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Fanfiction ► Let's go to school! (Sora/Kairi,Namine/Riku,Squall/Yuffie,Cloud/Aerith)

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Fighter of the Nightman
Oct 18, 2004
I must keep this fic goin by postin!....cant wait for de next chap! :D


A Chagrined Fool.
Aug 3, 2005
People's Fragile Dreams, Relinquished from Anixiet
T_T Sorry I've been gone for so long! T_T It's because my sister forgot to phone home on easter night since she went to a go tournament so Mom was worried so when she called at 7:30, Mom grounded her for a week and got rid of her internet, which affected me since I use her laptop and have acces to internet through her computere!T_T*bows down 1000 times*SORRY!T_T


Nov 17, 2005
Sorry for the wait! Here you go!

Chapter 9!

“Leon! Welcome….WHAT HAPPENED TO YUFFIE!” Aerith shouted.

Cloud poked his head out and saw Leon carrying Yuffie. “Woah…did she faint from eating too much candy or something?” He asked.

“Did you guys forget that today was her fight against Rinoa?” He asked in his usual monotone voice.

Aerith and Cloud stared into space.

“Oh my god! It was! How could I have forgotten!” She scolded herself.

“Ah well, Yuffie won didn’t she?” Asked Cloud.

“She was attacked by Seifer in the middle of the match, so she didn’t win, and neither did Rinoa.” Said Leon.

Aerith was shocked. “He did that! How is Yuffie! Did she…did she…DID SHE DIE!” She screamed.

Leon and Cloud covered their ears. Well, Leon tried to, but he was carrying Yuffie so it was no use.

“She didn’t die. If she was dead, those two idiots would probably have come rushing here screaming the heads off.” Leon said, rubbing his ear.

Cloud nodded. “He’s right. Sora and Riku are idiots, and they would have come here screaming their heads off.”

“Kairi and Namine almost used up all their MP healing Yuffie.” Said Leon.

“What! They haven’t even mastered the cure spell completely yet!” Aerith said in shock.

Cloud laughed. “Aerith’s getting a lot of shock today!”

“Quiet Cloud! Must breathe…must breathe.” She said, trying to calm herself down.

Cloud held back his laughter. He tried his hardest.

Leon sighed. He went to Yuffie’s room and laid her on her bed. “The things you do…” He whispered, but smiled a genuine smile.


Yuffie woke up. She moaned uncomfortably because she felt a bit of the pain from yesterday’s fight. She sat up slowly and rubbed her eyes. She walked out of her room and went to the kitchen. Leon, Cloud and Aerith were sitting on the dining table eating, and the looked up when they saw Yuffie.

“Yuffie!” Aerith said happily and got up from her seat. She hugged her ninja friend. “I thought you’d never wake up!” She said.

“Aerith…it was only, say, 2 hours ago.” Said Cloud.

“Well, that was pretty long to be 2 hours ago!” Aerith said.

Leon and Cloud sweat dropped.

Yuffie was confused. “Uh…what happened?” She asked.

“Oh no! Yuffie has amnesia!” Cloud said in shock. “She doesn’t remember us!” He cried.

“Stop it, silly. She doesn’t have amnesia.” Said Aerith. Or does she…?

“Yuffie, do you remember me?” Aerith asked Yuffie seriously.

“Well duh, Aerith.” Yuffie said.

“What about…US?” Cloud asked, pointing at him and Leon.

Leon raised and eyebrow.

“Do I get a candy for that?” Asked Yuffie, smiling.

“I’ll think about it when you answer.” Said Cloud.

“Then…I don’t know who you are.” Yuffie said, looking the other way.

“No! This is…the end of me!” Cloud shouted.

Leon walked over to Yuffie and gave her a lollipop. “I think Cloud’s been affected by the two idiots.” He said, in his monotone voice.

Yuffie laughed and took the lollipop. “Is this like your first attempt at making a joke?” She asked, grinning.

“Maybe.” Leon said, looking away.

Yuffie walks over to Cloud. “You’re Cloud.” She said.

“She…she…remembers!” He said with joy.

Yuffie sweat drops.

“And…you’re Leon!” Yuffie said.

“That’s right.” Leon said.

“Well, now that she remembers us, let’s finish dinner!” Aerith said.

“Ok!” Yuffie said. She finished up her lollipop. When it’s candy, she’ll eat fast.

And so they ate dinner.



Sora yawned. After he had his dinner, he went to finish his homework. “Ah, damn math homework.” He groaned.

