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- Apr 27, 2010
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((This is a story by me about what happens after Kingdom Hearts II. It focuses on Sora, Kairi, and Aqua as the main characters.
DISCLAIMER AND SPOILER WARNING: This fanfic does contain several major BBS and Days spoilers.
All Kingdom Hearts, Disney, Square-Enix, referenced characters and other related material belong to their original owners. This fan-created story is the only thing I own.
Recently, I have posted part of a chapter that has some very dark things happening due to one of the villains' actions. My idea was to have this fanfic start off mild but with the characters becoming really emotional, a major death occurring early on, and such things to hint at the fact that some parts in the future would be like that. However, I should have said at the start that this story would have some moments like that, and I'm sorry for not doing so. I seem to be forgetting a lot of important things like that because of how hectic my life has been recently, but I am correcting my mistake of not informing now so that I can continue to develop this story with the audience knowing what to rarely expect. This entire story is not intended to have mature moments throughout, but there are a few such as Chapter 3 Part 2.5 that are intended to be that way.
Please read, then review and/or critique, if you have the desire and time to do so. I am open to any constructive criticism, whether it's a good or bad review!
Also, just to clarify on the spoilers, if it isn't marked as a spoiler for a recent game, then it's a possible spoiler for this fanfic. Read all spoilers at your own risk.
Any of my posts here that aren't labeled as part of the fanfic are my notes and discussions as this story's author. At the bottom of each story post is a link to the next part if it's not directly below the post, in an effort to make the topic more organized))
It was a beautiful day on Destiny Islands. The sun was setting, with the waves reflecting its light. A young man sat on a palm tree that was bent over to form a makeshift bench, looking to the horizon. The ocean wind blew through his spiky brown hair, and slightly ruffled his zippered black clothing. Just then, another young man came across the boardwalk as the wind blew back his long, silvery hair. He moved beside the bent-over tree, and looked at the other person sitting on it.
The land mass they were on was a plateau that rose out of the water. Many boards surrounded its lower circumference, almost as if to indicate it was man-made, and a ladder going down onto a reef that made up its foundation was on the side opposite from the boardwalk leading to the mini-island.
"Sora," said the silver-haired man to his friend who sat on the tree.
"Riku," Sora said enthusiastically, wondering what brought his friend over. He enjoyed all the conversations he and Riku had started with each other since they got back to Destiny Islands.
"Have you decided?" questioned Riku.
"Yeah." Sora was holding in his hands a bottle with no cap, and a scroll with a seal that looked like a black, faceless mouse with two ears.
A young woman named Kairi, who was a dear friend of Sora's, had recently found the message in a bottle he was now holding that told of people who desperately needed his help. The letter had mentioned they were all connected to him, and that the only one who could heal their sadness was Sora.
The letter was written by an individual known as King Mickey. Sora remembered him being short, with large, black mouse ears and short-sleeved clothing. He remembered King Mickey carrying a golden Keyblade, a weapon that looked like a giant key with a square handguard and a shaft with teeth on the very end of it that almost made it look like an axe. Sora himself had his own version of the weapon, but it was silver. They were respectively called the Kingdom Key-D and the Kingdom Key.
Just then, the young woman known as Kairi came across the same boardwalk Riku travelled across to reach Sora. "Sora!" she greeted, a cheerful look on her face.
As he turned around, Sora couldn't help but admire Kairi's beauty. She had medium-length brown hair that touched her shoulders, and wore a pink zip-up vest that had shoulder straps, with the top of her white undershirt showing as it was partially unzipped from the top. She wore a black leather belt with a pouch attached to it that was the same material, and her shoes were purple and had black laces and soles.
"Kairi, I…" Sora had begun to regret leaving the islands again. He feared Kairi would get hurt if she was to go on a journey with him, and he didn't want Riku to risk the same. Sora decided that it would be best if Kairi stayed on Destiny Islands, with Riku to protect her should any of Sora's enemies attempt to bring them harm. "There are still people who are sad out there. They're all waiting so… I've gotta reconnect everything back together again."
Kairi smiled, but there was a faint look of sadness in her eyes. She didn't want Sora to leave her and Riku again; they had just been reunited after such a long period of separation. If he was going on another journey, she wanted herself and Riku to come along. But Kairi knew Sora wouldn't have that, so she just smiled and did her best to encourage him. "Hurry back, and have a safe trip…" Kairi handed Sora her lucky charm, but felt that it would be a long time before she saw him again. She would do anything to help Sora… anything...
