What Drive Form in KH2, KH2.5, or KH2FM do you find to be your least favorite?
Yes, Antiform does count and we both share a mutual dislike for that form.Does anti-form counts? If yes, then anti-form. If not, then I'd say Wisdom since it's pretty much just pew pew and I'm not really a fan of magic.
This makes me happy. If anything, my least favorite is Valor for being the most bland.I love Wisdom Form.
I think I`ll have to say Anti-Form too. It looks really cool(heck, Sora hangs from a ledge with his leg)and the attacks you do with it also look really nice, but you can`t heal or use spells, or use items during it. Your mobility changes too also during it. In LV1 runs your good as dead if you turn into Anti-form during a boss fight.
Still, I really like how there is this duality theme going on with it. That form is black and Sora uses his bare hands. In the other side of the spectrum we have silver/white Final form, where Sora levitates and controls his two Keyblades with telekinesis.
And it's very good at its job. Makes sure I never use Drives because the chance you turn into Antiform usually means death, which means starting back a room or fighting a boss from the beginning again, or running around and waiting forever to revert, which is such a waste of time.Well of course we're not supposed to like Anti Form. It's a mechanic created specifically to balance Drive Forms, so it's meant to kind of suck.
Just Final Form that I know of? Which doesn't come until near the end of the game. But tbh I don't have much love for Drive Forms regardless of Antiform.My least favourite form was and will always be the Master Form. And i think that not using the drive forms just because the anti form exists is plain dumb since there are ways to avoid getting into anti form.
Master Form is the one that turns Sora's clothes golden and has him telekinetically spinning one blade while holding the other. Final Form is the white and grey look that has him telekinetically controlling both blades.Just Final Form that I know of? Which doesn't come until near the end of the game. But tbh I don't have much love for Drive Forms regardless of Antiform.
Aside from Final Form the chance for Antiform to appear drops to 0% when you obtain a new form and using any form while an ally is unconscious does not increase the chance for Antiform to appear.Just Final Form that I know of? Which doesn't come until near the end of the game. But tbh I don't have much love for Drive Forms regardless of Antiform.