Then he heard his phone ringing. He answered his phone.

“Yyyyello?” He answered.

A giggle was heard. “HI SORA!” She said happily. It sounded like Kairi.

“Oh HEY KAIRI!” He said, grinning.

“Sora, I have a question.” Said Kairi.

What if she’s going to ask ME out? Oh no, that would sound so lame! Riku’s gonna laugh his head off if he knows about this, which he will! Sora thought, feeling dead.

“Y-Yeah, Kairi?” He answered.

“Oh, I’ll ask you some other time, because I forgot what I wanted to ask.” She said nonchalantly.

Sora felt joy. So she wasn’t going to ask me…phew. I’d die if she did.

“Hey Sora, you wanna go watch a movie tomorrow? It is a Saturday. Oh yeah, we have that café meet up every Saturday. But we can go after that! Oh I know! We’ll call everyone if they wanna go with us! We can all watch a movie!” She said happily.

Sora had to take everything in. “Right…yeah sure, why not? I’m always free!’ He said.

“Yeah! You can call Riku and ask him, and I’ll call Namine, and then you can ask Riku to call Leon and the others because I’m too lazy to call them.” She laughed a little.

“Ok! Sounds good!” He said, grinning.

“You’re grinning again, right?” Kairi said.

“Yup!” He answered.

“Great! Well, see ya tomorrow! Bye bye!” She said.

“Bye! You too!” He said.

And they both hung up.



Riku was just reading his book, or fooling around.

And he almost completely lost his heart, to the darkness. He read.

He looked up. “Hehehe….if that happened to me, I wonder what Namine would do…” He started thinking.

He went back to reading.

Was he completely gone? No. His heart was still there, but clouded by the darkness. He read.

“Well, even if my heart was there, and it had darkness, who would help me?” He said, thinking. “Namine…” He approved, nodding his head.

But he knew he had hope. “I won’t lose to the darkness!” He shouted. He read, again.

“My man, you are so right!” Riku said, talking to his book. This is what he was always doing, and he was, he REALLY WAS, talking to his book.

He heard his phone ring. He picked up his phone.

“Yyyyyyello?” He answered.

“HEY RIKU!” The voice shouted. It was…Sora!

“Dude, I wish it was Namine.” He said, feeling sad.

“Yeah whatever. You always want Namine. Namine this, Namine that. The next thing I know, you guys are getting married.” Sora said blabbering.

“Dude, if that happens, will you come to our wedding?” He asked.

“You’re inviting me? For real? Thanks man, I’d come for sure.” Sora said.

“No probs, dude.” Riku said, grinning.

Sora grinned, and so did Riku.

“Yeah, anyways, Kairi’s asking if you wanna go catch a movie after we meet at the café meet up tomorrow. I’m going, and I’m sure Namine’s going. So you’ll go too, right?” He asked.

“Yeah, for sure. Namine’s going, I’m going.” Said Riku.

“Hehe…just like what I told Tarzan. Tarzan go, Sora go go!” Sora said grinning.

“Where did that come from?” Riku asked.

“Oh, he’s this crazy ape guy in my old neighborhood, you know, after I moved from here, he became my friend, but he didn’t know how to speak English that good, so I had to talk to him like how he speaks his English, I guess it was alright, and it was quite fun, and blah blah blah blah…” He continued.

“Dude, slow up.” Riku said.

“I thought it was ‘slow down’.” Sora said, thinking.

“Yeah, whatever.” Riku said.

While Riku was listening, Sora took a candy wrapper from his desk.

“Hey Riku, could you call Leon, Yuffie, Aerith and Cloud and ask them if they can come? Kairi already called Namine, so that’s no problem.” Sora said, and then he purposely dropped the phone.

“Ah! I dropped the phone!” He said, then took the candy wrapper and rubbed it on the receiver so that it made the “kssshh” sound.

“Hey Riku! Can’t…hear…you! Sorry…bye!” And then Sora hung up the phone. “Hehe…now he can’t refuse!” Sora said evilly, and laughed. “MUAHAHAHAHA!”

On Riku’s side.

Riku shrugged. “I was gonna say ok, but I guess he couldn’t hear.” He said, and then put down the phone. “Now where was that phone book?” He asked himself.

He searched and searched and searched. Still no sign of his book. “Hey mom! Have you seen my phone book?” He asked.

“No, check your room properly! You got bad eyesight you know! Check properly!” His mom shouted from downstairs.

He groaned. He just checked everywhere! But he forgot to check his desk. “Oh yeah, forgot about that.” He said, and then giggled. “That didn’t come out right. Hehe. Hehe.” He said.

