's shore, untouched by the human race, but remain fondled by the sunset and gazing stars. But X gave nothing in return. A month passed. Then came the day.

The boy and X were drifting apart, and they both knew it. While the boy tried so desperately to hold on to what little love was left, X had other plans. At a party, the boy was shown a message by someone who hacked his Facebook account. X had sent him a message.

"So...remember that time when I asked you how you thought of me? And you said you loved me like a sister and then I said that I felt the same way about you (but in male form)? Well, the truth is, I think I might still feel that way.

I think that, before, I loved you so much that I thought "Well obviously I like him,", because I didn't realize that you're allowed to love someone and not want to go out with them. I thought that anyone who came that close to my heart must be the guy for me. But now, when I have everything that I wished and hoped for, something just feels wrong. And...I think it's because you were always meant to be my brother. I know I suck for telling you this over a frigging facebook message but I know if I talk to you in person I'll just start crying or something stupid like that. I know it's not fair to you. I wish I could take back everything and make it right. But I can't, so I'm coming as close as I can.

Everyone says that they still want to be friends when they break up. I understand completely if you don't want to be. I wouldn't, if I were you. I really really really hope I didn't hurt you, and if I did, please don't waste your emotions on me. You deserve someone so much better. I'll give you your locket on Tuesday. You should save it for someone special. Someone who can love you the right way. You really are the perfect boyfriend, I swear. Must be something wrong with me, I guess.

I'm really sorry, ***. Please forgive me.


P.S: You'll probably never want to talk to me again, but I would really appreciate it if you let me know you got this. I just...I don't want to be wondering if you know when I see you on Tuesday."

The boy was heartbroken. He spent days without eating, or any kind of activity, until he talked to her. Regardless of the words said, they became friends again, like X had wanted.

One month later, cue two new girls, 'E' and 'L'. The boy, whom had recovered from his break-up, had moved on. He had learned that both E and L liked him, and he pondered the subject a short while. In the end, he decided to ask E out. The day he was set to ask E, however, L surprised him, and asked him out instead, and the boy, however stupid he was, could not refuse. And it only lasted three days. Back to his original position, he knew once again, he would ask E out. A week later, he did, and the answer was, as it had been with X, yes. And again, the same situation was brought about. A month later, E broke up with him, no less over a message.

The boy was devastated. He asked himself what was wrong with him, and what he'd done wrong. No girl had the nerve to look him in the eye or talk to his face. And it agitated him. But as he had with X, E and the boy became friends again.

This brings us to the present day.

That boy is obviously me. X and I, even as friends, began to drift apart again. She had learned of who I had feelings for, and took it the wrong way. I had begun to ask her everyday, what was wrong, but the same answer until yesterday was given, nothing. When yesterday, it changed.

'Stop treating girls like useless pieces of replaceable shit.'

Fighting had broken out at once. Her friends, E, L, 'A', and 'M', began to bash me as they called me things I had no recollection of being. Man whore. Gay. Retarded. Selfish greedy bastard. Player. And I have no idea why. The bashing doesn't stop.

I confronted X today after I received a very unpleasant call from her friend A, telling her to 'back the fuck off'. I honestly didn't care how I sounded at this point, it was beyond too far. Hours of fighting and phone calls and angry texts led to this:

My suicide threat
Our broken friendship
The loss of any chance I had of being friends with any of them at any point in the future
And my closest friend

And I ask... Why? Why did this have to happen? Wasn't what I once had with X special? Doesn't she care? And at this point, does anyone care?

Johnny Stooge

Dec 8, 2004
There's something special about high school that makes it heighten every little problem. It's really weird and only something you become aware of when you graduate.

Both you are your friends are blowing things well out of proportion. Silly arguments like this are not worth your life. Don't worry about girls so much. Do well in school and have fun.


Gold Member
May 12, 2007
Dude, all I can really say is calm the freak down.

As you've already acknowledged, you're far too young to be using the words,"I love you," which should also imply you're too young to let stupid shit like one-month long, petty relationships haunt your life, and what's worse, lead to threats regarding suicide.

I'm going to assume you're a teenager, and apparently a deep one at that, but let me give you a wise piece of advice:

Teenagers are incredibly fickle.

Most are inclined to be in relationships for the sole sake of being in a relationship. For them, it's a position, a title, a situation, but certainly not an emotionally-draining and developing relationship. Yeah, it sucks that you tried your hand at love multiple times and were crippled multiples times, but I find it hard to blame 'X' and her friends, to be honest. You do share some of the blame here.

You seem to have become too emotionally-invested far too quickly, to be honest. Your compliments to 'X' are touching and beautiful, but they speak like someone who might have been very, very close to his significant other, and your rush into saying,"I love you," further adds to the fact that you clearly rushed into a relationship that wasn't ready to grow so quickly.

Do you know what happens when you try to force growth at an alarming rate? It backlashes and collapses. It sounds like, to me, you were too eager and that can be a huge turn off: a lot of women will mistake you as clingy, and that's definitely a no-no. Do I think it's right of them to derogatorily insult you like they have been? No, but you can't really disagree with them that you do go through women at a quick rate. I mean, come on: you claim to be heartbroken after multiple breakups, and yet you're back on the scene after a few weeks. And even though 'X' urged you to move on and not consider her a friend anymore, all women are going to do that: they do it because they assume it'll take you a while to get back out on the scene.

