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Fanfiction ► Knight's journey: Likke of Twilight

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"There's always money in the banana stand."
Staff member
May 9, 2007
The End of Time
lol, i just cant wait for next chappie.


Speed lvl- snail
Feb 3, 2007
Where angels lose their way
new chappie!! sowwee but i couldnt help meXDXDXD im gonna write another chapter on tues. XDXD well heres it!!!

Chapter Nineteen: Azura the sprite

“What was that?” asked Riku, hearing loud noises.

“Gunshot!” screamed Likke, after a loud bang echoed in the air.

Likke suddenly trembled in fear; her hands over her head, shaking violently. She remembered her first encounter with Draix; the encounter in which she was shot.

“Likke?” asked Riku, seeing Likke terrified,”What’s wrong?”

“I-it’s… t-t-the s-s-same th-thing all o-o-ver ag-gain…” she stuttered. “N-n-o… n-n-not ag-gain…I d-don’t w-want t-to be sh-shot…”

Riku tried his best to calm Likke down but no effect; she kept trembling. Her mind concentrated on that particular event, haunting her like a delayed trauma reaction.

Riku held Likke closer to him, hoping it’ll calm her. “Li… don’t be afraid…”

“Riku… I… I’ll try to.”

Likke took deep breaths, each one lowering the tension until she felt easy. Realizing then that Riku was hugging her, embarrassment came up, making Likke go red all the sudden.

“Uh… Riku, you uh… you can let go now…”

“Oh, sorry.” replied Riku, taking his arms off her, “So, feel any better?”

Likke turned away; blushing and scratching her head. “Uh-huh. Thanks a bunch Riku. Really, that was caring of you.”

Riku smiled, “Least I can do.”

Likke wanted to say one more thing to Riku. She felt that there was something else to say but couldn’t express it. Like there’s something in her heart that’s been waiting to come out. And man it was difficult.

Likke took a deep breath as she turned towards Riku. Slowly uttering the words,

“Riku I-“

“What is it?”

“Well I… I…” Likke couldn’t make up the words. She wanted something, anything to come out her mouth. When she couldn’t handle the pressure, Likke almost blurted without thinking.



Likke jumped up. A loud crash sounded from behind them. They turned to see nothing but a vase, shattered to pieces on the ground. Soft taps echoed around them.

“Someone’s here.” said Riku, grabbing Likke by her arm, placing her behind him.

Riku’s hand gave off a glow, partially dark, then his way to the dawn keyblade appeared. Ready in his position, Riku was prepared to attack.

“Come out!” shouted Riku, gripping his key tighter.

“Pwease down’t huwt mee” a voice said. “I wown’t huwt you…”

A puff of white smoke blasted in front of them. After it was gone, a small white creature appeared. It wore a jester hat, with bells on its tips, along with frills on its neck. A scared look on its rather round face, and its eyes, sapphire blue, glimmered with fear; almost crying.

“Allow me two intwoduce myself… I am Azura.” It said fearfully; shaking in its spot. “I down’t mean any hawm to you… I wus passing by when you two were here tawking. I onwy wanted to see what you were doin when the vase was on me way. Then it fell down…”

“How can we trust you?” snapped Riku. “I think you’re lying.”

Riku charged towards Azura, his way to the dawn closing to Azura’s tiny body. Azura covered his eyes, preparing for the worst. Just then, Likke stepped out, her arms spread widely to the side, shielding Azura.

“Likke?! Get out of the way!”

“No! Azura’s harmless!” she protested. “Don’t hurt him! He’s not even armed!”

Likke then looked at Azura, lifting him from the ground. She cuddled him in her arms like what a kid does with a stuff toy.

“Thank you, vewy much.” thanked Azura. “I weally appwiciate it.”

“Aww… you’re really cute!” Likke replied.

Riku scratched his head. He wanted to protest about this but Likke was stubborn. Too stubborn for her own good. The only thing he could do was shake his head; sighing.

“I just hope you’re sure about this.” he said.

“Aww, Come on Riku. What bad can he possibly he do to you?” she said, showing him Azura.

A loud scream began to echo: Kairi’s…

“That was Kairi! She’s in trouble!!” shouted Riku.

“Then let’s go!” added Likke. “There’s no time to waste!”
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Mar 27, 2007
Awesome chapter, I really like the nice excitment and determination that is happening great job xD.


New member
May 9, 2004
Wherever I feel like landing while I flying.
*eats popcorn still camping outside* O.O.........................*twitches*..............O.O I must read the next chappy >.< Im gonna like blow up into a million pieces XD I know a few ppl would want that, but then I wouldnt be do anything if im a pile of rubble >.<

I LIKY IT ALOT GUNBLADE XD.....I think I know what might happen next >D hehehehehehe..............


Speed lvl- snail
Feb 3, 2007
Where angels lose their way
heyhey XD sorry but i havent done much... just a portion of the next chapter =3

Chapter Twenty:

Kairi was cornered. There was nowhere to run or hide. In short, she was trapped. And just in front of her was the cloaked man, wielding a giant axe.

“What do you want from me?!” Kairi scowled. “Just who do you think you are?!”

The figure laughed at her, taking off his hood he revealed himself. His black hair, tied at his back, with his scar running from the bridge of the nose to his forehead. His hand still held tightly on the gigantic axe.

“My… you’re a feisty one.” he replied, smirking. “I am Fargus. If you wish to know my intentions, I’m more than happy to tell. My mission’s to make sure that the twilight knight dies and stays that way.”

“You’re going to kill Likke?” Kairi stuttered. ”No way! Not in a million years!”

“I admire your courage. Although, if you consider it that way… I am left with no choice.” Fargus then lifted the axe, resting its long handle on his shoulder, the blade nowhere near hurting him. “You’ll be the first to die.”

He walked closer to Kairi, his axe slowly lifting from his shoulder. Kairi tried searching for any escape route, but found no such thing. Fargus got close enough to attack without a single chance of missing. That’s when Kairi started to think. She knew there was no possible chance that she’d win against this guy, but she didn’t want to just stand and hope someone was going to rescue her.

“I… won’t go down without at least trying!” thought Kairi. “I have to fight. I have to. ”

Kairi then closed her eyes, trying to concentrate. Her hand glowed, then a floral keyblade was in her hand. Kairi got into a fighting stance, her key in front of the man. Seeing Kairi’s attempt, the man started to laugh.

“I hope you know how to fight. Or else, this is just a humorous joke.”

Fargus fixed his strength at the axe; first lowering it near the ground then slashing it at her. Kairi ducked just in time and managed to get a stance from him, although the blade smashed against the wall, thus reducing it to a pile of ruble.

“That was way too close.” she thought, sweat dripping down her face. “I can’t stay too long here. Likke has to know these guys are after her.”

“I missed… darn.” Fargus then turned to face Kairi, “This next one won’t miss.”


Mar 27, 2007
Great portion of a chapter, I really look forward into seeing what happens next xD.
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