Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Be quiet neo_shadow. You are lucky you're my friend. But, since you're my neighbor, I could march right over to your house right now and give you a heck of a talking to!
My other favorite is Oogie Boogie (the first time)!
um doesnt the keyblade only chose sora becuase at that one time, sora's heart was stronger then riku's? plus if you look in the chronicles with jiminy, it says that riku is the rightful owner. but who says that there cant be more than one keyblade owner, after all, there are more than just one keyblade.
The only boss I really had trouble with was the first ursula fight. The only reason I couldn't do it was because I didn't know what to do to that damn pot!
I only really had trouble with the Ice Titan, when I was first trying to beat him. I had no idea how to hurt him. But, after many times dying and redoing it all over, I finally figured it out. Then, I was all like "This is so easy!" I had the most trouble with the Phantom. Stupid thing kept killing my guys. Not fun...