It is my privilege to announce the switch over of our community to Vbulletin 4.0. What does this mean? Well, forums periodically offer upgrades to keep up with the latest technologies and “in” features, what this means is that from here on out we’ll be able to offer you guys a much more diverse amount of services throughout the community.
This upgrade is a part of a much bigger plan to completely revamp the KHInsider community. Birth by Sleep is releasing in September and the KHInsider Site Staff (those wonderful folks with the orange names!) have been hard at work for almost a year getting things ready. Thanks for sticking with us throughout the entire process.
We hope you enjoy the brand new look and some of the new features (personally, I love the look of the new user profiles). As of now, you are looking at the bare bones of the forum; we have many more exciting things planned in the days and weeks to come.
So tell me about the new forum skin?
With the upgrade to Vb4.0, we have unfortunately lost all of our old skins. Not to fear, gopher’s here! He has created this new custom skin specifically for KHInsider. He’s just about done, barring finishing touches, so if you have any suggestions, feel free to post! The skin is still being tweaked, so little inconsistences will be fixed.
B-b-but there’s only one skin. I like KHInsider dark. (/emocut)
Not to worry, Gopher is already in planning stages for the second skin, due to be released shortly. It will be a darker skin for you heartless out there. The rodent really does take your comments to heart, so we encourage you to post your ideas.
My favorite forum feature is missing!
With any major switch over, essential forum features are lost. This is why we need your feedback! If there is a certain something missing from the forums that you definitely miss, then please post. If we get enough feedback, we’ll try our best to bring those things back.
Unfortunately, one forum feature that will be gone indefinitely is the RPG Inferno. However, thankfully we know that it will be back in a new form and better than ever some time later this year. Our original partner who developed the software is back in the business and we've been privy to the new version of the Inferno (as well as another RPG too!) that looks VERY interesting. In the meantime, we have a very exciting new game we will be integrating into the forums to tide you over until then. (Fans of Final Fantasy VIII will be immediately hooked! *hinthint*).
I’m a spoiled brat who is afraid of change.
Get over it, Obama is President after all, the world is ready to take chances and get messy! But seriously, a lot of hard work, sweat and blood, is poured over big changes such as these. So before you start the gunfire (constructive criticism ftw), please make sure to dole out some appreciation as well, for all the time and money others waste in order to make your lives more amusing. Below you will find a very small list of some of the folks who made all of this possible.
Happy posting!
Your friendly neighborhood Administrator,
Edman – Technical and Financial Assistance through this entire process.
Digital Gopher – The amazing new skin.
Cloud – The thread banner. uguu~
jeels – PR Mouthpiece
Silh - immoral support
The entire site and forum staff.
And viewers like you!
Additional Updates
- We are aware that the first post in every thread has weird formatting issues. This will be one of the first things we fix. Edit: It's been fixed. Props to Edman.
- The links are back to how they used to be.
- You can now upload avatars again.
- Fixed the awkward space between posts and signatures.
- Re-added the divider between sticky threads.
- Awards system added: http://forums.khinsider.com/foyer/1...s-official-discussion-thread.html#post5067674
- Fixed overlapping Tags issue - 23/02/2011
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