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Fanfiction ► Late night with Dan and Jin

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Dark warrior
May 2, 2005
nobody cares
I have changed a few things and for now on new stories will be posted here
I don't own any on but Dan and Jin

Late Night Guest: Ryu from Street Fighter
Dan:Welcome to yet another episode of Late night...now with veiwers. I'm your host Dan and the crazy man stealing people's Yugioh cards is the caffien crazed person we call Jin.
Jin:*puts his hand in a small childs pocket and pulls out 5 Yugioh cards. The cards are all Kuribo* FINALY! THE CRAPPY CARD!!!
Dan: Anyway today on the show we have the hero of a very popular fighting series that gave new life into arcades fro about 2 years. I'm talking about Ryu.
Ryu:*walks onto the set and sets down* Hey is there anyone here I can fight?
Dan: You can fight Jin but it will only last about five seconds.
Ryu:Let's test that theroy!* He grabs Jin and walks off stage then you can hear beating noises and about two seconds later Ryu comes back and sets down.* Sorry you overetamated him. It only took two.
Dan:Meh! Win some lose some.*camera man holds his hand out and Dan hands him a fiffty dollar bill.*
Ryu:So you've got some qutions to ask me?
Dan:Huh? Oh yeah, yeah. Are you gonna be appering in anynew games that will come to the US?
Ryu: Well I'm not shure I might make a camio in a game or two but unless Namco vs Capcom comes here then no.
Dan:Man that sucks. Tell capcom to bring the damn Street Fighter games back before I send them *THE PACKGE!"
Ryu: What's in the package.
Dan:Oh the worst things to ever beconsived by man!
Ryu: And they are?
Dan: They are....
Jin: Spongebob Barney and Teletubby video's
Ryu: That's worse then hell
Dan:Anyway I have another qustion.
Ryu: Go for it!
Dan: There's been so many flame wars over this so I'd like to ask you this to end it. Who do you like Sakura or Chun li?
Ryu: Sorry but...
Jin:Don't you touch her!
Ryu:Who are you talking about?
Dan: He means Sakura.
Ryu: Ahh! I see didn't know fangirls could have fanboys.
Dan: Do a google search then you'll know.
Jin:One of them is mine.
Dan:Uh huh whatever. Anyway Thanks for stoping by Ryu.
Ryu: Your very welcome and if it's ok can I...
Dan: Go for it.
Ryu:*karate throws Jin into the camera and smashes it*
Dan:Aw comone I though we were done with tha...
Transmisson ends.


Dark warrior
May 2, 2005
nobody cares
Late night with Dan and Jin Guest: Solid Snake
Dan:Welcome all to another episode of Late night. Where after a change of plans we have lost most of our viewers. I'm your host Dan and the crazy hyper midget over there is Jin.
Dan:Anyway our next guest is the star of the popular game series Metal Gear solid. His name is Solid Snake.
Snake: *sneaks into the building and snaps a securty guard's neck. He then sees two more and bangs on a wall. The securty guards walk over and Snake shoots them. He then makes it on stage and points his gun at Dan* Who are you!?
Dan: Put your pee shooter down before I pull out mine! The names Dan and we invited you for an interview not for you to kill our securty.
Snake: Sorry I wasn't shure if this was a trap.*puts gun away*
Dan:*smacks forehead*
Jin:And they say I'm dumb!
Snake: Be quite before I have to kill you!
Dan:*sweatdrop*Anyway I really love your games Snake but I'd like to know. Why do you have like thirty girl friends. First you hit on Naomi then the little asian girl...fan boys I'm really sorry but I just could not remmber her name. Now were was I...oh yes you hit on a couple girls in MGS2 and don't forget about Meryl.
Snake: Yeah and your point is?
Dan:Why in the seven hells don't you just pick one!? ARGH! Your worse then Tenchi Muyo on crack! I wish I had a girlfriend and you set there hitting on everyone woman you see. I'm just happy as hell you weren't here when Sakura was here cause that would have been creepy and you would have had Jin knawling on your leg like a dog.
Snake: Don't you try and tell me what to do! I do what I want and nothing you and that !!little puppy can do about it.
Jin: I NO PUPPY....ARF!!!!
Dan:Snake!!! YOU HAVE ISSUES!!!
Snake: That's it I'm gonna kick your ass!
Dan: Bring it Mullet man!
Snake:*pulls out his sniper rifle and can't get a clear shot because his hand keeps moving too much.*
Dan:*sighs and thows him into the crowed of people watching. A couple of them happened to be Snake's girlfriends and they all kicked his ass.*


