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Fanfiction ► Left Behind...

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Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
No I didnt kill Megan;)

Kaze walked down the road with his guitar on his back. It was white and black and shiny. Shuffling along he yawned as he neared Namine's house. "Mini-Cloud!" Kaze shuddered as he felt himself be glomped. "Megan if I've told you once I've told you a million times! NO GLOMPING!" "Oh go stuff a muffin." She pouted. Kaze cocked an eyebrow, "Stuff muffins? How does one do that?" Megan walked in silence before brekaing out in to song, "F is for friends who do stuff together! U if for you and me! N is for anywhere and any time at all down here in the deep blue sea!" Kaze sighed in annoyance, "You know how to play guitar?" SHe asked Kaze. Kaze grinned and rolled his eyes, "No I just carry them around. Its a hobby of mine!" Megan narrowed her eyes, "Dont me sarcastic with me mister." Kaze rose his eyebrows. They walked in silence for a while. "All right bye then Kazey-kun." SHe said sadly as they reached Namine's. She beagn to walk away but he seized her by the head, "Come on I know you want to see me play." Megan rejoiced by tacklehugging at the same time. "hat are the consequences for what I have just done?" Kaze thought.

really really uber bakaly short but Im so incredibly tired and Im sleepy too XD. So I pwomise to write more tommarow.


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D
me: Bwahahahaha....*dances* I'm not de-ad!! I'm not de-ad!! I'm not de-ad!! ^_^

Sora:*glares at meh* Stuff muffins.....>_>

Aozora: Hmm...I think there was a reason Kaze wanted Megan there, eh..? *wink, wink* ^_~

Kaze: *puches Aozora* Shut it. #>_>

me: Awesome shortness, SA!! XD I'll be waiting for teh rest!! XP


Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
as I have promsied I shall write. God I feel so bad Im so neglecting my other fics. But when you have 3 kingdom harts ones and a dnangel one on another site...i need some sugar...or Ill go in to sugar withdrawl....moving on!

Kaze sighed dragging Megan along with him. "God only knows why Im doing this.." *light appears over Kaze's head with a man wearing a Zoro mask to hide his identity*

God: No I dont!

Kaze: What do you mean you dont!? You know everything!

God: Says who!?

Kaze: YOU!

God: I did?

Kaze: YES!

God: No I didnt! Must be my new secretary Barbra. heh heh Bar-bra. Heh heh.

Kaze: o_O what.....the hell?

God: Shes new. Fairly attractive too....

Kaze: Jesus Christ!
*Man with brown hair and brown beard comes in to light*

Jesus: Someone call me?


Jesus: Oh fine dont answer your lord and savior!

*Megan is staring at Kaze who is supposedly talking to himself*

*God pulls out notebook*

God: Youre Kaze right?


God: Well lets see....you've broken 2 commandments today...

Kaze: No I didnt!

God: You took your Lord's name in vain...

Kaze:....okay so I did! Whats the other one!?

*God looks at Jesus*

God: You were seen. By no less than seven muggles. Not only have you risked the exposure of our world, but you maimed, you pillaged, and you dialed 0 for numbers you could easily have looked up in the book!


God: What? Que? Nani?

Kaze: Last time I ever go to church....

*Kaze leaves. Megan edged a bit away but follows him*

God:Time to go give blood again son!

Jesus: Oh for the love of you! Why does the church need my blood just to give to people to drink! Ill be diabetic soon!

