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Fanfiction ► Let's go to school! (Sora/Kairi,Namine/Riku,Squall/Yuffie,Cloud/Aerith)

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Nov 17, 2005
Chapter 21 - Part 2

When Leon and Yuffie finished playing House of The Dead, they went to look for the others. They soon saw Riku and Namine, and they were still playing on the candy machine.

And there was a small boy standing behind them, waiting for his turn.

Leon sighed, and Yuffie laughed. They headed over to the two, and Yuffie dragged Namine from the machine.

“I think that’s enough.” Yuffie said, laughing.

Namine tried to go back. “Noo!!” She cried.

Riku was behind Namine and Yuffie, sad as well, but he didn’t complain. He didn’t want to look like a cry baby.

Leon walked beside Riku. “You have too much candy.” He said.

Riku nodded. “Does that mean you’re gonna hold my hand like Yuffie and Namine?” He asked sweetly.

Leon sweat dropped. “No, that seems gay and you’re 16.” He said, and walked ahead.

Riku felt depressed. All alone…in a lonely place…except the fact that there was music blasting in the arcade.

“Riku! Let’s go get some drinks!” Namine said, grabbing Riku’s hand.

Riku grinned. “Happiness in a young girl’s heart…” He said, floating around Namine.

“That is so weird.” Yuffie said, stifling her laugh.

Leon shrugged. “That’s them, and we’re us.” He said.

Yuffie thought about what Leon had just said, and by the look in her eyes, Leon had a feeling that she was thinking about what just happened when they were walking to Sora’s house.

He looked away. He didn’t mean to say that…

“Right! Well, let’s go look for the rest!” Yuffie said, hopping ahead.


Leon caught up with her to look for the others, and Riku and Namine ran past them to get a few drinks.
Soon they found the others, sitting peacefully sipping drinks. Yuffie frowned, and stomped towards them.

“You guys left without telling us?” She asked.

Cloud and Sora grinned. Aerith and Kairi stifled their laughs, and Aerith said, “You and Leon were happily playing cars.”

Yuffie blushed a bit, and Leon tried not to laugh. “So? You could have still told us you were going to get drinks, did you get us any? Nooo.” She said, whining.

Aerith giggled. “We did actually, we got you Iced Mocha Leon, and your strawberry smoothie is with Kairi.” She said.

Yuffie’s eyes widened. She looked at Kairi robotically, and said, “Strawberry. Smoothie.”

Cloud handed Leon the Iced Mocha, and Leon nodded a thanks. Iced Mocha was his favorite coffee based drink.

And…Yuffie’s favorite drink was no doubt strawberry smoothie.

Kairi shrunk from her seat. She scooted closer to Sora, feeling a bit freaked out by Robo-Yuffie.

Kairi slowly handed out the smoothie, and in an instant, Yuffie took it.

Kairi screamed. “Ah! She’s going to turn me into a robot!”

Sora laughed. “No she ain’t. Look, she’s drinking peacefully, on the floor.” He said, pointing to Yuffie.

Yuffie sat on the floor, drinking her smoothie like a baby drinking its milk bottle.

“Aw…look at her. She’s such a baby.” Namine said, sipping her orange juice.

Riku smiled. “Thank god she ain’t related to us.” He said.

“What do you mean by that? She’s kinda related, in a friend kind of way.” Namine said.

“But not by blood!” He said.

“What the heck’s your point in talking about this?” Asked Cloud.

Namine and Riku shrugged. “Better than nothing.”

Leon looked at Yuffie, and chuckled slightly. She looked like a kid. Well, she always is.

Suddenly, Yuffie stood up. The gang looked at her, and she walked slowly to the…candy shop.

Cloud and Leon looked at each other in alert. “Oh no.” They both said in unison.

Sora kept laughing. “Haha! Yuffie’s gonna get hyper and you losers would have to calm her down! Haha!”

“Sora!” Kairi said, slapping his arm gently. “That is very bad. Apologize.” She said.

“Sorry…” He said, sadly.

“All right, now you can laugh.” She said, giggling.

Sora and Kairi chuckled. “Hehe…hehehehe…hehehe…”

Namine and Riku looked at each other. “They’ve gone nutsy cookoo.” They said, and laughed. “Nutsy cookoo…hehehe.”

Leon and Cloud got up, and immediately ran towards Yuffie. “Nooooo!” Cloud cried dramatically.

Leon just ran to her.

Yuffie bought a lollipop, and she ripped off the wrapper and stuck it in her mouth. By the time Leon and Cloud reached her, she was too busy sucking on the lollipop.