"Are we really gonna leave Kairi and Riku behind like this?" called a voice from within Sora.
He suddenly found himself standing on a large circular tower, the top of which was a platform made of a stained glass mural. Sora recognized it as a Station of Awakening, and the mural depicted two sides divided down the diameter of the platform. On the left side, Sora's face was depicted looking outward, with Destiny Islands in the background.
A young man that looked somewhat like Sora, except for wearing a black cloak and having blonde hair that spiked up in front more to give a windswept look, was depicted on the right side looking outward. His background consisting of a city of many beige buildings and a monorail that could be seen in the distance. Sora had recognized the young man as Roxas, and his side as Twilight Town.
In both backgrounds, the sun was setting; the sky in Sora's side of the portrait was a beautiful red, while the sky in Roxas's background shined a bright gold in color. Four circular mini-portraits were around the edge of the mural, but they were of people who were important to each side. On Sora's side were portraits of both Riku and Kairi.
The other side featured portraits of a girl who looked like Kairi but with blonde hair and wearing a white nightgown, and a man who had long, red spiky hair and wore a cloak that looked similar to the one Roxas wore in his portrait. They were recognized as Naminé and Axel, whom Sora and Roxas both knew.
On the very center of the mural around the divide, there were also four portraits: the first was a young man who looked quite similar to Roxas. The second was of a young woman who bore a great resemblance to Kairi, but with black hair. The fourth depicted a blue-haired woman, and the final portrait was a man with dark brown, spiky hair; both of them, and the young man who looked like Roxas, were wearing a shoulder-pad that looked like armor.
"You said that you and Kairi would always be together. Why would you separate like this? She has a Keyblade now, so you and Riku can teach her how to fight! Would you rather worry yourself all the time about whether or not something might happen to them?" Roxas's angry eyes narrowed as he finished. He knew that as long as he and Sora were with Kairi and Riku, he could protect Naminé, who still dwelled inside Kairi.
"I've made up my mind Roxas. She'll be safe on the islands with Riku protecting her," he firmly stated.
"Roxas, I care about Kairi as much as you care about her! And I KNOW that this is best for both of them. So leave it alone already, we'll see them again!"
He pushed Sora onto the ground. Roxas glared at him as he tried to get up, then said "I can't BELIEVE you just said that… and how can you even be so sure?!"
Sora got back up, then yelled out, "Because it's happened before Roxas! I felt just like you do now, so angry at myself for leaving Kairi alone to be kidnapped by the Organization. I HATED them for taking her from me!"
"… You know that was only because I was part of you, and your anger came from me."
"Really Roxas? Did you really know Naminé was with Kairi then?"
Roxas fell silent. He was at a loss on how to convince Sora to bring Kairi (and thus bringing Naminé) along. If it was up to him, Kairi would be coming with them, no question about it. He knew that both she and Naminé would have wanted that.
Roxas looked in his eyes and could tell that he was adamant about leaving Kairi on Destiny Islands. He decided that at least Riku would be with Naminé, but Roxas wished that it could be him as well. "Fine then, I won't try to change your mind anymore. Riku just better make sure she's alright…"
Sora then looked around at the mural. "What is this place? I've been to one of these types of things before, but this mural looks... really different for some reason." he said to change the subject as they were finished arguing their previous matter.
"You know what, I really don't know…" Roxas was just as curious as Sora was. He had never seen three of the faces depicted in the center before, and the only one Rooxas had seen made him feel like he was staring into a mirror. Why did that young man look like him, but with different clothes?!
"Your guess is as good as mine. Those four people in the center though… who are they?" Roxas couldn't shake their portraits from his head.
Sora was also having his own questions about the mural. Were they the ones he was supposed to save? If so, why would Roxas be one of them?
"This will be your most dangerous journey yet…" A voice echoed from the station. Sora and Roxas both turned about.
"That voice…" Sora reminisced.
"Yeah, I heard it too…" muttered Roxas.
"Throughout your journey, you will need each other… you must rescue the ones who are suffering, but be careful that you yourselves do not suffer…" The voice was gone.
"What's that supposed to mean…?" remarked Sora. "'You will need each other,' and 'Be careful that you yourselves do not suffer?' Is it trying to tell us the future…?... WHOA!" Just then, the platform started to shake and a pedestal appeared before the two boys.