Dark warrior
May 2, 2005
nobody cares
(shure I'll check it out)
Late Night with Dan and Jin Guest:Crash Bandicoot
Dan:Welcome to another episode of Late Night...now with compition. I'm your host Dan and the man who ha more redundent intoductions then Ryan Secrest is none other then Jin.
Jin:Hey! I don't smell THAT bad!
Dan: Anyway tonights guest is the star of The Crash series and I bet you can't guess his name...is you guessed Yoshi go stab yourself in the face with a pencile. His name is Crash.
Crash:*runs onto the set spining around and breaking stuff. Then he sat down.*
Dan: Damn it whould you guests stop breaking our stuff before out budget explodes! Anyway Crash are you gonna be in any new games?
Crash: NO! No no no no NOOOOOOOOOO!
Dan: Syeal some of Jin's meds and come down Crash. I'd like to know Crash why are you so insane? What the heck are you...
Crash:*snatches Jin's meds and eats all of the pills.*
Jin: Aw man!
Dan:Well that answered on qustion but also made so many more.
Crash:*suddenly stops and his eyes glaze over and he falls to the floor.*
Dan:Aw man that's...aw that's nasty.
Jin:YAY FOOD!*picks Crash up and walks off set*
Dan:*sweatdrop* Well that's all the time we have for tonight good night.
Transmisson end.
(If you guys have any requsts on reviews or characters please PM me. I will answer all of you...considering there arient that many.)


Dark warrior
May 2, 2005
nobody cares
Late night with Dan and Jin Guest: Chun Li
Dan:Welcome to another episode of Late Night, one of the millons of fanfics still getting beat out by Riku's Last misson 2 witch was started a month ago. I'm your host Dan and that man running around getting people with the razor is none other then Jin.
Jin:*sneaks up behind the body of Crazy and shaves all of his fur off and wears it as a coat.* Now Pamala Anderson can be pissed at me too.
Dan:*sweatdrop* Anywho tonights guest is one of the leading ladies of the game world. The character who made it so there would be more females that can kikc your ass. Her anme is Chun Li.
Chun Li: *Walks in and sits down.* Hey Dan good to be on the show.
Dan: Good to have you and yes for those keeping track at home this is my third guest from Street Fighter. Anyway Chun li I already know the deal with you being in any new games so instead I'd like to know...do you relize that on the favorite Street Fighter girls poll you were this close to being beaten by Sakura.
Chun Li: That overated school girl b*tch I'll kill her!
Dan: To tell you the truth I like her better. Even though without you there would be no Sakura but here's why. She has a better personality, she's cuter, I say she's stronger, and in every new game your in your thigs get bigger and bigger. What are you doing inflating them!?
Chun Li: Hiw dare you say thoughs things to me I'll...
Jin: HA! HA! The old bag is p*ssed off now!
Chun-li: Who are YOU calling old!
Jin and Dan: You.
Dan:Seriously your about 35 by now so stop lying about your age.
Chun Li: That's it I'm kicking alll of your asses.
Dan:Must it alwasy go to violance...anything for ratings I sappose. Jin you take care of herI'm betting a snack.*He stood up and walked off set.*
Jin:*pulls out a controler that has a big red button.* FINALY! HEHEHEHEHE!*he pushes the button and the chair Chun Li was in expoldes and no trace of her was left.*
Dan*Walks in* That was quick but you know your buying the new chair right?
Jin:Aw man!
Dan: Before we go I have to say on last thing...I am addicted to an anime called Magical Party I just can't...hey what are you doing?
Camera man:*turns off the camera*


