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Make Your Own Kingdom Hearts Game Idea Here



Legendary Member
Nov 25, 2016
OK, I have more thoughts about the Warriors game concept:

-Guardians of Light focused game, sort of the spiritual successor to Days being Org XIII focused.

-Timeline wise is set simultaneously with the Sora/RIku/Yozora game. Essentially this is the "meanwhile" game.

-Data-Sora & Data-Riku are involved later in the story so they substitute for the real deals.

-Maleficent actually is a major threat & driving force of the plot, especially when there isn't too many other bad guys really doing anything atm. She spent the year-long time skip building up the power needed to pull off a larger scale version of her put-the-kingdom-to-sleep spell from Sleeping Beauty. This time putting the entire damn Realm of Light to sleep, trapping every world in the Realm of Sleep in the process.

-Heartless, nobodies, & especially dream eaters are the common enemy forces. World specific threats like card soldiers, goons, or Black Guard can also appear. Spirit DE serve as the "good" army that fights along wise the GoL.

-Maleficent's sleep magic extends to giving her control over the nightmare DE in addition to heartless. Luxu retains control over nobodies. How is it he can do that while Lea/Isa/Roxas can't?.............Anyway the other Foretellers don't have minions of their own but those that agree to side with Luxu get nobody support.

-Bosses include returning heartless/DE/Twilight Thorn plus dream/phantom versions of past Disney villains. Most battlefields are based on old Disney worlds without really any new ones.

-Over time the Datascape is involved as Maleficent & Foretellers are both looking for it, hence the arrival of Data-Sora & Riku. Shit happens & the DE of both sides get turned back into keyblade warriors. Maleficent is defeated around this point. Her boss fight has her teaming up with dream & data versions of herself, so the player has to fight 3 witches/dragons. The worlds are returned to the RoL.

-Foretellers take over the plot now as the Keyblade War is reignited. GoL are forced to choose sides. Maybe they could even be factures & infighting within the GoL as they become split over the war. Though D-Sora, Kairi, & Mickey end up siding with the returning Ava in bringing peace.

-Lauriam and Elrena probably get involved somewhere along the way. Maybe a DLC scenario since there's a lot going on as is.

-Luxu is final boss as he is fully taken over by a darkness. Uses both keyblade and arrowguns.

-Post credits scene has remaining darknesses in Datascape escaping into RoL.

TL,DR: Wherever Nomura was going with the Foretellers saga is done in musou format instead of a mainline game as to better convey the scale of the Keyblade War.
Maybe the Maleficents fuse into a Hydra Dragon


Well-known member
May 14, 2017
East Coast, USA
OK, I have more thoughts about the Warriors game concept:

-Guardians of Light focused game, sort of the spiritual successor to Days being Org XIII focused.

-Timeline wise is set simultaneously with the Sora/RIku/Yozora game. Essentially this is the "meanwhile" game.

-Data-Sora & Data-Riku are involved later in the story so they substitute for the real deals.

-Maleficent actually is a major threat & driving force of the plot, especially when there isn't too many other bad guys really doing anything atm. She spent the year-long time skip building up the power needed to pull off a larger scale version of her put-the-kingdom-to-sleep spell from Sleeping Beauty. This time putting the entire damn Realm of Light to sleep, trapping every world in the Realm of Sleep in the process.

-Heartless, nobodies, & especially dream eaters are the common enemy forces. World specific threats like card soldiers, goons, or Black Guard can also appear. Spirit DE serve as the "good" army that fights along wise the GoL.

-Maleficent's sleep magic extends to giving her control over the nightmare DE in addition to heartless. Luxu retains control over nobodies. How is it he can do that while Lea/Isa/Roxas can't?.............Anyway the other Foretellers don't have minions of their own but those that agree to side with Luxu get nobody support.

-Bosses include returning heartless/DE/Twilight Thorn plus dream/phantom versions of past Disney villains. Most battlefields are based on old Disney worlds without really any new ones.

-Over time the Datascape is involved as Maleficent & Foretellers are both looking for it, hence the arrival of Data-Sora & Riku. Shit happens & the DE of both sides get turned back into keyblade warriors. Maleficent is defeated around this point. Her boss fight has her teaming up with dream & data versions of herself, so the player has to fight 3 witches/dragons. The worlds are returned to the RoL.

