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Fanfiction ► Kingdom Hearts Life On Destiny Islands

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DDR Expert Player
Aug 5, 2005
On the DDR Pad
Re: Kingdom Hearts Life On Destiney Islands

Chapter 4
In the morning I go outside and see Sora on the ground
Me-Sora what the h*** are u doing
Sora wakes up and gets up
Sora-Where am I
Me-****ing dumba**(walks away)
Sora looks around and then goes into his house I go to the beach and see a girl standing there
Me-Hi my name is Sora Game Pro
Girl-My name is saratp
Me-Nice to meet you
Stp-So how long have you lived here
Me-I moved here yesterday
Stp-You did wow
Then Cloudisawesum1 and Rikusgal come outside
Cloudisawesum1 and Rikusgal-Hey SGP who is this
Me-This is saratp
Cloudisawesum1-Nice to meet you I am Cloudisawesum1
Rikusgal-And I am Rikusgal
Stp-Nice to meet you
Me-Come on Cloudisawesum1 lets go put our plan in action
Cloudisawesum1-Ok SGP
Me and Cloudisawesum1 go into my house and plan something
Rikusgal-Wonder what they are planning
Boy-Something bad
Rikusgal and stp turn around and see a kid
Rikusgal-Who are you
WWA-My name is whitewingedangel
Stp-Nice to meet you I am saratp
Rikusgal-And I am Rikusgal
WWA-Nice to meet you
Rikusgal-What do you mean something bad
WWA-Come on one of them is bad but put them together and you got h***
Rikusgal-Well that is true
WWA-I know you better wacth yourself
Rikusgal-I will
Stp-I will to
WWA-Ok well see you later
Rikusgal and stp-Bye
Later Riku goes outside and sees another kid
Riku-Who are you
Key_bearer1-My name is key_bearer1
Riku-My name is Riku
Key_bearer1-Nice to meet you
Riku-I guess its nice to meet you
Key_bearer1-Ok well bye
Riku-Whatever(walks away)
Key_bearer1-Whats his deal(walks away)
Meanwhile me and Cloudisawesum1 are still planing
Me-Ok lets start are plan
Me and Cloudisawesum1 go outside and split up I go to the club and he goes to Sora's house
(Just so you know the boys are at Sora's house and the girls are in the club)
Cloudisawesum1 goes to Sora's house and starts setting up pranks
Cloudisawesum1-This is gonna be good I wonder how SGP is doing(runs outside laughing)
Meanwhile I am at the club under the table where the girl are sitting setting up some pranks
Me-This is great now all I gotta do is get out of here(Then I hear the girls talking)
Aurie-Hey Kairi did you meet SGP
Rikusgal-Did you meet Cloudisawesum1
Kairi-No I didnt but i did meet TMM
Stp-Did you meet key_bearer1 or WWA
Selphie-I did meet all of them
Kairi-What are they like
Selphie-Well SGP is(swinging her and hits me in the face)what was that
Me-That ****ing hurt
Kairi-Who is down there(looks under table but paintball flies at her and hits her)what the h***
Aurie-Are you ok(runs toward Kairi but her feet are stuck to the floor)
Selphie starts to look under the table and toy snakes fly at her
Selphie-Snakes(runs out of the club)
Rigusgal-What the-looks under table but mud hits her in the face)I cant see
Stp-Well i am not looking under the table(gets up and starts to walk then trips
(Hehehehe the classic tie the shoe laces together prank)
I sneak out without them seeing me
Meanwhile the boys are talking when Riku gets up to goto the bathroom
Riku-What the h*** I cant get up
Tidus-What do you mean
Riku-My a** is stuck
TMM-The prankster has made his move
Tidus-He got you good Riku(gets up and and goes to the bathroom)
Riku-Son of a b***h
TMM-Well bye(starts to go down the stairs when he slips on a rollerskate and falls down the stairs)
WWA-Yea I think I will take the window(opens the half open window and jumps out it and gets stuck)wtf my hands are stuck to the window
Tidus-Help i am locked in the bathroom(starts hitting the door)
Cloudisawesum1-That was fun but now I should run(runs away)
Sorry if you wanna know what happeneds to me and my partner your gonna have to wait for chapter 5


DDR Expert Player
Aug 5, 2005
On the DDR Pad
Re: Kingdom Hearts Life On Destiney Islands

ok heres chapter 4 and no more people will be in my fanfic for a while and if ur already in my fanfic pm if u want ur character to do something u would do k and if u do like my fanfic can u rate it and add to my reputation only if u really like it


New member
Aug 8, 2005
look behind you
Re: Kingdom Hearts Life On Destiney Islands

LMFAO!That wuz the best 1 by far!Post the next 1.HURRY!(pleeeeeeeeeeeeeez?)

