No that's pretty much the same as the fan translations from what I can see.
No, drastically different implications.
Everglow's translation:
"However, when throwing away its physical form, it also loses sight of its
purpose [...] Those darknesses don't have their own form, so they aim to increase their number, taking them from one to many. They've already increased, and the darkness that has a derived form is a Heartless. And those that don't have a form became
individuals, waiting to possess people with strong hearts."
Goldplanner's translation:
"You see, I realized that when they threw away their form, they lost their own
consciousness [...]
These thirteen darknesses expanded, propagating more formless shadows like themselves, and one turned into a whole. As their numbers grew, a breed of darkness with form came into being - the Heartless. And the collective without a form became
individuals, waiting for the opportunity to nest within those who possess strong hearts."
In both cases, either "consciousness" or "purpose" is what was lost when Darkness became formless, and some of the formless Darknesses later became "individuals." These are not the same thing.
In the official translation, "individual will" was lost when Darkness became formless, and yet some of the formless Darknesses later developed "individual will." These are the same, and it makes literally no sense.