This is some more juicy stuff to process here.
So to tackle it point by point:
Spoiler Show
- From where did you get info on the new secret reports?
- do we know how many there are and from who they are?
- if Ephemer gains No Name does that mean he turns evil in the end?
- is Xigbar/Braig truly Luxu or does he just carry Luxu's heart like Sora carries Ven's and Kairi's?
- do they really reveal answers to UX' biggest mysteries just like that in a KH III secret report?
Edit: replied to your question but the rest took a bit to think about lol
Spoiler ShowCGInferno posted a video about the secret reports. There are 13 of them from the following people: Vexen, post nort; Ienzo; Saix from some point in time; a girl likely the Nameless Star who is most likely (90% likely) to be Skuld; and a person who we are assuming to be Luxu because of the way he refers to the fact that the MoM gave him goatblade and his role of passing it down and watching everything but not interfering and a bunch of other stuff that is making us 99% sure that Luxu is Braig/Xigbar=Braig/Xigbar is Luxu.
Man. Have I risen from the forum grave over this. I literally stopped reading that report when I got to "...and will pose as a fool seeking the keyblade and pretend to be his ally something something." Literally set my phone down, tugged at what I could of my buzzed hair and let loose a strangled moan.
I knew Xigbar wasn't right from these leaks. I haven't been getting the impression that he would be a huge part of anything which was surprising considering what he has done in the past. And his death scene...we don't even see him begin to die, he just briefly starts to fades a bit and then the way he just falls backward off that cliff??? Such a wtf moment for me. It just felt so weird.
Few things that hit me as I was having my meltdown and yelling THEYACTUALLYDIDITTHEYDIDITNOMUUUURAA:
1. As crazy as this sounds, it makes sense now. I think most people were thinking Xigbar could have been the MoM maybe because of his mannerisms, but no one could really think of a good reason why. And Sora being Luxu is just so convoluted it's not funny. A popular theory was that MX was Luxu and he'd been body snatched. It certainly would have made sense if he then body snatched Terra, but in the reports the man says that has watched over those wielding goatblade, not that he has ever wielded it; that wasn't his role. But Xigbar...Braig really edged his way into MX's plot and he was so annoyingly desperate to get a keyblade; remember, at first he just said he wanted 'a' keyblade not goatblade. He played up to the man's ego. And that excuse for all of it at the end to Sora, that he just wanted to have a keyblade, was for lack of a better word lame. And Xigbar has never been lame. It was such BS, I was lowkey raging over it.
Finer points:
Xigbar found Marluxia and it's possible he found Larxene too, who we already know to be Lauriam and Elrena. He may have even found Demyx and Luxord too, which would have been absolutely perfect.
Larxene is the one that asks Luxord (or someone) in KG if he's looking for the "box" XIGBAR is raving about. XIGBAR. Why is XIGBAR raving about a box no one has seen or heard of before??? This was a massive red flag right there.
2. The whole mild obsession with Ventus. Him seeing Ventus in Xion, it reeked of him knowing Ventus better or knowing of him better than that split second they met each other in KG during BBS. I mean, that was so brief. It really makes me think he and Ventus came into direct contact before the crap hit the fan in UX.
3. In addition to ensuring that Marluxia and possibly the other UX peeps made it into Org. XIII, the girl, possibly Nameless Star, possibly Skuld, said a man with an EYEPATCH came and took her away after she was experimented on. AtW tells Ansem SoD in KH3 that he doesn't know what happened to "the girl." If we make some assumptions, Braig who is really Luxu takes Skuld away to...protect her maybe? Protect their secret? If AtW saw her memories and if it became known that more devastation was to come like the war then the events of the Lost Page might not happen. And Luxu makes it clear in the reports that he is devoted to ensuring that the future stays on course toward a new keyblade war.
4. Another thing I thought was interesting, he doesn't seem to do as much in KH3 and he didn't do much it doesn't seem like in games like 358/2 Days. Why? Is it because variations of Xehanort were already doing what they needed to be doing to spread darkness and spark a war so there was nothing for him to do...but stand back and watch it unfold? Like what Luxu did all those years.
It just kind of all fits in a really surprising way. It makes you wonder how long Nomura has been planning this or if his earlier storytelling was just vague enough to be really convenient. Either way, Xigbar was the Org. XIII member who first spoke to Sora personally and engaged with him besides just to fight him. With these theories about the box and about Sora possibly being the MoM, it can't be a coincidence.