P.S.:how do u giv rep power?


New member
Aug 8, 2005
look behind you
Re: Kingdom Hearts Life On Destiney Islands

Uhhhhh SGP has been banned and cant get on so there might not b a new chapter 4 a while.But im trying 2 get him unbanned so we can continue this fan fic.


Bronze Member
Mar 8, 2005
Re: Kingdom Hearts Life On Destiney Islands

thank you 4 having me in it. it is so cool lol. & I think your storys are A 100/10

I like it. it's so cool I hope you have more plzz do chapter 5 plzz. & I can't think of somthink 4 me to do in chapter 5 so if you want me to be in it you have to think of what I`m going to do. & I can't belive I have to fall down. lol thank you sora_ game_ pro sorry I can't remember how to spell your name lol.


DDR Expert Player
Aug 5, 2005
On the DDR Pad
Re: Kingdom Hearts Life On Destiney Islands

Chapter 5
Cloudisawesum1 runs into my house
Me-What took you so long
Cloudisawesum1-Sorry had to make sure they went into my traps and they did
Me-Yea same with me(sits at the window)
Cloudisawesum1-So what next
Me-Not sure yet
Cloudisawesum1-You think they know it was us
Me-Dont know
Cloudisawesum1-I hope they dont
Me-Yea me t.. holy s*it
Cloudisawesum1-What(turns around and looks)where are you SGP
Cloudisawesum1 looks out the window and sees foot prints jumps down and looks
Cloudisawesum1-What the hell
Riku-There you are
Tidus-Man it was hard to get out of the bathroom
Cloudisawesum1-Tidus I locked the door thats all
Riku-Anyways I am gonna kick your ass
Cloudisawesum1-S*it(starts running)
Riku-Get back here(chases him)
TMM-comes outside and sees Cloudisawesum1 run by
TMM-I will kick your a**(chases him)
Cloudisawesum1-You also s*it(keeps running)
Riku-I will get you
TMM-What he said
Cloudisawesum1 runs and jumps into a tree
Riku-Where did he go
TMM-I dont know
Riku-You go that way and i will look this way
TMM-Ok(runs oppisite way)
Cloudisawesum1-I think I am safe for now
Riku-Got you(jumps out of nowhere and kicks Cloudisawesum1 in the face)
Cloudisawesum1 falls to the ground and Riku jumps on him and starts punching him
Cloudisawesum1-Son of a b***h(starts punching Riku)
They keep puncking each other for like an hour then get tired
Riku-S*it I am so tired
Cloudisawesum1-Me to
Riku starts to stand up but falls onto the ground
Cloudisawesum1-Well I will be seeing you later(starts walking away then TMM jumps out of nowhere)
TMM-Now I am gonna kick your a**
Cloudisawesum1-Where did you come from
TMM-Shut up(attacks Cloudisawesum1)
Cloudisawesum1 starts punching TMM and TMM starts punching him
TMM-Take this(keeps punching)
Cloudisawesum1-Leave me alone(keeps punching TMM)
They keep beating the hell out of each other then Sora comes out
Sora-A fight I am joining in this(jumps at them and starts punching them)
Cloudisawesum1-What the h*** Sora
TMM-Why are you fighting(keeps punching Cloudisawesum1)
Sora-I like fighting(keeps hitting them)
After 2 hours of fighting they stop fighting and pass out
(To bad if you want to know where I am you gotta read chapter 6)


Bronze Member
Mar 8, 2005
Re: Kingdom Hearts Life On Destiney Islands

funny I think that waz funny I waz in Chapter 4 & if you have me in Chapter 6 I`m not trying to be A girlelie girl but I want to kiss somone okay but if you don't have me in 6 thats okay bye.