Dark warrior
May 2, 2005
nobody cares
Dan:Sorry it's been awhile we had some CPU troubles.*glares at Jin*
Jin: WHAT!?
Late Night with Dan and Jin. guest, Gabe Logan.
Dan: Welcome to yet another episode of the show that just won't die Late Night. I'm your host Dan and That Thing over there is the man of your nightmares Jin.
Dan: Well we have a good show planed tonight but before I get to that I'd like to introduce a new member of the show. Hoshiko is her name now some onto the set.
Hoshiko:So is this were they have the MK tournament regestration.
Dan: No this is Late Night.
Hoshiko: Damn it! I wanted to chop someone's head off
Dan: Chop Jin's off. It always comes back. Anywho there was a PM we got asking if me and Jin were Pedifiles because of the Sakura episode. Now I'd like to say no god d*nm it! I'm 17 and Jin 16! we are not weird...like that, that is.
Hoshiko:*chops Jin's head off reaptedly and it keeps respawning like FPS character.* Damn this is fun!
Dan:*laughs for a second and then stops and clears his throat* Anyway Our guest today is the star of the underated Sphon Filter. His name is Gaberil Logan and by the way yes that is his name.
Logan:*walks in fliping him the bird*
Dan: Well it's true.
Jin: HAHA! He has a girls name.*head pops off again and regrows*
Hoshiko:*snickers* That is pretty sad.
Dan: Anyway Logan I really liked The omega strain game but how come in the one level I can play as you it's a damn steath level.
Logan: How the hell should I know!? The creaters are weird like that!
Dan:Also why don't you just kill Mara? I mean she's just going to come back again.
Logan: Desiners whant a blonde.
Dan, Jin and Hoshiko: Damn blondes!
Logan: That's what I said!
Dan: Also please tell me there will be another Syphon Filter.
Logan: Im not shure if we are. I haven't heard wind of it.
Dan: Damn!
Jin:*runs around with Hoshiko's two swords* HAHAHA! I HAVE WEAPONS!
Hoshiko:Come back with my swords before I carve you up.
Jin:*cold chill goes down his spin and he does so and sets down.* Bastard.
Hoshiko:I heard that.
Dan:Well Logan I think that's all we have time for today, thanks for coming....Gaberil! *busts out laughing*
Logan:*pulls out his silanced pistole* That's it I've had eough of that joke!
Dan: Don't make me do to...
Hoshiko:*pulls a Cervantes from Soul Calibur 2 on Gabe and sends him flying out of the studio.* Hey gotta kill and or hurt someone
Dan: Kick ass!
Hoshiko:*turns to the camera man* What the hell are you still doing here.
Camera man: OH F*CK!*turns camera off and runs home.*
Last edited:


Bronze Member
Aug 26, 2005
Nowhere Texas its a literal nowhere zone
funny stuff and for a moment i thought you were dissing the name logan but i was wrong but still funny stuff.heres an idea for next one cloud,yuffie, and aerith or aeris(i hear 2 different versions of her name)think of the love triangle :D :D


Dark warrior
May 2, 2005
nobody cares
Late Night with Dan and Jin guests: Cloud, Yuffie, and Aeris
Dan: Welcome to Late Night! Were none ofyour dreams come true. I'm your host Dan and the man with the redundent intros is the loon we named Jin.
Jin: My birth name was Billy Bob!
Dan: And besides me is the only female on our show who loves to cause more pain then the American Idols is none other then Hoshiko!
Hoshiko:*looking at her blades* I wonder if your head grows back?
Dan:*sweatdrop* Moving one todays guests..That's right I said guests...anyway there from the popular FF7 game. There names are Cloud Yuffie and Aeris.
Cloud Yuffie and Aeris:*walk in and sit down*
Dan: Anyway good to have you on the show guys. Now I'm going to start with the man with so many fangirls...and to the fangirl I don't have it's not me it's Cloud. So any way Cloud anything new coming up?
Cloud: Yes we have a movie coming out but I can't tell you about it because I'd have to kill you.
Dan and Hoshiko: Tell Jin andgive him a minute to tell us.
Cloud: Sorry can't do that.
Dan: Damn!
Hoshiko: Damn it! I wanted to see him bleed...again.
Dan: So shifting gears to...*sees Yuffie disapeared* weird anywho of to..*sees Aeris grouping allover Cloud.* He keep it PG13 girl.
Hoshiko: Besides arin't you alittle dead to be grouping him?
Aeris: Be quite he's mine! *She said with fire in her eyes.*
Dan: Remmber when I was talking about fangirls? Well...
Aeris: Be quite or I'll
Jin: Dead lady's going to try and kill you! HA HA!
Aeris:*her battle screen appears and she waits for the gaurge to fill up* No you all will pay.
Dan and Hoshiko: *slap each others forheads* Oh brother. *they wait for her to attack and jump to the side hen the pick her up and throw her out the window*
Dan: and that's somthing you'll never have you litle f....*sees Yuffie stealing his wallet* What the hell are you doing!?
Yuffie:*runs out the door*
Dan: Crap!
Hoshiko: Better drive careful. Are your really going to be...
Dan: Silnace you lit...
Jin:*pulls out a remote and pushes a button and they hear an exsplosion and a scream and Dan's wallet flys through the window and onto the desk.*
Dan: now that's a first.
Yuffie:*flys through as well and distroys the camera.*


Bronze Member
Aug 26, 2005
Nowhere Texas its a literal nowhere zone
me: someone used my idea!
shinta: so?
me: its a first so shut up and let me soak up this moment
*weird music*
shinta:...it wasnt completely like you had asked though
atnihs:so?they brought the guests i asked and thats good enough

funny one like the others were and thank you! :D
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