*The randomness ends. Excuse my senseless scene*

Namine, Noelle, and Riku are watching The Grudge. "WHy is it that in all the Japanese horror films there is a freakish demented little girl that always has something to do with water?" Riku asked. Noelle shrugged. Namine was hiding under the blanket. Kaze and Megan walked in and Namine shreiked. Noelle patted Namine's back while trying to stifle her giggles. Riku mereley turned his head, "Yo." Kaze didnt say any greeting, 'hey everyone!" Megan said. Noelle waved and Namine was still shivering. "Where is Spiky-kun and Kairi?" Noelle asked. Kaze shrugged, "Thank you Mr. Helpful." Riku sighed. Megan starec at Riku for a moment, "Why does he have silver hair? I mean its not a real hair color. Unless hes under a lot of stress and aging really weird..." Riku caught her staring and seized Noelle to sheild him, "I aint your sheild!" SHe said as she was jerked to the side. Kairi quietly stumbled in not speaking at all. "Kairi! What the hell happend?!" Riku asked. He saw the bruises on Kairi's shoulder and cheek. Noelle went wide eyed, 'It was him wasnt it?" She whispered. Kairi nodded feeling tears sting her eyes. Megan raised an eyebrow, "Who?" Kaze looked grave, "Sephiroith." Noelle and Namine hurried over to Kairi. Namine began flipping out and looking her over checking for injuries. "What did he say?" Noelle asked. "He said for me to stay away from you and Sora..." Riku looked really pissed, "First this guy stabs their mom, beats the crap out of Noelle and then tries to do it to you!" Kairi nodded. "I'm surprised you arent hurt worse. DId you get away?" Noelle asked. Not wanting to spill what happend between her and Sora she nodded. "Are you all right to rehearse?" Namine asked worridly. Kairi nodded. More thumps were heard as Sora came down the steps with his guitar. It was red and black with a silver crown on it. He blushed as he saw Kairi but said, "hey." to everyone. "Spiky-kun! Sephiroith tried to beat Kairi!" Noelle said. Sora knew this of course but tried to act surprised. "Guys I dont want to talk about it any more. Can we just rehearse?" Kairi said. Sora thanked his lucky stars. They nodded knowing Kairi wanted to get over it. "What can I do?" Megan asked. Kaze scratched his head, "You judge how we do. Be a groupie. You glomp us anyway so it would be perfect for you." Megan pointed at Kaze, "Riiiiiiight!" Riku and Sora exchange dlooks. Hilary Duff came on tv. "TURN IT OFF! TURN IT OFF!" Noelle howled clutching her ears. She began repeatdly smacking the tv. Megan's eye twitched at the annoying woman on the tv, "EV-IL!" "MOVING ON!" Kaze shouted. Namine thankfully turne doff the tv Noelle and Megan twitched occcasionally. "Can we please get going already." Kairi sighed. Everyone got in to position. Kaze and Sora stood near the front facing Megan. SOra twitched a bit and Kaze patted his shoulder, "Be brave." Riku sat at his drums and Kairi, Namine, and Noelle stood front middle. Megan whooted as the music started.

((Wrote this in like 3 minutes >_>)) Sora and Kaze ran their hands across the guitar strings slowly. Riku picked up the beat slowly and drummed his drumsticks smakcing the drums (Really????)) Kairi, Noelle and Namine began to sing softly at first but growing more powerful as the song progressed. ((Add the meledoy from 'Falling Even More In Love With You' by Lifehouse.))

When I have nothing left
It is fire I will blame.
The burning ambition.
That torturing flame.

I'll always remember
all the times that I've cried
but you made it easy.
You were there by my side.

We spent times together
I'll never forget,
our eyes saw desire
every time that they met.

I felt I'd been summoned,
by heaven above.
It was then that I realised
I must be in love

But my happiness ended
the moment you'd gone
I'd lost all survival.
I couldn't go on
Was a fool, Used to think
that we never would part

For our love is a flame
burns inside of my heart

The song ended and Megan blinked in amazement, "Wow..." Sora rubebd the back of his neck in embarassment. "WHo wrote the lyrics!?" Riku noogied Sora's head, "Spiky-kun!" Noelle said proudly.. Megan stared at Sora then at Kaze then at Riku then at the girls, "Wow..." Kaze sighed, "Is that all you say?" Megan pouted at him, "Penguin sucker." Kaze rose his eyebrows at this. Sora blushed some more when he glanced at Kairi...

I have finished the chapter! *slumps to floor* Violence will be coming soon! We are almost leaving the flashback story then on to the present!)


