Where does the light go that is in peoples hearts? If a heartless is made by the darkness in people, where is the light. Heartless are pure darkenss, are they not? Does light just fade away? If so, then what about Sora and Kairi? A keyblade bearer from the realm of light has to have very few stains of darkness on his heart. Are nobodies made of light then? Here's some proof: Diz did say that Roxas held half of what Sora is, and if a Nobody is nothing, then how does Roxas(a nobody) hold half of Sora? Also, if a Nobody is made up of the Soul and Body, then that is also half of people(more like 2/3 of them, but whatever...) so maybe souls hold the light, and the darkness is in the heart. Don't flame me if I am totally wrong onn this!:thumbup: