All the org weapons are if you notice. Except Demyx and Xemnas'.In KH2 Axel's weapons are hanging on the wall during one of the final Xemnas fights
Thought he'll summon water clones like Demyx.
All the org weapons are if you notice. Except Demyx and Xemnas'.In KH2 Axel's weapons are hanging on the wall during one of the final Xemnas fights
I don't know if many people realize, but the red wings on the back of Squall/Leon's KH1 jacket are throwbacks to the wings on the back of Rinoa's jacket-thing in FF8.
Also (this one is more obvious) Cloud's KH1 outfit is a mix between his and Vincent Valentine's.
And finally, I'm pretty sure you get an item or something if you ring Jack Skellington's doorbell a crapload if times
There's a lot of these threads on these forums throughout the history of it existence but it still makes for interesting things because there is always something said that you never noticed before.3 times. Anyway, isnt there already a thread on this?
All the org weapons are if you notice. Except Demyx and Xemnas'.
Thought he'll summon water clones like Demyx.
When you fight Sabor in the bamboo thicket, you can get two scenes for entering from the camp or cliff. What's interesting about this is that when you exit the tent at some point, you hear the gunshot and look over at the thicket, so there's no incentive to go to the cliff, but the scene is still in the game anyway. They really thought of everything.
For every hundred hours you spend in the game, the clock timer changes color.
Wow. That's actually... pretty awesome.
And that truly is quite a little thing.
Contrary to popular belief, Sora is a male character. jk.
Although in BBS Sora and Riku say that they can't come over by themselves until they are older, their parents are nowhere to be seen.
Sora looks like Chris Thorndyke from Sonic X. Sora's hair gets lighter in KH2? lol wow I wish I was observant (but I guess this is also because I haven't played a KH game in ages)[h=3][/h]
may be common knowledge but if you go to i believe Cid's Shop in Traverse Town after locking Agrabah but before continuing on to Monstro you'll find Pinocchio and a small cutscene plays. (makes me wonder how the heck he got from Traverse Town to Monstro then....?)
yeah, they never low-rez rendered Sora's dad in that scene.
In prankster's paradise, when near the giant clown face, the eyes follow you. Also the "puppets" are all from that scene in the movie.
I dont think it was ever said how he got there now that you mention it. o,0Yeah I never understood how Pinocchio got in Monstro. :/