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D
me: Aw, loved the song!! *huggles Kaze-Kun* You play guitar, too!? *hearts are clearly seen floating about my head* <3 <3 <3

Kaze:*struggles in my grasp* >_<

Sora: I wrote that...?.....o_o;;

Aozora:.....SORA wrote that?! o_O

Kaze: I guess there's a first time for everything....>_>

me:....Awesome chappy, SA!! VIOLENCE!! XP


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D

Kaze: *summons Keyblades* You're so dead, SA. *walks towards SA menacingly* >_>

Sora:....O....kay...That was an.....interesting....chappy!! HAHAHA!! I LAUGH AT YOU KAZE!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!! XDDD


Kaze: *glares at Sora* *throws Oblivion at his head* >_>

Sora: *Oblivion is inches away from his head* I'm ok......o_o



Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street

As morning came around in the irritable baka way it does Kairi was still sleeping. She was dreaming she didnt want to dream but she did want to....CONFUZZLE! She and Sora were walking in the park holding hands. Sora stopped her and lowered his face to hers, "Kairi..." She blinked up at him "Sora?" He sighed, "Kairi..." "Yes?" BEEP BEEP BEEP! BEEP!" Kairi was like, "Wha-!?" "BEEP BEEP BEEP!" Sora kept shouting. Atomatically Kairi seized the bat by her bed and smashed her alarm clock. It loud out a final weak 'beuuuup!', "I HATE MEN!" Kairi roared punching her pillow at the dream, "Kairi did you break another alarm clock?" Her mother called. "Maybe I did!" She said back. She heard her mom laugh. Kairi hurried around getting dressed. She pulled her shirt on brushed her hair and walked downstairs. "Ohayo.." She yawned as she entered the kitchen. "Ohayo dear." Kairi sat down and ate some toast, "What time is it?" She asked. Her mom looked at the clock, "8:20." Kairi choked on the toast and ended up gaging all over the table, "8:20?!" She ran around getting her bag and hurried ot the door, "You could tell me these things woman!" She shreiked as she hurried to the carpool. "ANd you could dtop breaking you alarm clocks! You had a dream about a boy didnt you? My little girl is in love!" "SHUT UP MOTHER!" Kairi roared as she slammed the door. SHe stalked to ze carpool with Namine, Noelle, Riku, Wakka, and Sora . "Sorry I'm-" "Late." Namine, Riku and finished. Kairi grumbled and sat next to Noelle. Sora looked pretty angry today, 'Why so angry Strife?" Kairi asked. "He had a little suprise this morning." Riku sniggered. Noelle joined in the sniggering. "Wha-" "I WOKE UP WITH A POUND OF DOG POOP IN MAH SHOES! AND I 'FOOLISHLY' GOT MAH SHOES ON TO STEP IN IT ALL!" Kairi couldnt help but laugh with the rest, "How did that get there?" She choked out. "That evil girl who has the same last name as me.." He growled. Noelle looked quite proud of yourself. "Me? I wouldnt do that!" She said looking flabbergasted. "SNEAKING OUT OF THE HOUSE AT 4 IN THE MORNING LOOKING FOR DOG POOP TO PUT IN MAH SHOES IS EXACTLY SOMETHING YOU'D DO!" He roared. She glared at him, "Are you accusing me of something?" Sora started shouting nonsence words like 'Nimblebah!" They turned away from the poop-shoed teen. "So anyhting interesting happen after I left?" Kairi asked. Riku shrugged. Nmaine said, "Umm the new InuYasha was on." "I fell down the stairs." Noelle added. Kairi stared at her random comment. "Anything interesting?" (if ya didnt see yesterday's Inu episode u mgiht not wanna read this part) "Well um...They got Koga out of Naraku." "HUZZAH! ZE BISHIES LIVE ON!" Kairi shouted. Namine continued, "Erm...The next episode is called Farewell Kikyo my Beloved." Noelle laughed in maddness, :THAT MEANS KIKYO WILL DIE!! THANK THE LORD!!!! I hate that...dead person!" Riku whispered to Kairi, "She cnat stand Kikyo. She ranted on about how she was inferior to Kagome last night. Going on about how she doesnt use soap or shampoo makes her a filthy woman. When she saw Kikyo get injured in the preview she shreiked in joy and ran around for more laps...thats how she fell down the stairs. After that she huddled in a corner for a while not speaking for a full 20 minutes cradling her injured arm. It was kinda freaky but also kinda cute." Kairi nodded. Strnage things happen. Kairi smirked at Riku, "So....you ask her to the dance yet?" Riku blushed, "Wha-!?" "You heard me Riku-kun." he gulped and twiddle dhis thumbs, "No.." Kairi patted his back, "Well you better get a move on!" It was Riku's turn to mock Kairi about her love life, 'You ask Sora yet?" She blushed redder than Riku, "No! Why would I?" "You like him...its obvious!" He sighed with a smirk. Sora was still mumbling nonsesne and not listening to anything. Noelle was busy ranting about Kikyo. (I HATE THAT WOMAN AND IM GLAD SHES GONNA DIE! I PRAY FOR HER DEATH! I HOPE SHE BECOMES NARAKU"S LOVE-SLAVE IN HELLL WHERE SHE BELONGS! HER NAME MEANS HELL FLOWER AND NARAKU MEANS HELL THEY WORK PERFECTLY TOGETHER! THEY BOTH DONT USE SHAMPOO!!!!!!!!!!!)) " So what?" kairi asked. RIku's eyebrows rose, "So youre admitting to liking him?" Kairi's words slipped out, "Yes I do dammit!" Everyhting went quiet. There was silence until Sora chose that time to yell out, "SPUTNICK!"


Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
Kairi blinked, "Oh crap I've done it now! Crap...crap...shitam...lemons.." She smiled cheerfully, "So! Whats on the agenda?" They stared at her except for Sora who was yelling out, "FLUSHING!" Even Riku's mom (need name... Maffin...(MEANS MUFFIN! XD) Maffin wasnt keeping her eys on the road and was steadily driving in to a horde of traffic, "WATCH THE ROAD WOMAN!" Riku shouted as a car honked. Maffin gasped and swerved sending everyone flying! "GAH!" Sora was smunchered (<--new word!) against the window his face stuck on the glass with Noelle, Namine Riku and Kairi practically laying on top of him, "OU BAKAS!" He roared. He could get the 'y' out do to having his mouth against the glass. "Are you all right children?" Maffin ASked frantically, "Riku get off your squishing us!" complained Noelle who was looking at Namine's head buried in the seat. "I cant until baka number 1 gets off!" Kairi moved over allowing Riku, Namine and Noelle to get up and bretahe deeply. Sora still had his face against the window, "Spiky-kun? You okay?" Noelle asked poking him. With a loud 'squelch' like a plunger being removed froma toilet Sora yanked his face away from teh window. "Oh im just dateshuu!" They finally arrived at the school uninjured. Just Sora's ego was bruised. They climbed out of the car and Noelle promptly flung herself on the grass and began kissing it, "LAND!" Sora seized her roughly by the back of her shirt with one hand and carried her inches above the ground like that. "Lemme GO!" She whined. Sora dropped her on ze ground, "BAKA!" She roared chucking a stick at him.

In class...~*~**~

Kairi stood at the front to take attendance since mr. Im- hot- so- I'm -gonna be- late- but- that- doesnt- matter- cuz- Im- hot- Leonhart wasnt here yet.






"Ey whats happening man?"


"This makes no sense to do this when we're all going to be swallowed by hell..."


"Here, love." he smiled winking.

Kairi felt herself almost toss breakfest as she remembered her last encounter with Kiru.

"Fluffy?" (yes Inu's here too! so sue me! X_X)

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT PATHETIC HUMAN!!" he shouted as he flipped her off.

"I love you too Sesshoumaru."




"Why dont we discuss current events?" Kairi asked as she tapped her feet.

"Umm...WE found Seshomaru has hooked up with someone.." Inuyasha said as he lounged in his chair.

Tifa and the other girls whimpered staring at Fluffy.

"His name is Jim." Inuyasha smirked as his golden eyes flashed.

There were gasps.

"Dont let that random person brainwash you. Its not his fault he cant get a date so he has to make a lie about me." Seshy said calmly.

"YOU DONT HAVE A DATE INUYASHA!?" His fangirls demmanded.

"Oh dear sweet mother of pocky!" Inu thought.

"AHEM!" An angry voice snapped.

Everyone turned to a raven-topped girl who was glaring at them with brown eyes.

"InuYasha..." She growled. Inu cringed at her rage..