"The power you need will be great. But it will CHANGE you. Now, take this power… and prepare to open the door." On the pedestal were not one, but two Keyblades. They were both the same as the Kingdom Key that Sora wielded. Sora and Roxas hesitantly reached forward.
Wait a minute," said Sora, "the voice said this power would CHANGE us… what do you think it meant?"
"I don't know, but it said 'The power you need…' If we really do need this power, I don't think we have a choice." Roxas concluded.
"But how exactly will it change us? Will it be a bad thing…?" Sora remembered Kairi's words from just before the invasion that once destroyed the islands had happened. "Sora, don't ever change…" they echoed through his head.
"You will gain several new great powers, but at the cost of some you have grown familiar with… these sleeping powers were put into you from the outside world. The decision to use them is yours to make, but without these you will never reach your full potential…"
Sora and Roxas both decided that whatever the power was, they'd need it for the journey, and each of them took a key. As they did, both of them began to glow with light, and a great surge of power rose up from under them! It was as if a great gust of wind was blowing from underneath, and the hair on their head was standing up and flowing from the great force that was rising, though their feet were still planted firmly on the ground. Just then, Sora and Roxas were surrounded in light, and had to close their eyes because of the brightness.
Sora was back on the islands. Strangely, not a moment had passed. Kairi had just given him her charm, and Riku stood observing.
Just then, a giant space ship had appeared. It had a cockpit that was shaped like a glass bubble, with two white fins on each side that were designed to improve aero-dynamics. From each side had emerged two wings, and a four-sided, cylindrical nose appeared, with a pyramid point forming at the end. Underneath it were two attachments: one was a laser gun that had a square-shaped barrel, and the other was a cylinder that had apparently housed the engine. At the rear of both attachments were exhaust ports that had flames coming out of them.
After it had landed and the cockpit opened, a sharp pain went through everyone's head. "AAAAGH!!" It felt as though a knife was being stuck through Sora's head on all sides. He could barely turn to look, but he got a glimpse of Riku and Kairi, noticing that they too were gripping their heads and clenching their teeth in agony. Suddenly, it had stopped, and they felt slightly light-headed, as if a great load had been taken off their shoulders. They couldn't explain what had happened, but the pain they had just felt was intense.
"I have a feeling something really bad just happened…" exclaimed Sora. Kairi's expression suddenly turned to a frown… if it really was going to be dangerous, she wanted to come along.
From out of the open cockpit of the gummi ship fell two individuals. One was wearing a blue hat that looked like a teardrop-shaped pillow, and was a humanoid duck. The other wore a hat that looked like a light-brown chef's hat with a collar at the bottom, and had long, droopy ears with a beige snout having a black nose that gave him the look of a humanoid dog. Both of them were a bit dizzy just like Sora, Riku, and Kairi had been, apparently still recovering from the head-splitting pain. Sora recognized them as Donald and Goofy.
"Are you both okay?" Sora rushed forward to help them up.
"Yeah. Something doesn't feel right…" exclaimed Donald.
"Gawrsh, I think our first stop should be Yen Sid's tower. Ya know, if anything happened, I think he'd have an idea." Goofy suggested.
Sora nodded in response to Goofy's idea. "Yeah, I think we'll go there first… well…" He looked behind at Kairi, then silently said to himself, "No matter where I am, you'll always be with me." Sora then turned around to face her and Riku. "See you soon!" He hopped into the cockpit of the gummi ship and closed it, then began to take off.
Kairi wanted to say something, but couldn't. Her urge to join Sora and not lose him again grew too strong. "SORA, DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!!! SOMETHING BAD MIGHT HAPPEN TO YOU!!" screamed Kairi as she ran forward, jumping onto the nose of the gummi ship.
"Kairi, what are you doing?!" Riku said as he ran forward to try and get Kairi off the Gummi ship. He was struggling with her, and a look of shock was on Sora's face at what Kairi was doing.
"NO!! NOOO!! I'M GOING WITH SORA!! I'M NOT STAYING!!" Tears were streaming down her eyes. Kairi had a feeling deep down that it would be the last time she would ever see Sora. After the pain she experienced in her head, the young woman had felt as if the journey he was about to embark on would be one of no return. The last thing she wanted was to be left behind, never again to hear Sora's voice, or to feel the soft touch of his arms around her!