-Foretellers take over the plot now as the Keyblade War is reignited. GoL are forced to choose sides. Maybe they could even be factures & infighting within the GoL as they become split over the war. Though D-Sora, Kairi, & Mickey end up siding with the returning Ava in bringing peace.

-Lauriam and Elrena probably get involved somewhere along the way. Maybe a DLC scenario since there's a lot going on as is.

-Luxu is final boss as he is fully taken over by a darkness. Uses both keyblade and arrowguns.

-Post credits scene has remaining darknesses in Datascape escaping into RoL.

TL,DR: Wherever Nomura was going with the Foretellers saga is done in musou format instead of a mainline game as to better convey the scale of the Keyblade War.
Don't forget using the Datascape as the main way to obtain other weapons and have characters fight together when they wouldn't under normal circumstances!

And I guess I'll throw my hat in the ring
Kingdom Hearts: Earth and darkness
-Terra centric game focused on him atoning for his sins in Bbs and subsequent games, even though a lot of his actions were mainly Xehanort controlling his body.

-he'd revisit some of the places from BbS that he caused the most trouble/had the most impact (Enchanted Dominion to fulfil his promise to Aurora, even though it's 11 years too late for that, Dwarf Woodlands to apologize to Snow White for startling her, meeting with Peter Pan and helping him thwart hook) and some new places like Kakaoa Town (probably not spelling it right) to see that Stitch did indeed understand what a friend is.

-Enemies are the heartless and nobodies this time around as the unversed are hopefully extinct at this point, and Xehanort is mentioned in passing/not at all (I'm tired of watching Nomura have to continually recast the role because the span between games is so wide we're on our 3rd english VA at this point).

-Primary foe is Aced, mostly because of how he's clearly very similar to Terra due to his strength and earth-like attacks (at least, from the union X movie).

Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom
A Kingdom Hearts game starring Kairi with Aqua, Lauriam, Elrena, and Ventus as the playable characters.

Plot: Kairi requests to be trained by Master Aqua by Yen Sid. Aqua accepts the offer. Aqua offers Terra another opportunity to train again without Master Xehanort's influence over darkness, Terra declines and requests that Ventus take his place. Terra will take the opportunity to be an apprentice to Ansem the Wise to atone for the wrongdoings of Terranort.

Whilst Aqua is training Kairi and Ventus in The Land of Departure, they're interrupted by Lauriam and Elrena. With Ventus' memories as a dandelion being reformed, he understands why they have appeared before him, they want to find Strelitzia. Kairi, Aqua, Lauriam, Elrena, and Ventus travel to different worlds in search of Strelitzia.

Gameplay: The gameplay will take inspiration from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - Torna: The Golden Country. Kairi will be the central character but you can switch between Aqua, Ventus, Lauriam and Elrena in battle to restore HP and to perform combos. The Power, Magic, and Speed element mechanic from Kingdom Hearts X will return and enemies will be designated with the respective elements.

Enemies: Maleficent and Pete will be the main antagonists of this game, they're working with Darkness to acquire the Black Box from Luxu. Kairi, Aqua, Ventus, Lauriam and Elrena encounter them during their visits to Disney worlds. The final boss of the game is going to be Strelitzia.

Worlds: Brave, Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Disney Town, Radiant Garden, Raya and the Last Dragon, Wall-E (Axiom), Fantasia 2000, The Land of Departure.


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2017
Lake Charles, LA
Kingdom Hearts x Tekken

A crossover that translates the KH cast into Tekken-style gameplay

The story would be about Organization XIII (from the events of 358/2 Days) and the Mishima Zaibatsu (from the events of Tekken 6) going after an artifact that both sides believe beneficial to their respective causes.

SPOILER ALERT: Sora’s unlockable


Silver Member
Nov 28, 2005
Okay, decided to take a crack at a real KH fighting game: Kingdom Hearts: Project Memory
Could use more Disney characters. I'm not sure how the KH1 chapter even works out without the villains. Could you explain how World Tour works in greater detail?

