Here is my first fanfic, the intro might be boring. But it gets alot more interesting later on.
The Wrath of the Fierce Deity
Characters presented in this chapter(1):
[LEFT][URL=""]Donner[/URL]- A Skull-Kid who has no memories of the past. He awoke inside Kokori village, with frightened people around him. The only thing he has with him is a strange[URL=""] katana. [/URL]His name came from a Hylian myth god. He also wears the Mask of Truth to hide his face.
[URL=""]Kokiri Villagers-[/URL] A mischievous race of people, who always are in the appearance of youth.
[URL=""]Saria-[/URL] One of the villagers that knew Link, she feels that she has met Donner before.
[URL=""]Groyd[/URL]- A companion of Donner, he makes sure that Donner is doing his duty. [/LEFT]
Characters YNTK(You Need To Know)
[URL=""]Zelda[/URL]- The Queen of Hyrule, who is also the childhood friend of Link. She is still young, but soon shall carry the crown of Hyrule on her head. Though the crown means nothing now because of the Fierce Deity, who is quickly taking over Hyrule. She also carries the Triforce of wisdom, one of the three mystical gifts of the gods that give special powers. She is the only person to have gotten a letter from Link's disappearance.
Saria walked through the dark grounds of the Kokiri forest, she held a small flower of the annual memorial of the Deku Tree. The Deku Tree was once the great leader and protector of the people of the forest, but he died and wilted from a curse. This curse was given to him by the shadow of the land, Ganondorf was his name.
Ganondorf was a thief that was given tremendous power, he was as powerful as the three goddesses who created Hyrule. But shortly after his rise he was sent to a far-away land by the hands of Link; the great Hero who at a young age defeated him. But Link disappeared, nobody seems to know what as happened to him.
The green hair of Saria caught the wind, flowing in the air. She kept her head low in respect, this of all days was a sad one. She soon reached an opening in the forest, this was the memorial:
Still wilted and bond to the earth was the great Deku Tree, the Kokiri children have done nothing but placed a tombstone in front of the large barren carcass. It read "Here Lies the Great Deku, the Founder and Savior"
Saria like always was the first one there, followed by the current leader of the Kokiri children Mido, and then the rest of the Kokiri. They all gathered around the tombstone, sitting. They all gave tribute, by giving one of their valuables. One by one the Kokiri gave their gifts and tears. The last one to go up was Saria, who walked up to the tombstone and lowered to one knee. She reached out and laid the flower.
"Is that all?" Questioned one of the Kokiri.
"Shh, be respectful, this isn't a normal day to say un-respectful things," Mido said grimly.
"I actually have one more thing to give," Saria said, she reached for her pocket and took out a ocarina. She put her fingers on specific holes and laid her lips on the mouth piece. She started to play a song, it had a joyful feeling to it.
This song was given to Saria from the Deku Tree on one of the few nights she was actually in the presents of him. He always seemed to enjoy the company of Saria, as did the same with Saria with the Deku Tree.
While the song played the flower that was given as tribute seemed to grow, it grew until it was about three feet high. The ground started to rumble slowly and softly, and what looked to grow from the ground, was a strange looking Skull-Kid...
Chapter 1: The Lost Boy
The boy awoke inside a small wooden room, with small windows that was a carved from a tree house, "Where am I?" He questioned. He looked around the room to see unfamiliar faces. The faces looked small and cautious "Who are you?" said the boy, He look down to also see a unfamiliar body, "Wha! What a, am I?
"He doesn't look like a regular Skull-Kid, or talk like one, do ya think he sick?" Asked one of the people that around the room.
"Nah, there's no illnesses here. Wait- is there!?" The whole room started to shake from the commotion.
"Yeah he probably is! Those good for nothing Skull boys do nothing but creep around the forest and cause trouble!" Said another person.
"Well whatever he is, should be burned. It would kill the disease," said a cocky one.
"But if he would be sick, wouldn't we also be sick by now? We have been hovering him for days. If anything we should wonder how he got here," said a more friendlier voice.
"I think we should do the same, it is not like everybody spawns from the great Deku Tree!" Said the cocky one.
"Maybe...He is- Hey I think he is awake!" A surprised voice said. Soon everybody around the boy started to get closer. "Hey are you awake! Can you hear me? Donner..."
"Wha! Who's Donner? Why am I-" The boy looked around, "-Surrounded by little twerps?"
Soon the crowd of children started to get angry, "You better take that back!"
"Yeah! to you we're Kokiri, one of the most proudest, wisest, and strongest tribes in Hyrule. So you can respect us, or get your bony butt kicked," Said the cocky one.
"Mido be quite!" Said the friendly voice,
"Oh! Sorry Saria..." Said this so-called-Mido.
A few moments of silence occurred until the friendly voice of Saria spoke, "Aren't you Donner?" Saria seemed to ignore all of the fuss, while the others were still fixated on what the boy said.
"Well... I don't know my name. Nore what I am; by the way could you help me out?" replied the boy.
Saria walked over to one of the rooms corners and picked up a black katana, "Well you are a...Skull-Kid. And your name comes from this sword, on here it says, 'Donner an unborn legacy', "
"I have no idea on what it means, I can't remember anything, it could just be a description" Donner commented while he looked at his body.
Saria sighed, "I was hoping you would start to remember from the description," Saria glanced at the other Kokiri, "We need to talk."
The children gathered into a circle for a few minutes to discuss the situation and to let Donner think. "Will I always be like this?" asked a shocked Donner from across the room.
Saria turned around from the group and looked a little bit worried, "Well, all Skull-Kids are technically Hylians who have gotten lost from the forest. But I think you are different-"
Mido looked a little vulgar, "that is why we are sending you to Hyrule Castle,"
"Hyrule Castle?" Donner was confused.
Mido started to get a little angry, "Yes, Hyrule, that is where we are. And Hyrule Castle is where the wise princess lives. Do you get me?"
"Kinda, And I'm taking it that one of you would help me?"
Mido started to giggle, while the others were amazed he would say such a thing, "Oh that is hilarious, you have got to be kidding me! Oh and just to let you know; Kokiri die if they leave the forest. It's common knowledge,"
Saria gave a hard look at Mido who then grew silent, "That is why we will give you a little help," Saria ran to a window and started to wave. A small red orb flew to her, "Donner this is Groyd, he will help you."
"Nice to meet you Downer!" Said the small orb.
"Its Donner, well I think its Donner..."
Donner adjusted the katana that the Kokiri gave him, and waved by to the people of the forest as he walked down the bridge. " Well this looks sketchy"-he tried to take the blade out of the sheath.
"Hey don't brake it!, you're all ready starting to bug me." Said the floating red orb.
"Better not talk to me like, or I swear-" Donner looked down at a puddle and started to screech at his reflection, "What the! Is that what I really look like?" He started to grab his face, "How am a supposed to get to point A-B while looking like this!"
"Well I can see what you were like before you were a Skull-Kid," chuckled Groyd, "Hyrule field is around the corner."
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