"MOVING ON!" Kairi shouted.

Kiru raised his hand, "Only thing thats changed is the growing need to get you to date me.." He winked.

Sora felt his blood boil bust resisted throwing a chair.

Lulu raised her hand, "So Kairi, is it true you kissed Strife?" She demmanded.

Kairi felt her face flush as red as her hair. Her eyes flashed to Sora who also blushed.

"Yeah! Is it true?" Kiru asked with deep anger and intrest.

"Uh....uh..uh.." Kairi stammered.

As though God chose Kairi to be the winner of the lottery an announcement came over the speaker..

"All students participating in Battle of the Bands please report to the gym at this time!..no I dont want a crumpet.."

"THANK THE LORD!" Kairi sang out and seized Sora by the arm and dragged him out of the room.

At the gym...~*~*

As TBOD (the band of destiny) tune dtheir insturments and put on their makeup they were decieidng what songs to sing,

"We HAVE to do our song." Namine said. Everyone nodded.

"What else?" Riku asked.

Sora blushed and rubbed his neck, "I kind of made a new one..."

He pulled out some sheet music. And handed them to Riku who went wide eyed. "You sing it Sora. The girls will just dance."

Kaze tuned his guitar and said, "Almost time.."

At that time Megan ran up to them wearing a shirt she made that said, "V.I.P TBOD" "Guys! WE've got a request!"

Noelle saked, "What?"

Megan consulted a sheet, "Um..'I'd Do Anything.'

Sora and Kaze shrugged, "we could do that."


Principal Zexion came out to the stage. He was young and fiiine!

"hey, guess its time to start." He shrugged.

"Hey Zexy!" Tifa and her girls squealed.

Zexion smirked and stepped back, "First we have The Band of Destiny. Including Riku Kisagari, Kaze Elric, Kairi Hart, Namine Memorie, and Noelle and Sora Strife."

*clapping going on*

Red smoker envelopes stage due to Megan's special effects...or dangerous chemicals whatever she called it.

Sora and Kaze stepped out of the smog.. Kaze was wearing a grey denim jacket over a tight light blue shirt and grey jeans with a black dragon on one leg. Sora was wearing a sleevless jacket shirt wch was red with silver edges. On his arms were chains and a wrist band. He wore dark blue jeans complete with his crown necklace. Riku was wearing a torn black denim jacket at the the sleeves. No shirt under it (huzzah for bishies!) Kairi wore a purple v neck shirt and light blue jeans. On her hands were long white fingerless gloves with paopu chains. Her eyes were painted sparkly purple with light purple lip gloss. Noelle wore a low blakck tanktop with a fishnet shirt under neth that went down her arms to her blakc fingerless gloves with hearts with 'x's trough them chains (Heratless symbol) black skort with fishnet stockings and boots. Her eyes were painted black and she wore dark red lip gloss. Namine wore a white long shirt and grey jeans. Her hands had grey fingerless gloves with small heart chains. Her eyes were painted powder blue and light pink lip gloss.

Sora stepped forward and the crowd whooped, "This is The Song of our band. Called "Destati'.

The girls began to sing,

Kai: Ooh listen baby,
I'f I've told you once I've told you twice
No matter how many times you throw the dice,

Its Destiny, the path set before you how its meant to be.
The time when courage is the key,
Fate brought together, Destiny might tear us apart,
But we'll always be inside our hearts.

Noe: Dont matter how far you run,
Dont matter how many battles you've won.
Its not measured by your charm,
Doesnt matter you might buy the farm.

(and I cant think of anythign else!)

Kaze stepped forward and said, "Someone's requested 'I'd Do Anything.' And...we dont care." Namine hit him on the abck of the head, "Ow! I mean we'll do it."

Sora was going to sing with Kaze as backup. Riku twirled the drumsticks over his head and the girls got in dancing positions. Riku started out by taking off with a enormous drum solo. Sora followed by using his guitar. He opene dhis mouth and sang,

Another day, is going by
I'm thinkin' about you all the time
But you're out there
And I'm here waiting

And I, wrote this letter, in my head
Cuz' so many things were left unsaid
But now you're gone
And I can't think straight

This could be, the one last chance, to make you understand, yeah

Megan got on stage as planned and glomped Kaze but not making him mess up.

