Re: Kingdom Hearts Life On Destiney Islands
Chapter 3
The next day Sora and Riku are sitting outside and Kairi and Selphie are sitting inside Tidus and Wakka are still sleeping in the club.
Sora-Dude there are new kids moveing to our island
Riku-Well at least we can boss them around
A egg falls from the roof and hits Riku on the head
Riku-What the h***(looks up and sees a kid)
New kid-Bulls eye
Riku-What did you do that for
New kid-Thats what I do I am a prankster
Riku-Who are you
New kid-My name is Cloudisawesum1
Riku-Get down here
Cloudisawesum1-Ok(jumps off roof and lands by Sora and Riku)
Sora-Nice to meet you
Riku-Yea right
Cloudisawesum1-So who are you
Sora-My name is Sora
Riku-And my name is Riku
Cloudisawesum1-Well I gotta finish unpacking(leaves laughing)
Riku-Why is he laughing
Sora-He's still laughing about the egg(opens door and a bucket of paint falls on him)
Riku-Thats what he is laughing about(starts laughing)
Sora-Shut up Riku(goes inside and takes a shower)
Sora and Riku go and sit on the couch and watch T.V when some one walks in.
The Muffin Man-I have muffins
Sora-Holy s*it(falls onto the ground)
Riku-Where did you come from
TMM-I just moved here and I met everyone but you
Sora-Well I am Sora(glares at TMM)
Riku-And I am Riku
TMM-Nice to meet you
Sora-So what are you doing with muffins
Riku-His name is The Muffin Man
Sora-Whats that got to do with it
Riku-Idiot(walks away)
Sora-Well see you later TMM
TMM-Ok bye
Later on Kairi and Selphie are outside when a girl walks up to them
Aurie-Hi my name is Aurie I just moved here
Kairi-Hi my name is Kairi
Selphie-And my name is Selphie nice to meet you
Aurie-So who else lives here
Kairi-Plenty of people
Selphie-Yea you will have plenty of friends in no time
Aurie-Thanks well I will see you later
Kairi-Ok bye
Selphie-See you later
Later on Tidus and Wakka are battleing and I walk up to them
Me-Hey wats up my name is Sora Game Pro
Tidus-My name is Tidus
Wakka-And my name is Wakka
Me-What are you doing
Tidus-We are batteling
Wakka-Yea man we need to get stronger
Me-Ok well I'll see you around
Tidus-Ok bye
Wakka-bye man(throws blitzball at Tidus)
Tidus-Holy s*it(gets hit in face and falls onto the ground)
Wakka-you ok man
Tidus-That hurt
Tidus gets back up and they keep batteling Sora and Riku are watching T.V and Kairi and Selphie are outside sitting on the beach While I was walking I see Cloudisawesum1 talking to a girl.
Me-Hey Cloudisawesum1 who you talking to
Cloudisawesum1-Hey SGP this is my friend Rikusgal
Me-Nice to meet you
Rikusgal-Nice to meet you to
Me-Well I gotta go home talk to you later
Clousisawesum1-Ok bye
I go home and they are still talking Sora comes outside and sees them
Sora-Hey you guys whats up
Clousisawesum1 and Rikusgal dont notice its Sora and they punch him in the face Sora falls onto the ground holding his face Cloudisawesum and Rikusgal look at Sora and then they run and Sora is still on the ground holding his face.
Aurie comes out and sees Sora on the ground
Aurie-What happened to you
Sora-I have no idea
Aurie-Ok whatever(leaves and goes back into her house)
Sora lays on the ground for the whole night
*snicker*whos getting bossed around now?