But you barely took time off: even after claiming that these women meant so much to you, even going so far as to say you loved one of them (that isn't a word you just toss around; though I'm sure you know), you moved on to the next one and the next one so quick. So sure, they may be overreacting in attacking you like they are, but there's some reason behind it.

Now that I've gone through some basic analysis of the situation, I'll hit you up with some advice:

1) Don't commit suicide, and don't even consider it. Don't even use it as a threat: it's a very dangerous subject, and you shouldn't throw it around. I know it seems dark because 'X' was your best friend who had listened to you and who is now gone, but given how quickly you seem to bounce back from things, I wouldn't be too worried. And that brings me to my second point.

2) Slow down. There's no rush to be in a relationship, and, furthermore, there's no need to rush into love after you've entered into a relationship. Like I said, if you move too quickly and get intimate too quickly, women are going to be turned away by what can only be described as clingy behavior. It's rarely charming or endearing: it's annoying and nobody enjoys it.

What you need to do is take a breather: consider what's really important and don't just jump into a new relationship every single time you hear that someone new on the block has a little crush on you because obviously, as your experience will show, that's not your strong point. Instead of having relationships that last days or a few weeks, focus on finding someone who you really appreciate and love to be around (maybe someone like 'X'; not necessarily her), and when you finally enter into a relationship with that person, don't feel the need to rush it. You're young and there's really no need.

So just chill. Sure, this sucks, but it isn't the worst shit that's ever going to happen to you. And it just means it clearly wasn't meant to be with these people, either as friends or more than that. But remember: you can't just throw the blame all on them; you share the burden of blame with them. Clearly, you've provoked hurt feelings from something you've done, and while it may not have been intentional, it apparently was enough to cause them to think bad of you. And while you may never understand it, you don't have to: accept it and move on.

It's hard, yes, but it will get better.


Gold Member
May 12, 2007
shit i think that's the longest post i've ever typed in my life


Fear the Mist
May 25, 2006
Shifting through the spaces like only Mist can.
Celtis said:
1) Don't commit suicide, and don't even consider it. Don't even use it as a threat: it's a very dangerous subject, and you shouldn't throw it around. I know it seems dark because 'X' was your best friend who had listened to you and who is now gone, but given how quickly you seem to bounce back from things, I wouldn't be too worried. And that brings me to my second point.

First off, I can't stress enough how much I agree with this. I did this once and got locked up in a mental institute for over a week. Trust me when I say that this is not an experience you should want for yourself.

Secondly don't worry too much about romance at your young of an age. Relationships should take a second place, at the most, in your current life. Instead focus on school and getting into a good college. It's actually best to start romance after you get out of school and have a steady career. It provides some of the fundamentals for a strong relationship. So make sure that you can provide insurance and stability before anything else. Once you can, then work on romance. Feelings will only get too people so far. Without the other two people tend to rush relationships and you've clearly seen how that ends.

But yea, Celtis also says pretty much everything there is to say on the current situations. You are partly to blame. Also, I've noticed through observations that it's not always about your feelings afterwards. If you wish to live a pleasant life, wait before you start another relationship. Give it at least a month to reflect and try to learn from mistakes in previous relationships.

Deleted member 36435

Oct 12, 2007
Well, thanks, but... What do I do about what they say about me? They won't leave me alone... And now 'A' is even bringing my RELIGION into it... She's always been a 'pure saintly Christian', but when she insults another persons religion...

And even today they bugged me... TODAY'S MY BIRTHDAY. AND THEY KNEW THAT, TOO.


New member
Dec 22, 2010
Gokai Galleon
Well, thanks, but... What do I do about what they say about me? They won't leave me alone... And now 'A' is even bringing my RELIGION into it... She's always been a 'pure saintly Christian', but when she insults another persons religion...

And even today they bugged me... TODAY'S MY BIRTHDAY. AND THEY KNEW THAT, TOO.

When it comes to idiots like this, the best option is to ignore them completely. The LAST thing you wanna do is add fuel to the fire. It'll also put you in even worse standing with 'X,' since she may take it the wrong way if she hears you've been squabbling with her friends.

In terms of your'e whole situation: I say this from experience, since I've been through your EXACT situation. (Switch a gender and a reaction or two, also subtract suicide threats) Just move on. I know you valued 'X' closely, but people need space. Based on what you've said, it seems you didn't supply enough of that. You were too eager to love and it backfired. I was clingy during my High School years too and it took one of my closest friends from me. (Who I also thought I 'loved')

But 'X's' friends are right about your'e habits. (Though the way they responded was wrong) Wait a while before you go after women, huh? Romance and Love are too different things. And this goes without saying, don't place your life on the line. This incident is simply not worth the trouble.

Celtis pretty summed up everything else.

Mr. Crowley

Feb 3, 2009
Locations? Bonk locations.
Well, thanks, but... What do I do about what they say about me? They won't leave me alone... And now 'A' is even bringing my RELIGION into it... She's always been a 'pure saintly Christian', but when she insults another persons religion...

And even today they bugged me... TODAY'S MY BIRTHDAY. AND THEY KNEW THAT, TOO.

Buddy, these people sound like trouble. I wouldn't talk to them if I were you.
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