In this tale of Kingdom Hearts, Sora has turned 17 and he still lives o the island happily. This continues until he receives a note from queen minney explaining to sora that king mickey has suddenly dissapeared and has not shown for several day's. Sora,Riku and Kairi then know there is something behind this.
They go to Disney castle to find it in ruins. Donald and Goofy have dissapeared, as well as all inhabitents of the world's.
As sora and riku go alone to find out why these mysterious dissapearences have been accuring. They come across a man with white hair and red eyes. As sora and riku summons the keyblades they yell out , "Who are you!" As the man gave them his attention he says but this "We Half hearted need no explanations"
"Half hearted, you mean Dusks?" Riku asked the strange man.
"No, We are but the mass destruction of heartless and dusk alike. We are the resadue of sorrow and hate. We have no real name really. But you can call us, The tears of heart.
As sora,riku and Kairi go to find out who these tears of heart are, what their plan is and most importantly, who are they? There are new keybladers, a new adventure, new friends and villains.
Teh Rulez:
1. PLease use proper grammar.
2.Romance is limited to pg13
3.No power playing.
4.No killing other rper's, unless they say so.
5.There will be no "Not having fun"
A Sora
A riku
A kairi
Your own created charaters
And the tears of heart.((There are 4))
The Tears Of Heart:Are beings made of the hate and sorrow of the heartless and dusk created to have their own"Artificial Heart and feelings" These beings think and feel on their own and are extremely powerful. What is their plan?((By the way, tears of heart cannot weild keyblades))
You need a template which goes lik this.
Weight: (optional)
Allignment: (Like, keyblader, The sora, riku, and kairi characters or a member of the tears of heart)
Here is mine..
Age:? (appears to be 23)
Appearance:Short white hair, red eyes, Black leather,skin tight rappings around his body and three belts rapped around his waist. And a glove on his left hand.
Weight:246 pounds
Spells:celestial slash, Complete sorrow,Liger slash, Chimera lash.
Alligment:Tears of heart
Hates:High ego'd people.
Personality:Quiet, And carefree.
Bio:Tear is the a tear of heart(derrr) His goal is unkown and is still trying to be unearthed.
They go to Disney castle to find it in ruins. Donald and Goofy have dissapeared, as well as all inhabitents of the world's.
As sora and riku go alone to find out why these mysterious dissapearences have been accuring. They come across a man with white hair and red eyes. As sora and riku summons the keyblades they yell out , "Who are you!" As the man gave them his attention he says but this "We Half hearted need no explanations"
"Half hearted, you mean Dusks?" Riku asked the strange man.
"No, We are but the mass destruction of heartless and dusk alike. We are the resadue of sorrow and hate. We have no real name really. But you can call us, The tears of heart.
As sora,riku and Kairi go to find out who these tears of heart are, what their plan is and most importantly, who are they? There are new keybladers, a new adventure, new friends and villains.
Teh Rulez:
1. PLease use proper grammar.
2.Romance is limited to pg13
3.No power playing.
4.No killing other rper's, unless they say so.
5.There will be no "Not having fun"
A Sora
A riku
A kairi
Your own created charaters
And the tears of heart.((There are 4))
The Tears Of Heart:Are beings made of the hate and sorrow of the heartless and dusk created to have their own"Artificial Heart and feelings" These beings think and feel on their own and are extremely powerful. What is their plan?((By the way, tears of heart cannot weild keyblades))
You need a template which goes lik this.
Weight: (optional)
Allignment: (Like, keyblader, The sora, riku, and kairi characters or a member of the tears of heart)
Here is mine..
Age:? (appears to be 23)
Appearance:Short white hair, red eyes, Black leather,skin tight rappings around his body and three belts rapped around his waist. And a glove on his left hand.
Weight:246 pounds
Spells:celestial slash, Complete sorrow,Liger slash, Chimera lash.
Alligment:Tears of heart
Hates:High ego'd people.
Personality:Quiet, And carefree.
Bio:Tear is the a tear of heart(derrr) His goal is unkown and is still trying to be unearthed.