Leon and Cloud shook their heads in sadness. Yuffie looked up at the both of them, wondering what’s wrong.

“What’s wrong?” She asked. She started jumping around. “What’s wrong, what’s wrong, what’s wrong, what’s wrong, what’s wrong--“

“Nothing’s wrong!!” Cloud said annoyed.

Yuffie pouted. “I’m telling Aerith you yelled at me!” She said, running to Aerith faster than lightning.

Cloud gasped. “Noooo!” He cried dramatically again.

Leon sighed, and looked at the time. Maybe they should watch a movie by now.

He walked back to where everyone was, and said, “It’s time to watch a movie.”

Yuffie jumped up happily. Cloud was crying because Aerith was scolding him for yelling at Yuffie who never did anything wrong.

Sora, Kairi, Namine and Riku got up. They looked at each other, with a mischievous look on their faces.

“POP FIGHT!” They said all together.

Yuffie laughed, Aerith giggled and Cloud groaned. Leon just looked around nonchalantly.

“What movie?” Cloud asked.

They all shrugged, so they looked for a movie to watch, and bought popcorn and drinks.

“The movie’s going to start. Let’s go quick!” Kairi said.

“Yeah, but the first few minutes are just ads.” Sora said.

“But some ads are nice!” Namine said.

Yuffie nodded. Aerith smiled, and agreed as well.

“Alright, alright. Let’s get in.” Cloud said.

But as they were walking to their seats, Cloud whispered to Aerith, “I need to go pee!”

“Alright, be back soon!” She said, and walked with the others.

“What’s wrong with Cloud?” Yuffie asked.

“Oh, just a little business he needed to let out.” Aerith said, giggling.

“That sounds awfully gross.” Yuffie said.

“Maybe.” Aerith said, laughing.

Leon was walking behind, and when he saw Cloud running back from where they came from, he knew what Cloud needed to do, and he chuckled.

Kairi and Sora were playing around, and so were Riku and Namine. Well, Riku was just being stupid by sticking two straws up his nose. Namine, Kairi and Sora were just laughing uncontrollably.

Yuffie was busy talking with Aerith and laughing like nothing was wrong.

Aren’t you just faking this? Leon thought, as he watched her. I know…I made a mistake, and you’re sad. Why do you fake so much?

Soon, they arrived to their movie hall, and took their seats. From the left were Aerith, Cloud (Who isn’t back yet), Leon, Yuffie, Kairi, Sora, Namine and Riku.

The movie started playing. Well, first the ads were playing. All that warnings about turning off your hand phones and all…you know no one listens.

Then they watched some new movie ads, and Cloud came and sat between Aerith and Leon.

Namine was feeding Riku some popcorn, and Kairi was throwing the popcorn at Sora, while he tried to catch it with his mouth.

Yuffie giggled, while sipping her coke. Leon sighed slightly, and shook his head.

Then the movie started. Everyone watched it silently, but sometimes Kairi, Sora, Riku or Namine would do something playful.

The thing was, Yuffie didn’t realize they were watching a romantic movie. Well, it was a romantic comedy movie, but still, it was romantic. And it pierced through her hard. I’m having a bit of a situation here in my life and I’m watching a freaking romance movie? She yelled in her mind. I probably wasn’t paying attention when we picked the movies…darn. I wonder how Leon is.

She glanced at Leon, and saw his eyes were closed. She raised her eyebrow curiously, and then shrugged it off. Maybe he was just sleepy.
Kairi watched the movie, eating some popcorn and sipping her drink a few times. She glanced at Sora, who was just grinning the whole time. She giggled.

“What’s funny?” Whispered Sora.

Kairi shook her head. “Nothing. But that’s my line, why are you always grinning?”

“Uh…I don’t know. I like grinning. It’s my…tradition.” He said.

“I’d be imagining you grinning till your 80.” She said, stifling her laugh.

Sora grinned at her. “Does that mean you’re going to be there beside me too?” He asked.

Kairi grinned back. “Maybe.”
Namine yawned a bit. Why am I sleepy at a time like this? She thought. She looked at Riku. She saw his eyes shut, and he mouth was hanging open. WHAT??!!

She nudged him. “The movie’s just starting!” She said.

He woke up immediately. “What?” He asked.

“You fell asleep even before the movie started.” Namine said, frowning.

“I had this weird dream that you and I married, and we had like, 10 kids…but they were angels!” He said.

Namine blushed. “Riku, we’re only in high school. And 10 kids?? Are you out of your mind?!” She asked.

“No! You know how little 10 kids are? They’re like, a piece of candy!” He said.

