Will there be any major differences between the PS4 & PS4 Pro when it comes to running this game?
One little modification to KH1FM and KH2FM I would love to see, it`s the adding of Retry option in the game over screen. I think now KH1 and KH2 only have Continue and Load Game options, and the Continue option always sends you back to the area before the boss. It is handy in BBS and in DDD that you can just choose Retry and fight the boss right away again, without first going back to the area before the boss.
I can't believe no one's mentioned NPCs yet (that I've seen, anyway).
-Multiplayer in Birth by Sleep.
If they were to add NPCs then they'd have to create new models which would be far too time-consuming for a port that has a definitive release date.
To be fair we do not know how long they have been working on the PS4 release of 1.5 and 2.5, do we? They could have been working on the PS4 editions whilst getting it together for the PS3.