"LET ME IN SORA, LET ME GO WITH YOU!! HOW CAN YOU LEAVE ME LIKE THIS, DON'T YOU EVEN CARE THAT WE MIGHT NEVER SEE EACH OTHER AGAIN!?!" Kairi screamed out as she began banging on the glass window of the Gummi ship.
Sora had reactively flinched back in his seat as Kairi started banging on the windows, and his jaw dropped as he began to freak out at Kairi's hysteria. He didn't want her to come along, but knew that she wouldn't want that. Sora however, had no idea that her desire to be with him was THIS much! It wasn't even like Kairi to behave like this!
He knew that he wouldn't be able to get Kairi off the Gummi Ship by landing and trying to get her off on the ground, but Sora was so high in the air now that Riku had gone from trying to pull Kairi off the Gummi ship to holding on for dear life.
"Sora, you have to get us off safely somehow!" Riku yelled.
"A..alright!" He tried to think, but the high amount of stress created by the chaotic situation sure wasn't helping!
After regaining control of his emotions, he piloted the ship to a low point over the ocean, and quickly turned it around the ship's roll axis. Riku jumped off into the ocean, and Kairi began to lose her grip, then fell into the water.
As Riku and Kairi were swimming back, the latter crying in sorrow as she swam, Sora opened the cockpit and yelled out to the former, "Riku, promise me you'll both be safe!"
"Don't worry Sora, we will!"
Naminé was watching the gummi ship about to take off from Kairi's perspective. She telepathically spoke out to Roxas from within Kairi, "Roxas… before you go, there's something you have to know. Ansem the Wise instructed me to seal away your memories. I did it willingly because I knew that not only was it the only way to bring back Sora, but also because those memories caused you great pain... they were memories of losing her. But Roxas, it was wrong for me to take those away from you." She had lifted her hand and pointed at Sora. "Your memories of her were in Sora all along... now they'll start to come back. Soon enough Roxas, you'll see her again." She paused, then said "When Xion wakes up, you'll need her help Sora… please accept it when the time comes."
Back at the Station of Awakening within Sora, Roxas had began to feel memories coming back to him. Flashes went by as he saw himself at various locations in Twilight Town and other worlds with the same young woman with black hair who had a portrait on Roxas's side of the mural. "… Xion..? Is that… who she is?"
Back in Destiny Islands, the Gummi ship had warped away… Sora's journey had just begun!
((Chapter 1 (Part 1/3) directly below))
DISCLAIMER AND SPOILER WARNING: This fanfic does contain several major BBS and Days spoilers.
All Kingdom Hearts, Disney, Square-Enix, referenced characters and other related material belong to their original owners. This fan-created story is the only thing I own.
Recently, I have posted part of a chapter that has some very dark things happening due to one of the villains' actions. My idea was to have this fanfic start off mild but with the characters becoming really emotional, a major death occurring early on, and such things to hint at the fact that some parts in the future would be like that. However, I should have said at the start that this story would have some moments like that, and I'm sorry for not doing so. I seem to be forgetting a lot of important things like that because of how hectic my life has been recently, but I am correcting my mistake of not informing now so that I can continue to develop this story with the audience knowing what to rarely expect. This entire story is not intended to have mature moments throughout, but there are a few such as Chapter 3 Part 2.5 that are intended to be that way.
Please read, then review and/or critique, if you have the desire and time to do so. I am open to any constructive criticism, whether it's a good or bad review!
Also, just to clarify on the spoilers, if it isn't marked as a spoiler for a recent game, then it's a possible spoiler for this fanfic. Read all spoilers at your own risk.
Any of my posts here that aren't labeled as part of the fanfic are my notes and discussions as this story's author. At the bottom of each story post is a link to the next part if it's not directly below the post, in an effort to make the topic more organized))
It was a beautiful day on Destiny Islands. The sun was setting, with the waves reflecting its light. A young man sat on a palm tree that was bent over to form a makeshift bench, looking to the horizon. The ocean wind blew through his spiky brown hair, and slightly ruffled his zippered black clothing. Just then, another young man came across the boardwalk as the wind blew back his long, silvery hair. He moved beside the bent-over tree, and looked at the other person sitting on it.
The land mass they were on was a plateau that rose out of the water. Many boards surrounded its lower circumference, almost as if to indicate it was man-made, and a ladder going down onto a reef that made up its foundation was on the side opposite from the boardwalk leading to the mini-island.
"Sora," said the silver-haired man to his friend who sat on the tree.
"Riku," Sora said enthusiastically, wondering what brought his friend over. He enjoyed all the conversations he and Riku had started with each other since they got back to Destiny Islands.
