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Make your own drive form

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The Conquerer

The Bloody Warrior
Mar 6, 2006
Ultra Ultimate Form

.Takes up all your drive gauges
.takes away all your magic
.takes away all party members

.You can warp between worlds
.you can go in through walls and warp between them also
.you have the ability to wield four keyblades, one in each hand, two that floats around you kind of like the final form
.you gain the ability to fly at will
.you can also turn invisible and trick enemies
.you dawn a Gold and silver outfit with red and black trim
.you can stay in this form as long as you like but the longer you stay in this form the longer it takes for you party members to come back. Also your mp does not recharge by the save point. Yoy have to wait for the mp to recover determinting the amout of time you spent in the form.
.Also magic is free in this form meaning that you can use magic all you want.
.Magic is 10x more effective and the animation is different.
.You cloths also has a black glow to them.
.you can use any reaction command as you please
.Sora fights 50x more faster than final form and he has an 100 hit combo.
.He is also 10x stronger in this form.
.He has 50 different moves that each end with a 100 hit combo.
.He is also 10x faster in this form. He runs kind of like sonic.
.He also killes any enemy that he runs into.
.He jumps and kills enemies too.
.Also the patterns on the outfit is the pictures of all Keyblades that was revealed in the entire Kingdom Hearts series.

This Form has an Ultimate move and it is called: X4 Strike devestation, destruction. This is his only move that deals out a wopping 1000 hit combo. It destroys anything it his path. But it takes away all of his strenght and Reverts Sora to his original form with only 1hp left. You should only use this move if you are in a tight place and you really need to get by.

Growth LV 1: Fly
Growth LV 2: Fly
Growth LV 3: Fly

Ultimate Ultra Form LV Max: Fly

The only way to get this form is to never die in the entire game. This means no mickey. Also you can't use any heal items such as Elixers,potions or eithers while you beat the game on proud, easy,and standard. You also needs to get 100% completion for journals on all modes. You need to get the gummi ship missions complete also with out ever losing. If you lost on any matches in the underworld then you pretty much blew your chance in getting this form. Also you can't retry mission or mini games because if you do not get them on your first try then you can not get this form. After you managed to do this then you need to beat game and after you beat the game on proud mode you have to click on the save option and then save your game. You have a 10 sec time limit to save the game if you do not do it in the time allowed then you can never get the form. You only have 1 try. mess up and it is all over. Also you cannot of skipped a cutscene during each time you played on each mode. Also you have to of beat the game on all modes a total of 999 times each.
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Aucune Raison

Apr 18, 2006
600 A.D.
Light Form
Really really bright clothes, almost a complete beam of light
All Keyblades possible come out to fight by themselves but have no combos.
You don't choose it, it comes randomly if you hardly ever use Drive Form Both party members disappear
Slowly kills Heartless because of bright light but makes Nobodies slighty stronger
Drains Drive gauge very slowly, and after the form is through you have to wait 3 minutes for the party members to come back
Also you are guaranteed to get Anti-Form three times in a row if you try to drive again
Special Moves:
Gets only 2 hit combo, very slow
After combo Sora emits a bright light (makes screen go completely white) that destroys all Heartless in the area, but heals Nobodies completely and makes them attack more agressively
Hold down the attack button to make Sora shoot out a large laser beam of light that kills all enemies except bosses are immune to it (except for Pete gets instant death) is kind of like the laser beam you get to use in the last boss fights.
After doing six combos Sora will turn his younger version with his old clothes and will fight alongside King Mickey and Queen Minnie with the original Keyblade until the Drive gauge is empty.


New member
Mar 25, 2006
omni form

description: sora wears a knight suit that comes with a cape...everybody is immediately transported to the keyblade graveyard...an endless desert filled with thousands of old keyblades stuck in the ground.

attack: sora jumps around hurling different keyblades at his opponents

super hyper mega attack: if yer lucky and end up with the two ultima blades...bazaaaam!


New member
Apr 14, 2006
Palm Coast, Florida
the Twilight Form.

get it if u finish jiminy journal 100%

keyblades are ultima and oblivion

sora's clothes turn into a black and white combination. he glows with grayish color and floats around. oblivion leaves dark trails after attacks and ultima leaves white trails after attacks.

take your defense and divide it by 2, the number u get is added to your attack and magic while defence is halved (for example, 100 atck, 96 magic, 106 def - normal. 153 atck, 149 atck and 53 defence - while in twilight form)

abilities - twlight drain lvl 1 - hit square to drain health from heartless
twilight drain lvl 2 - hit square to drain health from heartless and nobody's
twilight drain lvl 3 - hit square drain health from heartless and nobody's and transfers it to u
twilight drain MAX - hit and hold square to make the world slow down exept for u and while u r like this if u hit any heartless or nobody u will drain their health, if your health is full it will drain health for magic, if magic and health is full it will drain health for drive gauge.