So my own silly preliminary ideas for a fighting game would be something along the lines of:

1. Sizeable number of playable Disney characters alongside the originals. Treating the game like "Disney Smash Bros." as much as possible.

2. Perhaps a way to balance out the OC/Disney ratio is having characters as AI party members that players select before a match, functioning as a middle ground between PSP Dissidia's assists/summons and NT's 3 player matches. The party memebers will fight alongside the player and attack the opposing player. Players get specific buffs and special abilities depending on which party memebers they select for battle.

Though with that said, there should still be fully playable Disney beyond MDG. So perhaps some characters are both playable and party.

3. Gameplay a cross between Dissidia, KH3, and a bit of FF13/7R. Lots of wall running and platforming in large open stages themed around Disney worlds. No Brave points mechanic but a stagger meter in their place. Regular attacks will damage HP and increase stagger while spells inflict a lot of stagger. Spells are limited by MP that's slow to regenerate and are more damaging when opponent is in a staggered state so players may wish to wait. A staggered player can still fight they just have decreased defense for a while (so maybe it should have a different name like Shield Break).

4. Regular enemies appear in matches as fodder that'll boost player's stats when defeated. This aspect is like that of a MOBA. Slaying heartless buffs your stagger rate, nobodies drop MP orbs, unversed decrease your stagger gauge, and the rare dream eaters drop HP orbs. Synthesis materials may drop from enemies as well.

All of this is meant to translate facets of KH gameplay to a fighting game space while giving players different options and strategies in battle: when to focus on the opposing player vs. when to attack his party members or enemies.

5. Antiform heartless take the place of manikin fights.
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Deleted member 246005

Kingdom Hearts x Tekken

A crossover that translates the KH cast into Tekken-style gameplay

The story would be about Organization XIII (from the events of 358/2 Days) and the Mishima Zaibatsu (from the events of Tekken 6) going after an artifact that both sides believe beneficial to their respective causes.

SPOILER ALERT: Sora’s unlockable
That would be dope.


Nov 6, 2022
I've been trying to come up with ideas about a Kairi standalone story for a while.
It's probably going to be a fanfiction story, but I want Kairi to have her own adventures while she is under Aqua's tutelage. Along the way, we learn more about who Kairi is as a person without Sora or most of the old cast.


Silver Member
Nov 28, 2005
I've been trying to come up with ideas about a Kairi standalone story for a while.
It's probably going to be a fanfiction story, but I want Kairi to have her own adventures while she is under Aqua's tutelage. Along the way, we learn more about who Kairi is as a person without Sora or most of the old cast.
Idea A: Aqua is essentially lord of Castle Oblivion now & could use it as a training grounds to send Kairi through simulated worlds & enemies. Now that Kairi's gone on a dream quest of the series' timeline, nearly any previous world is open game for a floor. Maybe Lauriam & Elrena try to take over CO at some point to set some stakes & potential final boss.

Idea B. After a tutorial world with Aqua, Kairi is sent off to learn the identities of the remaining New PoH. Maleficent & Pete could maybe serve as the primary antagonists here.
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Active member
Feb 18, 2022
Toonburg, Texifornia
All the guardians of light have all had their hearts replaced with those of the Disney villains except Mickey Donald and Goofy. now it’s up to them to collect pieces of their friends’ hearts in order to turn them back to normal and take out Maleficent once and for all. The game works like Banjo Kazooie, collecting various nessicary items around different worlds based on various Dianey shorts. Boss fights would be made up of your disney villain possessed friends and the final boss would be Maleficent fused with the Phantom Blot from Epic Mickey, but you need a certain number of collectibles to fight that version. The whole game would also share Banjo Kazooie’s sense of humor, playfully breaking the fourth wall.
quick update to this idea: while maleficent still fuses with the blot in the normal ending that you get no matter how many collectables you find, the final boss of the true ending only accessible by doing all the side quests given to you by Oswald the Lucky Rabbit is now Pete who has fused with the blot instead of maleficent. In this final showdown, Oswald reappears to team up with Mickey Donald and Goofy.

System Shock

Bronze Member
May 5, 2006
Roxas in a Persona like adventure- a year long mystery at school.