"Have you decided?" questioned Riku.
"Yeah." Sora was holding in his hands a bottle with no cap, and a scroll with a seal that looked like a black, faceless mouse with two ears.
A young woman named Kairi, who was a dear friend of Sora's, had recently found the message in a bottle he was now holding that told of people who desperately needed his help. The letter had mentioned they were all connected to him, and that the only one who could heal their sadness was Sora.
The letter was written by an individual known as King Mickey. Sora remembered him being short, with large, black mouse ears and short-sleeved clothing. He remembered King Mickey carrying a golden Keyblade, a weapon that looked like a giant key with a square handguard and a shaft with teeth on the very end of it that almost made it look like an axe. Sora himself had his own version of the weapon, but it was silver. They were respectively called the Kingdom Key-D and the Kingdom Key.
Just then, the young woman known as Kairi came across the same boardwalk Riku travelled across to reach Sora. "Sora!" she greeted, a cheerful look on her face.
As he turned around, Sora couldn't help but admire Kairi's beauty. She had medium-length brown hair that touched her shoulders, and wore a pink zip-up vest that had shoulder straps, with the top of her white undershirt showing as it was partially unzipped from the top. She wore a black leather belt with a pouch attached to it that was the same material, and her shoes were purple and had black laces and soles.
"Kairi, I…" Sora had begun to regret leaving the islands again. He feared Kairi would get hurt if she was to go on a journey with him, and he didn't want Riku to risk the same. Sora decided that it would be best if Kairi stayed on Destiny Islands, with Riku to protect her should any of Sora's enemies attempt to bring them harm. "There are still people who are sad out there. They're all waiting so… I've gotta reconnect everything back together again."
Kairi smiled, but there was a faint look of sadness in her eyes. She didn't want Sora to leave her and Riku again; they had just been reunited after such a long period of separation. If he was going on another journey, she wanted herself and Riku to come along. But Kairi knew Sora wouldn't have that, so she just smiled and did her best to encourage him. "Hurry back, and have a safe trip…" Kairi handed Sora her lucky charm, but felt that it would be a long time before she saw him again. She would do anything to help Sora… anything...
"Are we really gonna leave Kairi and Riku behind like this?" called a voice from within Sora.
He suddenly found himself standing on a large circular tower, the top of which was a platform made of a stained glass mural. Sora recognized it as a Station of Awakening, and the mural depicted two sides divided down the diameter of the platform. On the left side, Sora's face was depicted looking outward, with Destiny Islands in the background.
A young man that looked somewhat like Sora, except for wearing a black cloak and having blonde hair that spiked up in front more to give a windswept look, was depicted on the right side looking outward. His background consisting of a city of many beige buildings and a monorail that could be seen in the distance. Sora had recognized the young man as Roxas, and his side as Twilight Town.
In both backgrounds, the sun was setting; the sky in Sora's side of the portrait was a beautiful red, while the sky in Roxas's background shined a bright gold in color. Four circular mini-portraits were around the edge of the mural, but they were of people who were important to each side. On Sora's side were portraits of both Riku and Kairi.
The other side featured portraits of a girl who looked like Kairi but with blonde hair and wearing a white nightgown, and a man who had long, red spiky hair and wore a cloak that looked similar to the one Roxas wore in his portrait. They were recognized as Naminé and Axel, whom Sora and Roxas both knew.
On the very center of the mural around the divide, there were also four portraits: the first was a young man who looked quite similar to Roxas. The second was of a young woman who bore a great resemblance to Kairi, but with black hair. The fourth depicted a blue-haired woman, and the final portrait was a man with dark brown, spiky hair; both of them, and the young man who looked like Roxas, were wearing a shoulder-pad that looked like armor.
"You said that you and Kairi would always be together. Why would you separate like this? She has a Keyblade now, so you and Riku can teach her how to fight! Would you rather worry yourself all the time about whether or not something might happen to them?" Roxas's angry eyes narrowed as he finished. He knew that as long as he and Sora were with Kairi and Riku, he could protect Naminé, who still dwelled inside Kairi.
"I've made up my mind Roxas. She'll be safe on the islands with Riku protecting her," he firmly stated.
"Roxas, I care about Kairi as much as you care about her! And I KNOW that this is best for both of them. So leave it alone already, we'll see them again!"
