Author's Note: Lifes.Lover is such a friggin' grammar Nazi and I somewhat hate her yet love her for it. And trust my word for it, she is definetely a Nazi. As for everthing else that I wanted to say, I need to keep my fans pleased with another work of mines while success is still there. Now please review my fans!!
La Compilation des Histoires de Reino Corazones
Title: Good Riddance to Thee
Author: Ziz
Beta Reader: Lifes.Lover
One named Lexaeus, the Silent Hero..
Another by the name of Riku..
The two powerful warriors shot angry glares at one another..
Both of them stood on opposite sides of a white room stained scarlet by their blood shed by the weapons they had wielded. Both Lexaeus and Riku were extremely tired and were on the floor, trying to recover their stamina to eliminate the other. Riku, being the younger combatant of the two warriors, could recover at a much quicker rate than his older opponent.
Riku smirked, "Is that all you got to show?" Despite a great amount of pain in his chest where there was a large, bloody gash staining his shirt, he stood up. His eyes were filled with pure hatred for his opponent who laid there panting, attempting to recover his breath.
Obviously, the battle had taken more of a toll out of the bulky Nobody Lexaeus, who barely had a grip on his tomahawk. The Silent Hero lowered his head staring down on the floor and closed his eyes. "That boy thinks he can mock me and get away with it?"
Riku smiles; he could tell the amount of damage he had inflicted on the Nobody on the bloody gashes that were all over the stained black Organization cloak that his opponent wore.
He drew out the Soul Eater once more, his other began to glow, and began to walk towards him. In order to defeat the remnant of what darkness remained within him and reunite with his best friend Sora, Lexaeus had to be terminated now.
"You're finished!!!" Riku jumped up in the air, with his Soul Eater shimmering a bright purple, ready to give the final strike at the severly weakened Organization member.
"This is where your grave shall be, demon of the darkness," Lexaeus grabbed the blood-stained tomahawk that laid on the floor and screamed angrily at the silver haired teen, "Don't mock me!" The Silent Hero slammed Riku right in the chest.
Riku was thrown right into the ceiling causing a loud, painful scream to erupt from the fifteen year old.
Lexaeus took a few steps forward to take a closer look. No sign of movement, or life, for that matter, from the silver haired boy. "I sense no hint of life coming from the boy's body." He looked down and stared at the seemingly lifeless body of the silver haired teenager whom he had slain just now. "Yet it confuses me as to why the body of the child had not already dissipated into the darkness even though."
"I wonder now what to do with you considering that you helped me purge out Riku's heart at last allowing me to take his body as my own. Yet I can not allow you to harm my new body. Continue to advance any further and I won't hesitate killing you."
Riku's body began to to emit a dark, purple aura.
"This is enough of an anomaly as is." Lexaeus walked back towards the glowing corpse with his tomahawk clenched tightly in his right hand ready to slay him, "Say good-bye to all that you know and prepare to be cast off into the Realm of Darkness from where we found you."
"You chose your path, Aeleus. Now you shall suffer the consequences of the choice you made..."
"Mmmhh??" he muttered with curiosity.
Riku rested on his knees and his pupils were now an orange-yellow color. He quickly disappeared from the Silent Hero's sight. Not even a second later, Lexaeus felt a stinging pain in his waist, his eyes widened with the feeling of pain. The giant tomahawk that he wielded fell to the floor and faded away. He saw through the reflection given off by his Soul Eater the blood that had been shed all over the floor.
Lexeaus' body began to emit the aura of darkness that signified the beginning the process of fading away. "How could you still be alive?" Lexeaus coughed out; he felt the blade of the Soul Eater go deeper into his chest. "I thought that the Keyblade's Chosen One had killed you and the Heartless, Xehanort."
Rikunort shot a glare at him, "My name is Ansem now and don't you forget that, Nobody. The name that our former Master bestowed onto me is no of importance to me." The possessed silver haired Seeker of Darkness dredged his sword the Soul Eater deeper into Lexaeus's abdomen. "I should thank you for terminating the existence of the boy but you turned againist me and turned me over to Ansem the Wise ten years ago. I can not allow the Nobody of a traitor to continue existing."
"I should had known from the start that you would cause the fall of our world to the darkness." Lexaeus shouted out angrily. "Zexion, I am sorry for ever holding doubts againist you back then." He soon faded away completely to the darkness.
"Now that Riku and Lexaeus are disposed of, I can concentrate on eliminating the Keyblade Master for foiling my plans to use the darkness of Kingdom Hearts," Rikunort said as he opened a corridor of darkness. "Speaking of the devil, I can smell the Keyblade Master nearby." He formed a dark swirl and began immersing his body into it. "Perhaps, I shall give him a warm welcome."