Sora's father is Sion from The Bouncer but Sora never knew what his old man did before he came to the islands. Riku and Kairi have separate subplots dealing with their families.
Yes, yes ,yes. A thousand times yes to a f*****g high school mystery with Roxas. I've craved nothing more than to play more as Roxas and explore more about the characters and world of Twilight Town ever since the opening segment to KH2. Twilight Town in KH3 just didn't scratch the itch enough.

Also, I loved The Bouncer growing up. I played it before Kingdom Hearts and had always hoped to see more Bouncer material introduced into the KH series (aside from the dog street references). I'm not sure how well their worlds would blend together, but I'm glad to see them try it.
Kingdom Hearts x Tekken

A crossover that translates the KH cast into Tekken-style gameplay

The story would be about Organization XIII (from the events of 358/2 Days) and the Mishima Zaibatsu (from the events of Tekken 6) going after an artifact that both sides believe beneficial to their respective causes.

SPOILER ALERT: Sora’s unlockable

I'm honestly a little surprised something like that hasn't been tossed around already. Like a KH fighter game would be great. I would even go as far too say that it could turn out a lot more similar to a Pokken Tournament. Which would be glorious. Instead of mega-evolving, Sora could just change forms.
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Deleted member 246005

Another way to my KH x Bouncer idea is to have Sion be revealed to be an amnesiac Sora.

It's a way to incorporate Once Upon A Time but keeping it fresh. You could add the other Original characters if you want but the Disney characters are a must.

This old fanart inspired it.

Sora and the others felt stale in KH3 to me. So this is a way to make them fresh again. They would have a new life and a short timeskip like 3 years would help them feel new again.

@System Shock

An action rpg like Hogwarts legacy would work better. Either way it's way to showcase Roxas choosing a life he wants. The player has to help him or Xion decide what that is.
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Active member
Feb 18, 2022
Toonburg, Texifornia
Carry over from Idea about a remake

I had this idea to remake KH1 with the main cast swapping roles, along with some major Disney characters. Three cast would be as follows:

Player character from Union X as Sora
Young Xehanort as Riku
Strelitzia as Kairi
Jafar as Maleficent
Oswald the Lucky Rabbit as King Mickey
Mr Toad as Donald Duck
Horace Horsecollar as Goofy

Given that the player would be Sora. I also thought giving the game some segments where you can make decisions that affect the story would be useful.


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2021
I'm probably stating the obvious, but if there's ever a Days sequel it needs to basically be a Persona game. RAXIN move to Twilight Town post-KH3 and Roxas quickly finds his social circle expanding. Both new characters and getting to know the old characters in new ways. And I guess there's some cosmic threat brewing in the background, but the focus is on the slice of life social sim.

Deleted member 246005

Yozora travels through the modern Disney films with his two friends (Magi and aegis).

Dr. Facilier and one of the foretellers are the main threat.

Type 0 and FF13 characters pop up side characters similar to the Radiant Garden gang.
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Deleted member 246005

I had a pitch of a Verum Rex prequel where Yozora teams up with Oswald. I'd add Nameless Star as a supporting character. She's in the danger of being another bland damsel in distress character like Kairi. So giving her a role in a prequel is an attempt at mitigating it.

You could throw in Magi and Aegis too.

Someone did a cool mashup between KH and Scott Pilgrim. I'd play it as a one off reboot spinoff aimed at an older crowd. DmC but not really edgy or grim dark.

Just give me a game with Doctor Who as the lead with a keyblade as well as a party of a Disney character and a Final Fantasy character and I'll be a day one purchase.

You could go meta with Doctor Who as they traveled to the lad of fiction once. So going into Disney worlds are old hat for them.

KH case Noctis ;)-
Noctis travels through the live action Disney remakes. He's joined by Oswald or max and webby.

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Nov 6, 2022
Brand new idea that I had for a while: a coded sequel involving Mickey's findings from Scala ad Caelum.

Let Data Kairi become the host for the Book of Prophecies and have a different personality than the real Kairi.
Introduce Garland as a prominent character in the Datascape's new form, along with being a terrifying legend in the real world.

I may have been inspired by Stranger of Paradise and Mobius: Final Fantasy for the Garland ideas.