Under the pile of books and papers he had, he found some pretty neat stuff. Including his missing khaki pants, and since he was curious, he dug into his khaki pants.

“Hey! This was the candy I was looking for since…since…I don’t remember. But I was looking for it!” He said joyously.

He finally found his phone book. “Found it!” He said happily. The silver haired teen flipped through the pages.

The first page wrote: ‘People I know.’

“Psh, why would some write ‘People I know’ for? Why else would he or she write their numbers for?” He said, looking at the book.

“Wait…this is my book…that means…I just insulted myself!” He cried.

“Ah well…oh here it is, LYAC. A.K.A. LYAC.” He read out.

He dialed the number. “Yeah this is Yuffie, got any candy?” Yuffie answered.

“Is that what you always say when someone you don’t know calls you?” Riku asked.

“You stupid? We got caller ID. And we know your number. You gave it to us.” She said.

“Oh.” He said, and he couldn’t say anything else.

“Yeah, so, why’d you call?” Yuffie asked.

“Kairi’s asking if you guys wanna come catch a movie after the café meet up tomorrow, and me, Sora and Namine are coming.” He said, and then continued, “Let me rephrase that. Kairi’s asking if you guys wanna come catch a movie after the café meet up tomorrow, and Namine, Sora and I are coming.” He said.

“Woah. You actually sounded smart.” She said.

“That’s because I am!” Riku said, proud.

“Yeah whatever. Wait hold on, I’ll ask Leon.” She said.

Riku waited.


LYAC -- Leon, Yuffie, Aerith and Cloud! XD


Soft footsteps were heard. “Yuffie, don’t shout.”

“Yuffie! Cloud’s sleeping and you’ll wake the other neighbors up!” Aerith scolded.

“Psh, who cares about the other peoples?” Yuffie said.

“People.” Leon corrected her.

“Don’t insult me!” She said.

“I’m not.” He said, his voice showing amusement.

“Oh you little…” She was about to punch him.

“Yuffie! Not in the house!” Aerith scolded her.

Then some mumbling was heard. Loud footsteps were heard. “WHY THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS SO NOISY AT THIS TIME OF THE NIGHT! I’M TRYING TO GET MY SLEEP HERE! RESPECT PEOPLE! RESPECT!” It sounded like Yuffie, Leon and Aerith busted Cloud’s nerve.

“Leon!” Yuffie whispered, and as she was holding the phone, Riku could hear everything. Well, except for the mumbling.

“Well, can we go or not?” She asked.

“Sorry Yuff, we gotta go help Cid tomorrow after the meet up.” He said, rubbing his temples.

“Aw…ah well.” She said, and then talked on the phone again. “Sorry Riku, we can’t go. But hey, you guys can still have fun!” She said, looking on the positive side.

“Oh…well, that’s kinda bad…” He said.

“I know. I feel your pain.” Yuffie said.

“That’s supposed to be my line.” Riku said.

“Yeah whatever.” Yuffie said, laughing. “Well, have fun, bye bye!” She said, and then hung up.



He shrugged. “Oh well.” He said, and then put down the phone.

“Back to my book then.” He took out his book and made himself comfortable again.



“Riku’s going right?” Namine asked Kairi.

“Yes, I’m sure he is.” She said.

“Are you so sure as you’re sure that Sora’s gonna ask you out one day?” Namine asked.

Kairi blushed. “Yes, I’m so sure.” She said.

“Ok then! I’m going!” She said cheerfully.

“Yeah, I knew you would.” Kairi said.

“Yup.” Namine said.

She was talking on the phone with Kairi and at the same time, she was drawing on her sketchpad.

“Namine, what are you drawing?” Kairi asked.

“How do you know I’m drawing? Are you in my mind or something? Get out of my head!” Namine screamed.

“Hello, you always do this when you talk on the phone.” Kairi said. “And, you talk like Riku.”

“Really? That’s the best compliment you’ve ever given me!” Namine said.

Well, it wasn’t really a compliment… Kairi thought. “No problem.” She said.

“Oh, hey, I gotta go finish my art homework! I just remembered!” Namine freaked.

“Oh…ok! Well, have fun doing art and see you tomorrow!” Kairi said cheerfully.

“Same to you!” Namine said cheerfully too.

And they hung up.
Author's Notes : Yup...there ya go. It isn't much, just more about the stupid stuff going on between Sora, Riku and LYAC! Yeah...I know it's boring!
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