as I have promsied I shall write. God I feel so bad Im so neglecting my other fics. But when you have 3 kingdom harts ones and a dnangel one on another site...i need some sugar...or Ill go in to sugar withdrawl....moving on!
Kaze sighed dragging Megan along with him. "
God only knows why Im doing this.." *light appears over Kaze's head with a man wearing a Zoro mask to hide his identity*
God: No I dont!
Kaze: What do you mean you dont!? You know everything!
God: Says who!?
Kaze: YOU!
God: I did?
Kaze: YES!
God: No I didnt! Must be my new secretary Barbra. heh heh Bar-bra. Heh heh.

what.....the hell?
God: Shes new. Fairly attractive too....
Kaze: Jesus Christ!
*Man with brown hair and brown beard comes in to light*
Jesus: Someone call me?
Jesus: Oh fine dont answer your lord and savior!
*Megan is staring at Kaze who is supposedly talking to himself*
*God pulls out notebook*
God: Youre Kaze right?
God: Well lets've broken 2 commandments today...
Kaze: No I didnt!
God: You took your Lord's name in vain...
Kaze:....okay so I did! Whats the other one!?
*God looks at Jesus*
God: You were seen. By no less than
seven muggles. Not only have you risked the exposure of our world, but you maimed, you pillaged, and you dialed 0 for numbers you could easily have looked up in the book!
God: What? Que? Nani?
Kaze: Last time I ever go to church....
*Kaze leaves. Megan edged a bit away but follows him*
God:Time to go give blood again son!
Jesus: Oh for the love of you! Why does the church need my blood just to give to people to drink! Ill be diabetic soon!
*The randomness ends. Excuse my senseless scene*
Namine, Noelle, and Riku are watching The Grudge. "WHy is it that in all the Japanese horror films there is a freakish demented little girl that always has something to do with water?" Riku asked. Noelle shrugged. Namine was hiding under the blanket. Kaze and Megan walked in and Namine shreiked. Noelle patted Namine's back while trying to stifle her giggles. Riku mereley turned his head, "Yo." Kaze didnt say any greeting, 'hey everyone!" Megan said. Noelle waved and Namine was still shivering. "Where is Spiky-kun and Kairi?" Noelle asked. Kaze shrugged, "Thank you Mr. Helpful." Riku sighed. Megan starec at Riku for a moment, "
Why does he have silver hair? I mean its not a real hair color. Unless hes under a lot of stress and aging really weird..." Riku caught her staring and seized Noelle to sheild him, "I aint your sheild!" SHe said as she was jerked to the side. Kairi quietly stumbled in not speaking at all. "Kairi! What the hell happend?!" Riku asked. He saw the bruises on Kairi's shoulder and cheek. Noelle went wide eyed, 'It was him wasnt it?" She whispered. Kairi nodded feeling tears sting her eyes. Megan raised an eyebrow, "Who?" Kaze looked grave, "Sephiroith." Noelle and Namine hurried over to Kairi. Namine began flipping out and looking her over checking for injuries. "What did he say?" Noelle asked. "He said for me to stay away from you and Sora..." Riku looked really pissed, "First this guy stabs their mom, beats the crap out of Noelle and then tries to do it to you!" Kairi nodded. "I'm surprised you arent hurt worse. DId you get away?" Noelle asked. Not wanting to spill what happend between her and Sora she nodded. "Are you all right to rehearse?" Namine asked worridly. Kairi nodded. More thumps were heard as Sora came down the steps with his guitar. It was red and black with a silver crown on it. He blushed as he saw Kairi but said, "hey." to everyone. "Spiky-kun! Sephiroith tried to beat Kairi!" Noelle said. Sora knew this of course but tried to act surprised. "Guys I dont want to talk about it any more. Can we just rehearse?" Kairi said. Sora thanked his lucky stars. They nodded knowing Kairi wanted to get over it. "What can I do?" Megan asked. Kaze scratched his head, "You judge how we do. Be a groupie. You glomp us anyway so it would be perfect for you." Megan pointed at Kaze, "Riiiiiiight!" Riku and Sora exchange dlooks. Hilary Duff came on tv. "TURN IT OFF! TURN IT OFF!" Noelle howled clutching her ears. She began repeatdly smacking the tv. Megan's eye twitched at the annoying woman on the tv, "EV-IL!" "MOVING ON!" Kaze shouted. Namine thankfully turne doff the tv Noelle and Megan twitched occcasionally. "Can we please get going already." Kairi sighed. Everyone got in to position. Kaze and Sora stood near the front facing Megan. SOra twitched a bit and Kaze patted his shoulder, "Be brave." Riku sat at his drums and Kairi, Namine, and Noelle stood front middle. Megan whooted as the music started.
((Wrote this in like 3 minutes >_>)) Sora and Kaze ran their hands across the guitar strings slowly. Riku picked up the beat slowly and drummed his drumsticks smakcing the drums (Really????)) Kairi, Noelle and Namine began to sing softly at first but growing more powerful as the song progressed. ((Add the meledoy from 'Falling Even More In Love With You' by Lifehouse.))
When I have nothing left
It is fire I will blame.
The burning ambition.
That torturing flame.
I'll always remember
all the times that I've cried
but you made it easy.
You were there by my side.
We spent times together
I'll never forget,
our eyes saw desire
every time that they met.
I felt I'd been summoned,
by heaven above.
It was then that I realised
I must be in love
But my happiness ended
the moment you'd gone
I'd lost all survival.
I couldn't go on
Was a fool, Used to think
that we never would part
For our love is a flame
burns inside of my heart
The song ended and Megan blinked in amazement, "Wow..." Sora rubebd the back of his neck in embarassment. "WHo wrote the lyrics!?" Riku noogied Sora's head, "Spiky-kun!" Noelle said proudly.. Megan stared at Sora then at Kaze then at Riku then at the girls, "Wow..." Kaze sighed, "Is that all you say?" Megan pouted at him, "Penguin sucker." Kaze rose his eyebrows at this. Sora blushed some more when he glanced at Kairi...
I have finished the chapter! *slumps to floor* Violence will be coming soon! We are almost leaving the flashback story then on to the present!)