DDR Expert Player
Aug 5, 2005
On the DDR Pad
Re: Kingdom Hearts Life On Destiney Islands

Chapter 6
The next morning Cloudisawesum1 wakes up
Cloudisawesum1-What happened(looks at TMM,Riku,and Sora and starts walking away)
Riku-Where do you think your going
TMM and Sora-Yea wat he said
Cloudisawesum1-I dont have time for this
Riku-I dont care(attacks Cloudisawesum1)
TMM-I will kick your a**(attacks Cloudisawesum1)
Sora-Your mine TMM(punches TMM)
Cloudisawesum1 and Riku fight while Sora and TMM fight
Cloudisawesum1-Take this(starts punching Riku crazy like)
Riku-Shut up b***h(keeps punching Cloudisawesum1)
Sora-This is fun(punches TMM in the face)
TMM-B***h(graps Sora by the head and starts hitting Sora's head on a tree)
Sora-That hurt(picks up tree branch and hits TMM across the head)
TMM-I dont feel so good(graps branch and hits Sora then passes out)
Sora falls to the ground and passes out and Cloudisawesum1 and Riku are still fighting
Riku-I wont lose(punches Cloudisawesum1)
Cloudisawesum1-Yes you will(hits Riku in the gut)
Riku-S*it(passes out)
Cloudisawesum1-Finally(sits on ground)
Meanwhile I finally wake up
Me-Where am I
Person-I wont tell you
Me-Oh hi Kairi and I must be in the club
Kairi-How did you know
Me-Its not that hard
Kairi-Well why did you do all those pranks
Me-How did you know It was me
Kairi-You just told me
Me-Trick me will you well you can go to h***
Selphie-Why did you do those pranks
Me-I was bored
Kairi-Well Aurie is still stuck to the floor
Selphie-And I almost had a heart attack
Me-That was funny
Kairi-Well SGP promise me you wont pull any more pranks on us
Kairi-Cause we hate getting pranked
Me-Still dont care
Selphie-Just promise her(kicks my leg)
Me-That hurt why did you do that
Kairi-Please(sits by me and stares at me)please promise me
Me-Are you hitting on me
Kairi-Your imposibleSelphie-Just promise
Me-You wont make me do anything with that tone
Kairi-Please SGP
Me-Fine I promise
Kairi-And to make sure you keep your promise take this(gives me the oathkeeper)
Me-Why whold you give me this
Kairi-So you dont go back on your promise
Me-Ok(looks at the oathkeeper)
Kairi-Thanks SGP(smiles at me)
Me-Why are you looking at me like that
I get up and go outside and look around
Meanwhile Cloudisawesum1 get up
WWA-Got you(punches Cloudisawesum1)
Cloudisawesum1-S*it(punches WWA)
WWA-(Picks up a branch and hits Cloudisawesum1)take that
Cloudisawesum1-S*it(passes out)
WWA-That was easy
Me-But this wont(punches WWA)
WWA-S*it(attacks me)
Me-Srew you(starts punching WWA)
Me and WWA start beating the h*** out of each other
I punch WWA in the face and WWA punches me in the gut
WWA-This is hard
Me-You cant win(kicks WWA in the face)
WWA-Picks up a stick and hits me across the head
Me-Your gonna pay for that(keeps punching WWA in the face)
WWA-That hurts(falls on his knees)
Me-(kicks WWA in the gut and WWA flies into the air and I jump up and kick WWA in his face and he falls to the ground and passes out)I win


DDR Expert Player
Aug 5, 2005
On the DDR Pad
Re: Kingdom Hearts Life On Destiney Islands

Ok people starting chapter 7 there will be love in this fanfic and you get a wepon tell me what one mine is the oathkeeper trust me u will need it for wats coming up later


New member
Aug 8, 2005
look behind you
Re: Kingdom Hearts Life On Destiney Islands

i dunno wut weapon i want........hmmmmmm uhhhh i guess ill hav the ultima weapon.

P.S. : Dont make me cuss so much!i dont cuss that much in real life!

sora x1

New member
May 25, 2005
Re: Kingdom Hearts Life On Destiney Islands

I know im ur friend and all but.....i think ur trying to hard to be funny. and u should tone down the cussing a little. im sorry about this bad reply .....it was pretty good but u will get better the more u practice ....theres room for some improvement though.
i rate 6/10 ....... ill keep reading though.

-king of comedy-


New member
Oct 3, 2004
Re: Kingdom Hearts Life On Destiney Islands

i give it a 100/100 thats was funny as he**,more,more i must laught,when is pt comin out,
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