He pushed Sora onto the ground. Roxas glared at him as he tried to get up, then said "I can't BELIEVE you just said that… and how can you even be so sure?!"
Sora got back up, then yelled out, "Because it's happened before Roxas! I felt just like you do now, so angry at myself for leaving Kairi alone to be kidnapped by the Organization. I HATED them for taking her from me!"
"… You know that was only because I was part of you, and your anger came from me."
"Really Roxas? Did you really know Naminé was with Kairi then?"
Roxas fell silent. He was at a loss on how to convince Sora to bring Kairi (and thus bringing Naminé) along. If it was up to him, Kairi would be coming with them, no question about it. He knew that both she and Naminé would have wanted that.
Roxas looked in his eyes and could tell that he was adamant about leaving Kairi on Destiny Islands. He decided that at least Riku would be with Naminé, but Roxas wished that it could be him as well. "Fine then, I won't try to change your mind anymore. Riku just better make sure she's alright…"
Sora then looked around at the mural. "What is this place? I've been to one of these types of things before, but this mural looks... really different for some reason." he said to change the subject as they were finished arguing their previous matter.
"You know what, I really don't know…" Roxas was just as curious as Sora was. He had never seen three of the faces depicted in the center before, and the only one Rooxas had seen made him feel like he was staring into a mirror. Why did that young man look like him, but with different clothes?!
"Your guess is as good as mine. Those four people in the center though… who are they?" Roxas couldn't shake their portraits from his head.
Sora was also having his own questions about the mural. Were they the ones he was supposed to save? If so, why would Roxas be one of them?
"This will be your most dangerous journey yet…" A voice echoed from the station. Sora and Roxas both turned about.
"That voice…" Sora reminisced.
"Yeah, I heard it too…" muttered Roxas.
"Throughout your journey, you will need each other… you must rescue the ones who are suffering, but be careful that you yourselves do not suffer…" The voice was gone.
"What's that supposed to mean…?" remarked Sora. "'You will need each other,' and 'Be careful that you yourselves do not suffer?' Is it trying to tell us the future…?... WHOA!" Just then, the platform started to shake and a pedestal appeared before the two boys.
"The power you need will be great. But it will CHANGE you. Now, take this power… and prepare to open the door." On the pedestal were not one, but two Keyblades. They were both the same as the Kingdom Key that Sora wielded. Sora and Roxas hesitantly reached forward.
Wait a minute," said Sora, "the voice said this power would CHANGE us… what do you think it meant?"
"I don't know, but it said 'The power you need…' If we really do need this power, I don't think we have a choice." Roxas concluded.
"But how exactly will it change us? Will it be a bad thing…?" Sora remembered Kairi's words from just before the invasion that once destroyed the islands had happened. "Sora, don't ever change…" they echoed through his head.
"You will gain several new great powers, but at the cost of some you have grown familiar with… these sleeping powers were put into you from the outside world. The decision to use them is yours to make, but without these you will never reach your full potential…"
Sora and Roxas both decided that whatever the power was, they'd need it for the journey, and each of them took a key. As they did, both of them began to glow with light, and a great surge of power rose up from under them! It was as if a great gust of wind was blowing from underneath, and the hair on their head was standing up and flowing from the great force that was rising, though their feet were still planted firmly on the ground. Just then, Sora and Roxas were surrounded in light, and had to close their eyes because of the brightness.
Sora was back on the islands. Strangely, not a moment had passed. Kairi had just given him her charm, and Riku stood observing.
Just then, a giant space ship had appeared. It had a cockpit that was shaped like a glass bubble, with two white fins on each side that were designed to improve aero-dynamics. From each side had emerged two wings, and a four-sided, cylindrical nose appeared, with a pyramid point forming at the end. Underneath it were two attachments: one was a laser gun that had a square-shaped barrel, and the other was a cylinder that had apparently housed the engine. At the rear of both attachments were exhaust ports that had flames coming out of them.
After it had landed and the cockpit opened, a sharp pain went through everyone's head. "AAAAGH!!" It felt as though a knife was being stuck through Sora's head on all sides. He could barely turn to look, but he got a glimpse of Riku and Kairi, noticing that they too were gripping their heads and clenching their teeth in agony. Suddenly, it had stopped, and they felt slightly light-headed, as if a great load had been taken off their shoulders. They couldn't explain what had happened, but the pain they had just felt was intense.
"I have a feeling something really bad just happened…" exclaimed Sora. Kairi's expression suddenly turned to a frown… if it really was going to be dangerous, she wanted to come along.
