Nice update and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Can not wait to read more so update soon.
.:oh_your_hott:. said:ok i just finished reading the homecoming thing and that was taken right from "Dear Diary" this is a good story and all but come on ever herd off orginality?? in the real story Chrissy pours ranch on Namine and the when they go to the party its crazy and every ones drunk then some girl is getting raped blah blah blah. How abut u write an orginal story by yourself with out the help of someone elses work mkay?
were talking about me???kaze_krazy said:I just died a little on the inside. Now, if you would correct your atrocious grammar, I might know what you're trying to say.
She's wow.....................she's just a pain is'nt she=_=SorasAngel1292 said:Yes it turns out my sister did that to get me in trouble >_>
Hi this is Soras Angel's sister. I did copy from her stupid fanfiction or whatever the frig its called that was on the computer and put it in to her microsoft word. I also rearranged the names so she wouldnt know I copied it from the internet. I really dont give a f*ck about this story and I dont care if I stole, so what its not a big deal. Im only doing this because my sister is going to delete my screenname so I'm not going to say sorry. So bye.
This is SA:
Real brat isnt she? She wrote much worse things in that but Im not going to post them....yeah so my parents let me delete her sn so now shes screaming at them and me like the baby she is. I borrowed her purse without asking and used her money in it so she wanted to get back at me. I know I can make you believe that I didnt do it but hey its yer choice. Just to let you know my bitch of a sister isnt going to be able to get on my name anymore so this wont happen again...Originally I had a fire start at the spring dance so I was confused when you talked about ranch dressing and a homecoming o.o The characters are in middle school so wouldnt they not have a homecoming?
So once again Im sorry for the trouble. If I had any fights break out it would be with Larxene like before. So ill try and get the next updart done soon.