“No they aren’t! First of all, how are we supposed to bring up 10 children? And what about our jobs? I have to work too!” She said. “I have to be independent!”

“Why are you talking about your future?” Asked Sora. Kairi laughed.

“More like, you guys KNOW that you’re gonna get married?” Kairi asked.

Riku and Namine started thinking. “As a matter of fact, we are.” Riku said.

Namine looked at him in shock. “Liar!”

“What, you don’t want to marry me?” Riku asked, hurt.

Namine sighed. “That’s not what I’m trying to say. I mean, we’re…we’re 16, right? Yeah, we’re 16. I mean, shouldn’t we get married when we’re…uh…19 or 20? Or maybe we’re still in college that time…we’ll get married when we’re older. That’s for sure.” Namine said.

“Hurray!” Riku said out loud. Someone from behind threw a popcorn at his head.

Riku turned around shocked. “Hey!”

“SHH!!” Said the person.

“My bad…” He answered quietly, and Namine giggled.

Sora sighed. “People and planning their future lives…what’s up with that?” He asked Kairi.

“So…” Kairi said, thinking, “We’re not getting married?” She asked.

Sora’s eyes bulged out. “That’s not what I meant!” He said. Someone shushed him again. He slumped down. “That’s not what I meant.” He whispered.

Kairi giggled. “Then what do you mean?” She asked.

“I mean that we can get married, just that, I don’t know if it might happen. There’s a chance it might not…right?” He asked her.

Kairi frowned. “Maybe…but I don’t want to think that.” She said.

Sora nodded, and grinned. “I’m sure it won’t happen.” He said.

Kairi smiled. Even though it was dark, and maybe Sora wouldn’t see it, she still wanted to smile.

Yuffie whispered to them, “Maybe instead of planning out your lives which are way ahead of you, you guys shouldn’t miss out the movie. It’s hilarious.” She said, stifling her laughter.

Sora and Kairi grinned. “Whatever you say.” They whispered in union.

The movie went on. But sometimes Yuffie glanced at Leon and found him closing his eyes. Was he really sleeping?
The movie ended, and everyone walked out, talking about it.

“So…what do you wanna do next?” Asked Aerith.

Cloud grinned. “Bowling!”

“Bowling!” Everyone repeated. Except Leon who gagged on his coke.

He was just surprised. He didn’t suck at bowling or anything…maybe.

Everyone looked at Leon coughing his lungs out. Cloud walked over to Leon and patted his back. “There, there. It’s ok if you’re not good at bowling. You can always try your best.” He said.

Sora, Kairi, Riku and Namine looked at each other. “Leon’s bad at bowling?” They asked each other.

“He just has bad luck. That’s what he always says.” Yuffie said, holding back her laughter.

He glared at Cloud and Yuffie.

Aerith giggled. “Well, let’s play already!” She said, walking ahead. Cloud caught up to her, whispering some things to her and made her laugh.

Yuffie wrinkled her nose. “Sweet mushy stuff hurts my heart!” She said, walking behind them.

Sora, Kairi, Riku and Namine laughed, and followed Yuffie.

Leon walked last, behind everyone, drinking his coke. Yuffie glanced back, and saw him walking behind. She slowed down her pace and soon, she was walking beside him.

Riku and Namine were poking each other, laughing. They were almost about to kiss, when Sora went on a rampage, yelling incoherent words.

Kairi calmed him down, and then Sora said, “Not here! Not when I’m here! That’s just…wrong!” He said.

Yuffie laughed, and Leon looked at her. She looked back at him, grinned, and asked, “Were you really watching the movie or just sleeping?” She asked.

“I was watching…” You. “the movie.” He answered.

“Oh ok.” She said. “Well then, let’s play bowling!” She said, skipping happily towards Aerith and Cloud.

Leon sighed. Lie once again… He thought. He really needed to fix things properly now.

He knew that he likes her. Maybe even more. He just didn’t have the guts to say it. Even though he knew she likes him back.
Author’s Notes: Ok! Finished this one. A few bit more chapters to go, and maybe I’m done with this, so reviews please?


New member
Jan 6, 2006
PLEASE MAKE THEM KISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The chapter was WICKED!

I Loved it SOOOOOO much!!!!


Nov 17, 2005
Well....I might make a sequel...but it has nothing to do with school or studies anymore, it's like when they're grown up and they have kids...so it's basically a sequel about life with the kids.


New member
Oct 4, 2006
Its really a great story with the real characters in real place.Very nice work icebluewings!keep it up i will really luv to see next sequel!Best of luck.


New member
Oct 4, 2006
It is really awesome.....u have really continued the story very wisely icebluewings keep it up!
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