Re: Official Re:CoM in North America Thread
a)level up and choose CP (duh)
b)remake the entire deck
I suggest making a least 2: one for bosses and one for heartless
the boss deck should have all your higher number atack cards ,0's , and not very much sleghits (though i recomend using sonic blade more on the end of sora's game)
on the heartless deck put the cards prepared for sleights, and you will only need to press triangle the entire battle XD, I love using blitz and aeroga.
Yes to the first.
No to the second. Make multiple decks for select enemies. Maximize the use of all three decks.
I'd emphasize on making two elemental decks. Either deck being useful against select Org Members.
Make a fire deck:
It works well on these bosses, Marluxia, Repliku, Larxene, and Vexen. So that deck is a multi purpose deck. Make sure to equip fire sleights and magic.
This deck is also useful in worlds like Atlantica, Twilight town, and Neverland.
Make a Bizzard deck:
This element is useful against Axel, the final Marluxia battles and Repliku. It wont work well on Larxene because she has the advantage of speed. The same goes for Marluxia's shadow. This deck will also heal Vexen.
This deck works best in Atlantica, Halloweentown, and Traverse town.
Make a Physical Deck:
This deck should include strictly keyblade based sleights. Magic should only be defensive magic like Stop, Graviry, or Aero.
This deck is most effective on Wizards, and the Nocturne heartless (The ones that do magic).
This deck will be useful in worlds like Wonderland, Hallow Bastion, and Olympus Colloseum.
Deck should also contain Restorative cards, Cure Magic Cards, and enemy cards when made available.
Summons aren't a recommendation but can be added at the players discretion. Just remember to keep in your elemental range.
Thunder is not a recommended Magic card. While it is capable of taking out large numbers of Heartless the drawback is that too many enemies are:
* Receive minimal Damage from Thunder
* Can Heal from Thunder
* Isn't useful in Boss fights unless used in a Sleight
Don't put too many, because you won't have much room for important cards like Cures or Potions. And they are easily broken too, even if they do break your enemies cards, bosses like Larxene can easily just go back and break them.
My suggestion. Get Premium cards. Yeah they disappear but, with a few restorative cards and eventually Riku's card, it wont matter.
Sleights can be the key to winning fights. Hell, I've went back and destroyed Vexen using tons of Firaga. You need quite a bit of CP to have High number and 0's. Easy death if your recharging.
The key to beating Vexen also lies in patience. If you card break him and dodge him enough he goes down without causing much harm.
Depends where your at. 13th floor you pretty much are forced to use sleights if you want to progress through your fight without having to escape.
The 13th floor is the best place to lvl up as well. Use Trinity Limit the second you get it, seriously.
Also, if you get a Roulette room card take advantage of it and get
more Roulette room cards.
The doors on the 13th floor take an enormous amount of cards to open and if you have Roulette cards you can choose the higher numbers at the end of the fight. Trust me, it makes things alot easier and alot faster.