Now I'll leave before I spam it more.
Now I'll leave before I spam it more.
What was your favorite part? Least favorite? How can I improve?
THAT's ORGANIZATION_42's job to create the plot bunny. It's her request, I'm only fulfilling it lol
. . .
Umm, hi? ^_^'
Is it possible to request something?
As long as you read and review my other fan fics before, you can request something![]()
La Compilation - Anything can come to Life!
. . . Oh. XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD;; This is the only story of yours I've come across.
Really? You should read the La Compilation one shots.
Ohh, alright.
. . . What are they, exactly? XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD *brick'd!!!*
*Smacks head* A New Identity and A Purpose Good Riddance to Thee Nuestra Promesa Bringing Hakuna Matata to Twilight Town
Just to name a few one shots xD
Ohh. XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Okay, thanks. And I'm so very sorry about annoying you.
I've read 'A New Identity and Purpose', and let me say, I really liked it! The oneshot was well-written (Better than mine, I must say XP), Roxas and Xemnas were in-character, and I felt everything that Roxas felt while reading it. I also like the fact that you mentioned Roxas' specific eye-shade of blue - sky-blue. (<3333333) I can't say anything much bad about it, since there were no grammar mistakes, not much OOC-ness (well, none that I've found, anyways), and no typos, either. Also love the fact that you put naivety in Roxas' character - not much people are doing that nowadays, are they? XP Anyways, good fanfic oneshot, good job, you get a sea-salt ice cream for your awesome story. ^_^
You reviewed one fic, what about the others![]()
Nah, just read and review your favorite one.
Yesh, request now. MD
Ziz, WHY do you make everyone review before you put another up? It's blackmail and a turn off.