I'd do anything
Just to hold you in my arms
To try to make you laugh
Somehow I can't put you in the past
I'd do anything
Just to fall asleep with you
Will you remember me?
Cuz' I know I won't forget you

Riku abondened his post as the frums werent needed for the moment. He and Noelle locked arms and strutted ahead. And threw egss at the audience.

Together we, broke all the rules
Dreamin' of droppin' out of school
And leave this place
To never come back

So now, maybe after, all these years
And if you miss me have no fear
I'll be here
And I'll be waitin'

This could be, the one last chance, to make you understand
And I just can't let you leave me once again, yeah

I'd do anything
Just to hold you in my arms
To try to make you laugh
Somehow I can't put you in the past
I'd do anything
Just to fall asleep with you
Will you remember me?
Cuz' I know I won't forget you

As Kairi spun close enough she felt her reeled in by an arm. She twirled to face Sora who was still singing. With his eyes closed.

I close my eyes
And all I see is you
I close my eyes

His dark azure eyes opened to pore in to hers searhcing for her soul.

I try to sleep, I can't forget you
Nanana, nanana

He propped her chin up with his hand.

And I'd do anything for you

I'd do anything
Just to hold you in my arms
To try to make you laugh
Somehow I can't put you in the past
I'd do anything
Just to fall asleep with you
To fall asleep with you
With you, yeah
I'd do anything
To fall asleep with you
I'd do anything
There's nothing I won't do
I'd do anything
To fall asleep with you
I'd do anything

Sora and Kaze did a Jimmy Hendrix move as a finale as the girls met at the center.

Cuz' I know, I won't forget you

The crowd roared for encore and as the clapping and whoots dided down Sora took the final stand.

This last song was written by myself its titled, 'Delicate Kiss'

Riku started off the song by drumming slow with gentle beats. Kaze joined in strumming his hand ever so lightly over the strings. The girls began to dance slowly in coreographed manner. Sora opened his eyes as the music got feircer and strummed along and opened his mouth to sing,

A delicate kiss,
We wait to share,
The kiss of a loved one,
Who takes us there.

Sora's voice was strong yet soft sang out the words in a seductive and hypnotizing beat.

Sweet october,
Cool night skies,
Looking at my loved one,
Through dark blue eyes.

Bending down to kiss them,
Looking at their smile,
The long time that I have waited,

Has been worth while.
The love of which spreads through my heart,
And sings the song of pride,
I take the hand of my loved one,
And together we walk side by side.

His newly found fangirls screamed As others cheered.

The mist of hate is subsiding,
The shadows we only dream,
The face of my dear loved one,
Is pale and white as cream.

For the color is gone,
The color has left,
And all that is there,
Is the love that we kept.
I turn to my loved one,
And look through the mist,
And we join one last time,
For our delicate kiss.

As the song finished Noelle looked at Megan and pointed at Kaze. She nodded. And swiftly whoosed over As Kaze did a final strum. Grabbing the sides of his face and reaching upwards she pressed her lips against his and shut her eyes tight as her cheeks blared. Kaze's eyes widened as he blushed just as red. Not knowing what else to do with the whole school staring He put his arms behind her back and linked them at her shoulders.

There was silence as the school watched in awe. until our favorite little troublemaker burst out,"Now THATS a delicate kiss!" Noelle whooted. Laughter and weeps followed. Megan and Kaze broke apart and Megan promptly hid behind the girl who caused her to do this. Kaze swayed a bit as his cheeks glowed bright red. "When in Rome!" Noelle whooted and marched over to Riku. Practically tackling him she did the same as Megan. Kairi reisted laughter as Riku was seized. She felt eyes on her and turned to see Sora staring at her. "He...wouldnt!?" But of course he said, "Aw hell with it!" And stomped over and followed suit. kairi felt her cheeks also glow and her heart pound. Megan and Kaze glanced at eachother until Megan said, "WHAT IS THIS!? THE NEWLYWEDS!? COME OUT ASHTON KUTCHER! WE"VE BEEN PUNK'D HAVENT WE!!?"
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