twilight dash - sora focuses his strength and dashes across all enemies in a blink of an eye severely damaging them
twilight fury - sora focuses on one enemy and delivers quick hits with enourmous power
magic craze - sora stands on one place and repetedly unleashes random magic attacks for a period of time
Portal into nowhere - sora connects the leyblades by their back ends, lets them go and they start spinning very quickly creating a portal into nothingness in which nearby enemies get sucked in
The Twilight Bomb - sora flies high into the air point the keyblades upwards and starts to form a huge ball of light and darkness combined, the bomb becomes humoungous and sora drops it on the enemies destroying everything in sight, including bosses(consumes all mp and all drive bar gauges)

cons: defense is halved
pros: attack and magic are raised by a big amount, able to wreck complete chaos on everything opposing u


abs of steel and sex appeal
Dec 21, 2005
The dragon form, Sora's clothes turn black and dark blue and his keyblade turns into a really huge sword, like cloud's. His eyes turn dark blue and there is a dark blue aura around him and his sword. Your attacks are insanely fast and powerful and you can use magic rapidly. Every time you use magic 5 times in a row you do a special maigic attack. example thundaga times 5- thunderstorm, you jump in the air and lightning flys everywhere like a lighning blast. You can fly and if you press square balls of dark energy shoot from your sword. There are endless insane ninja-like sword and hand to hand special attacks and your MP is unlimited. If you get hit you gain health instead of losing it and the enemy who attacked you gets electrocuted. There is a super 75 hit combo called dragonstorm when you level it to the max. It is obtained by beating the maker of the keyblade. You fuse with everyone and the drive gauge runs out faster>
Sep 1, 2005
The WTF Form

Sora just turns into a chef. Ok? Imagine, white apron, gay t-shirt under it,
a chef hat, and the symbol is pancakes.

Location: You get it after KH2 turns rated Adults Only and when Mickey gets wasted at Hooters. And cheats
on Minnie.


Make Pancakes
Makes Pancakes for the Heartless so you can get along with each other.
You also recieve 1 munny per pancake. This is the most useless ability
ever in mankind.


Self-explaintory. You poke some heartless.


Sora takes out a magazine and looks at fat people. He vomits at the Heartless, leaving dissolved Pauopu skins, and stuff he didn't ever ate, on the

Cocaine lvl 1-MAX

Restores HP to it's fullest amount, the cons of this ability that it makes Sora
very high and will fall backwards and the Heartless will keep pounding on him
until he dies, or wakes up from a hangover. If used against Sephiroth, please take note of this, YOU WILL GET PWN3D INSTANTLY! I'M TALKING ABOUT

!#$@% Dance

.... I'll say one thing, YOU DO NOT WANT TO SEE THIS. It makes KH2 rated
Adults Only.


Nothing, except you get to see Sora nak-, err...

The only con there is that it's USELESS!
Except the cocaine ability is priceless.


New member
May 11, 2005
newtown, CT
Overload form
summons every partner (party or otherwise) to you for a really big fusion thing. sora's clouth's turn rainbow (I no that's kinda gay, but hear me out) and his combos become the best attacks from each charicter.
pros: bitchen combo, speed, strength and magic upgrades
cons: limit attack might wound up killing you

Limit attack: thousand hearts: Ghost things of each charicter pop out and create a massive chain of easy reaction command combos ending with a gigantic flash thing that, depending on how well you time the last (HARD) reaction command, will kill everything around you or just kill sora. risky isn't it?


New member
Mar 7, 2006
Private-Eye Form
plad clothes
keyblade-A giant magnafying glass

Eeh Wrong Lv1- ♦ confuse enemies then hammer 1 enemy to death
Eeh Wrong Lv2- ♦ confuse enemies then hammer 3 enemies to death
Eeh Wrong Lv3- ♦ confuse enemies then hammer 6 enemies to death
Eeh Wrong LvMax- ♦ confuse enemies then hammer all of the enemies to death

Pros-Increased fire spells through magnifying glass
Cons-Lack of control


New member
Oct 21, 2005
twilight form

side of pants gold
other side silver
torso- red
gloves- blue
shoes- black

pros- flies around in sky/extensive reach on attacks/ uses magic/ uses great strenghth/ really really strong

cons- slow moving/ 10 enemies killed equals one expierance points
wields 4 keyblades
2 floating on back- oathkeeper/ oblivion
2 in hands- ultima and fenrir

obtain- beat all orfagnaization members except final battle/ and aquire ultima and fenrir keyblades/ then beat final boss and finish jiminy journal/ get all other forms to max level/ beat all cup in the coliseum/ get to level 99

merge with riku and anyone else


merge flight Lvl1-Lvl7

quadruple air attack
bipolar swing
magic blast
bipolar blast
magic swing
bitri attck
sonic finish
sonic finish Lvl2
sonic finish Lvl3
omega quad magic blast attck
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