I preeeeeeety much agree with rokudamia2. IGN doesn't have the credibility to say what sucks or not and I lost respect for them a while back. Most of this article is opinionated and non of it is a sure fire way to "improve" the series. Not to mention some of the things it's complaining about has been addressed somewhat, like hasn't Nomura been wanting Pixar is KH for some time now but hasn't been able to put it in? And didn't Disney have some sort of dispute with the family of one the voice actors for The Jungle book? I will agree though that simplicity is probably the best way to go with KH but it's too late for that. I don't find KH over complicated but you do need to pay a fair amount of attention and read the Japanese only interviews sometimes. Also aren't they the ones that wrote that one article about what they would like to see for KH3? Saying it should be darker, Sora and Kairi's romance should increase, take out Disney, and what not?