Well here is the new thread for the RP, I am now posting Accepted Character!
Kingdom Hearts:
The Awakened Legacy

Dear Sora,
For know the darkness is rapidly depleting; almost all of the Nobody are gone. Victory is finally ours, we can finally live our lives normally. The worlds are almost closed; and this is probably the last time you would read these words of mine(let alone see or hear me). But still there will always be an enemy my friend, that is why I am to inform you that you will no longer have any ownership over your keyblade. This also goes for Riku and I. The keyblade will be given to the next line of people it has chosen; adapting to be even stronger. This of course has happened before; I have even met the keybladers before you... It is important to not try to find your keyblade, or a great consequence will be brought upon you.
Now I hope you enjoy your life with-out the burden of the keyblade.
King Mickey
Riku stood in the soft sand, staring at the calm shore. An emotion grew inside him, the loss of his power made him weak. Now he had no contact with the darkness he had once controlled. He felt defenseless, frozen in the universe were he could no longer serve as a guardian that are in need of help. He got up in a fury, grabbed a stone and threw it in the calm waters. He didn't know he was screaming.
"Riku!" Above him on the wooden tree house was Sora, sitting on the ledge.
"Nothing," he shouted back, he walked back and forth sternly with his head down.
"Hey what is wrong?" Sora asked as he jumped down, and unfortunately hurting his ankle.
"Sora!" Riku ran to Sora who was sitting in the sand holding his ankle. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah... I'll be alright, I'm not used to this. So just I saw you get angry, what's wrong?"
"Nothing... It's just, the situation we are in."
"What situation?" Sora questioned.
"You know! Us without the keyblade, without the power."
"Man you have to forget that."
"I can't, why don't you miss it." Riku said.
"I did, I mean I do, all the time."
"Don't you want to have it back?" Riku asked, still staring at the calm ocean.
"Sure, but as said in the letter by the King, we can't"
"Well." Riku said, he then started to talk, he was talking about a secret plan.
"You've gotta be kidding me..."
While Sora and Riku were enjoying themselves on Destiny Island, more chosen keyblade wielders were chosen. Then while new hero's were beginning to be picked; a darkness formed, into something strange.
Basic Plot:
Pretty much the plot is centered around the new keyblade wielders, and the more advanced Darkness. Taken two months after the events of KHII. Also there will be a side plot for whoever wants to be Sora and Riku, and other characters who have been associated with the old plot line. All of the worlds before will be included, with new ones.
The Ever Advancing Keyblade Theory:
The theory is whenever a keyblade chooses a new wielder it evolves in a way. When they are first made they have no keychain, but when they were "handed" down they got the function of keychains. This is why the dark-keyblade Ansem created did not have a keychain.
The new function is actually fusing with the wielder into a new being, a cross wielder/keyblade. They are amazingly strong, and have strange powers.
The Role of The Keyblade Wielders:
During this plot there will be new characters that will be able to obtain a keyblade. They can be canon or original characters. Their plot will be similar to Sora's: To destroy the darkness.
The NeoDarkness:
The darkness itself has began to form into being, this is not a heartless because Heartless are beings that are individually created from the darkness of one's heart.
These NeoDarkness are from everything that produces darkness, the environment, the people, and even the worlds themselves. It will take form of a hero that has destroyed Heartless before, but can take on a true form by obtaining Kingdom Hearts. This is their goal, to get a true form.
Sora and Riku's role:
Their role is to somehow get their keyblade once again, anybody who want to be one of them has to PM me a very detailed form from the templates below. I will give them their goals and cross forms.
Name: What your called, if you have and alias than put name/alias.
Origin: Disney/FF/KH
Starter World:
Canon: If your character appeared in the series before.
Sex: Male or Female.
Age: How old you are.
Appearance: What you look like.
Personality: What you are like.
Keyblade: Your keyblade, any one of them is fine, but just a starter and another one the character gets later on( but if your is one of the three main ones expect a fight from Sora/Riku XD).
Crosswield: Your form, and abilities when being a hybrid/wielder.
Abilities: Your attacks, non-canon characters must have only five. Canons can have seven.
Biography: Their history.
Other: What doesn't fit.
Name: What your called, if you have and alias than put name/alias.
Origin: Disney/FF/KH
Starter World:
Canon: If your character have appeared before.
Sex: Male/Female
Age: How old they appear as.
Appearance: What they look like.
Personality: How they are like.
Weapon: What they use in combat.
Semi Form(optional): What they almost look like.
True Form: What they really look like, humanoid or beast.
Powers: They awesomeness in letters.
Abilities: What they can do, three min., seven max.
Minion(optional): The weaker darkness.
Biography: What they were before, you can put many things without going into detail.
Regular Character:
Name: What they are called(you can have alias if you put your name/alias.).
Origin: Disney/FF/KH
Starter World:
Canon: If your character appeared.
Sex: Male/Female
Age: How old they look.
Appearance: What they look like.
Personality: How they are like.
Weapon: What they use in combat.
Skill: Special traits, includes jobs(fighting, defense, engineer ect).
Gifts: Special abilities(Leone's gunshot, weapon summoning ect), as many as you want.
Biography: Characters life.
-All romance must be PG-14-
-Swearing to a minimum-
-Be active, if you are leaving the forum tell me-
-Always be literate-
-Put "Let the chosen one rise if your a keyblader", or "Just let us rule" if your not in your temp-
-You may only have one keyblade to begin with, then as many as you want later when the RP starts. Since when people pick five, someone else usually wanted one of those.
-Any canon character is allowed to be keyblade wielder, yes even Tidus, Leone, and Auron.
-Same goes with the darkness if they had lesser roles. But I have last say!
-You can have three templates to begin with.
-Be friendly, and have fun-
-Also put I will make sure my paradise is not lost if your a keyblader and let stand to wait if not in your temp instead-
Destiny Islands:
Style: Tropical
Enemies: None
The world that belong to the ancestral keybladers Sora and Riku. Its an island off the coast of a unknown area. It is peaceful, with no enemies. The residents are tropically themed.
[URL="http://th05.deviantart.net/fs15/300W/i/2007/071/7/c/Kingdom_Hearts_KIARI_by_Marimaster.jpg"]Kairi [/URL]
Radiant Garden-Soon to come
Wizard of Oz:
Style: Vintage Fantasy
Enemies: [URL="http://th03.deviantart.net/fs5/300W/i/2005/122/f/9/Wizard_of_Oz___Flying_Monkey_by_soks2626.jpg"]Flyers[/URL] [URL="http://fc05.deviantart.com/fs10/i/2006/122/d/5/Wicked_Elphaba_by_Terrizae.jpg"]The Wicked Witch[/URL]
A magical and enchanted world, it is filled with all sorts of wonders. A paradise for Dorothy, but there is one problem!
[URL="http://th01.deviantart.net/fs19/300W/i/2007/277/0/c/_Oz__by_Tyshea.jpg"]Dorothy(way left)
World Temp:
Name of world:
Residents: Who lives their.
Evil: Yes or no.
Enemies: Bad Guys
Descrip.: Can have pic.
Accepted Templates:
Cloudwolf-May need to clean it up a little, but still-Accepted!
Kasrinok-Great Temp-Accepted
Now we still need more Neodarkness, and a Sora&Riku. Other than that we are doing fine!