From out of the open cockpit of the gummi ship fell two individuals. One was wearing a blue hat that looked like a teardrop-shaped pillow, and was a humanoid duck. The other wore a hat that looked like a light-brown chef's hat with a collar at the bottom, and had long, droopy ears with a beige snout having a black nose that gave him the look of a humanoid dog. Both of them were a bit dizzy just like Sora, Riku, and Kairi had been, apparently still recovering from the head-splitting pain. Sora recognized them as Donald and Goofy.
"Are you both okay?" Sora rushed forward to help them up.
"Yeah. Something doesn't feel right…" exclaimed Donald.
"Gawrsh, I think our first stop should be Yen Sid's tower. Ya know, if anything happened, I think he'd have an idea." Goofy suggested.
Sora nodded in response to Goofy's idea. "Yeah, I think we'll go there first… well…" He looked behind at Kairi, then silently said to himself, "No matter where I am, you'll always be with me." Sora then turned around to face her and Riku. "See you soon!" He hopped into the cockpit of the gummi ship and closed it, then began to take off.
Kairi wanted to say something, but couldn't. Her urge to join Sora and not lose him again grew too strong. "SORA, DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!!! SOMETHING BAD MIGHT HAPPEN TO YOU!!" screamed Kairi as she ran forward, jumping onto the nose of the gummi ship.
"Kairi, what are you doing?!" Riku said as he ran forward to try and get Kairi off the Gummi ship. He was struggling with her, and a look of shock was on Sora's face at what Kairi was doing.
"NO!! NOOO!! I'M GOING WITH SORA!! I'M NOT STAYING!!" Tears were streaming down her eyes. Kairi had a feeling deep down that it would be the last time she would ever see Sora. After the pain she experienced in her head, the young woman had felt as if the journey he was about to embark on would be one of no return. The last thing she wanted was to be left behind, never again to hear Sora's voice, or to feel the soft touch of his arms around her!
"LET ME IN SORA, LET ME GO WITH YOU!! HOW CAN YOU LEAVE ME LIKE THIS, DON'T YOU EVEN CARE THAT WE MIGHT NEVER SEE EACH OTHER AGAIN!?!" Kairi screamed out as she began banging on the glass window of the Gummi ship.
Sora had reactively flinched back in his seat as Kairi started banging on the windows, and his jaw dropped as he began to freak out at Kairi's hysteria. He didn't want her to come along, but knew that she wouldn't want that. Sora however, had no idea that her desire to be with him was THIS much! It wasn't even like Kairi to behave like this!
He knew that he wouldn't be able to get Kairi off the Gummi Ship by landing and trying to get her off on the ground, but Sora was so high in the air now that Riku had gone from trying to pull Kairi off the Gummi ship to holding on for dear life.
"Sora, you have to get us off safely somehow!" Riku yelled.
"A..alright!" He tried to think, but the high amount of stress created by the chaotic situation sure wasn't helping!
After regaining control of his emotions, he piloted the ship to a low point over the ocean, and quickly turned it around the ship's roll axis. Riku jumped off into the ocean, and Kairi began to lose her grip, then fell into the water.
As Riku and Kairi were swimming back, the latter crying in sorrow as she swam, Sora opened the cockpit and yelled out to the former, "Riku, promise me you'll both be safe!"
"Don't worry Sora, we will!"
Naminé was watching the gummi ship about to take off from Kairi's perspective. She telepathically spoke out to Roxas from within Kairi, "Roxas… before you go, there's something you have to know. Ansem the Wise instructed me to seal away your memories. I did it willingly because I knew that not only was it the only way to bring back Sora, but also because those memories caused you great pain... they were memories of losing her. But Roxas, it was wrong for me to take those away from you." She had lifted her hand and pointed at Sora. "Your memories of her were in Sora all along... now they'll start to come back. Soon enough Roxas, you'll see her again." She paused, then said "When Xion wakes up, you'll need her help Sora… please accept it when the time comes."
Back at the Station of Awakening within Sora, Roxas had began to feel memories coming back to him. Flashes went by as he saw himself at various locations in Twilight Town and other worlds with the same young woman with black hair who had a portrait on Roxas's side of the mural. "… Xion..? Is that… who she is?"
Back in Destiny Islands, the Gummi ship had warped away… Sora's journey had just begun!
((Chapter 1 (Part 1/3) directly below))
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